Changeling Heart: Love of Kiss
"and now your gift," using my magic, i brought the box over, which was not wrapped in a nice little red bow, and passed it over to her. she looked down at it for a moment before removing the ribbon, and opened the box.
Ledgend of the Dark Dragon
long ago in the age when dragons and ponis shared the land of equestria a pony and a dragon feel in love and eventually the mare bore twin sons. one half dragon half pony the other half pony half dragon. The difference is each colt had a side that was...
Gemini – Chapter 9: Greed (Part 1)
The now not so little dragon roared into his ear, clover fought hard with flailing hooves to get away from the lusting beast in front of him.
Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions
I don't own my little pony. clover fell to the floor of his bed room as his body started to change back to its normal dimensions. "(gasp) oh celestia (pant), wow. i can't believe i did that." he was in awe of the power he wielded. "what do you mean?"
My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23 (preview)
But would this cost him the very same price; or did i place enough power into the sword that he would indeed place a little bit more and live to tell the tale?
Cupcakes 2: The Finale
There's a little bit of her in each and every one!" colgate... fluttershy remembered that pony. they had met a few times in passing, but more recently, she was the pony that went missing. there's a little bit of her in each and every one!
Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 2, Dinner and Champagne
Her little cache split in two directions, both leading out to the dining hall. what vinyl saw here blew her mind yet again.
Diary of the Dark Sister
Maybe i'll turn this journal into my own little 'i hate princess celestia' handbook. that would serve her right. ac 500 i need to vent. i need something. i am so just utterly. i don't even know the words!
Twilight's Crusade
Everything was just a feeling, a little voice in the back of her head, gently urging her toward the sky. _"no!"_ twilight tried to scream, but it came out as less than a whimper.
An Empty Reality
The cuddly toy brought memories of his little sister and her favorite stuffed bear to mind. he remembered the day she accidentally tore its leg off and cried for three hours straight.
Forget Love
This is my little pony: friendship is magic fanfiction. the pony has lost his memories. left to himself, he wanders the streets of canterlot. despite his misfortune, he finds his 'one and only'. why worry about amnesia when there is a wedding to go to?
[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship
Twilight smiled, a little smugness showing on her face. "i'm glad someone gets it."