My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23 (preview)
A few days had passed since our little Christmas party, Twilight giving me a simple bracelet; but I loved it all the same. Myself, I gave her the very first copy of the history of the human race that resided within the walls of the old human cities. She was always within the pages of the large book, seeming how she can't really do much now that she was looking like she was about to pop. When I left to the castle with Devon and Mike, Celestia and Luna were speaking to the Wonder Bolts. It seems that they would be our scouts to see how far the Dark Beast army was, and how they were growing. I asked them if they would allow Rainbow Dash to join their ranks for this sort of job, which they agreed to, I tell you, Dash was like a fan girl of that damn singer Justin Bieber; that's right, I hate the bugger. Now, as we sat around the large table inside the castle of Canterlot, Shiny Armor, Devon, Mike, myself, Luna, and Celestia had our gaze to a map as Rainbow Dash, who had just came in, the Wonder Bolts going to Ponyville to get everypony into a underground bunker of which Mike and Big Mac had been working on for a few mouths now.
"So from what Spitfire told me," she answered pointing to the part far away from Apple farm, this being where the underground bunker was hidden. "The Dark Beasts will make their way here; man...a lot of stuff will be destroyed huh?"
"Buildings and items can be restored," Shiny Armor spoke up; he was clad in his Captain armor. "But lives can never be brought back." I also wore the armor that Moon gave me when I was to be her Captain, Devon wearing pretty much the same thing, save his was not a robe, he just wore black pants, with the armor on the knees and elbows as well as the chest plate. Mike wore only light armor, saying it would only slow him down since he bore both his magic Thor like hammer that my sisters gave him, and his old longer handle sledgehammer around his belt, just in case his main hammer was taken from him in battle.
"Yeah, I guess that's true," my rainbow colored friend answered; I noticed that her voice seemed almost like a whisper. "Well then, I better go back down to Ponyville and make sure everypony is safe and sound alright?" she asked us before then taking off at high speeds.
"Do we have a plan of action then?" Luna asked looking around as I nodded speaking up.
"After this," I spoke up. "I and Devon along with Mike and Shiny here will go back down to Ponyville with the guards to get ready, once there, we will call onto the Holy Sun Blade. But as Mike said, we can not use his gift, the one where he can gather the power from Equestria until the Dark Beast are near. When this happens, we will guard him, and when the sword is fully charge, use it to wipe the Dark Beasts out once...and for all."
"Is Darkness, Sinbad, and that Discord feller gonna be there as well?" Mike asked tapping the head of his magic hammer as Celestia spoke her answer.
"We have yet to have a Discord sighting, but that does not mean he may not show up. Darkness will be there, Sinbad will have to be there to control the Dark Beasts." I was staring off into nothing, so my father would have to be there...and Darkness as well. No matter what happened, today, one of them will die, hopefully, both. Celestia then told us that she would be coming with us as well as Luna to watch over the ponies in the bunker, to make sure they felt safe in a way, myself and Shiny did not like this idea, but in the end, we knew it was the best. Teleporting back to Ponyville, we saw many of the ponies already making their way toward the farm, Twilight and the rest were already there so I didn't need to worry about them. in the middle of the village, the guards of Equestria stood at ready, I counted them up, with my guards, Luna's and Celestia's we only have about one hundred, so few, but all we had. Looking up, I noticed that it was slowly becoming night, even when something like this was happening, Celestia and Luna still had to bring the night and day. They told me after doing it for so many eons, that it was like second nature to them. Watching as all the ponies got ready, their armor ether gold, black, they all glistened as the twilight like dusk come over their armor.
I stood in the front of the pack, my sword around my back as always, my arms crossed over my chest as I stared straight ahead, my body tensed, my jaws working up and down as I swallowed a few times.
"It's gonna be alright partner," I looked over to my right to see Mike standing there beside me; he was looking ahead at where I was staring as I looked ahead as well. "We will make it out of this if that's what you're worried about."
"Look," I answered him not looking at him. "I don't care what happens to me, all I care about is stopping this war, if you really can call it a war; and my family being fine."
"They will," he told me placing a hand on my shoulder. "And you will be there to see them grow." I turned my head to look at him and smiled slightly at this, he turned over to look at me as well as he smiled softly to me, before clasping his hand on my shoulder once more before he then looked over toward the area we were looking. His smile slowly went to a frown as I also looked over, as I saw what he was seeing.
Slowly like the monsters they were, the Dark Beasts made their way down the narrow road. They had indeed changed, taking a much human like look, but they were bigger, almost like a mini Hulk in a way, even from where we were, their bright red eyes were easily seen. The sound of hooves heard behind us as I looked back to see all of the guards behind me and Mike, Devon coming to stand on the other side of us as we all looked to each other and nodded. Bringing our arms up which held the Elements of Tri, they started to glow, before a light of their colors flowed outward toward the sky. Twirling, looking like they were dancing, the colors took a form of a sword, and what a sword it was.
If you all know who Zack is, from the game Final Fantasy, then you know what I'm talking about when it looked long and wide. But unlike Zack's blade, this one was very different. Where the handle was and where the guard would be, above the guard floated what seemed to be a smaller sun, mixed with yellow and orange as it span in circles slowly. The blade from the guard rose over the sun, becoming a bit thinner once it was over the spot where the sun was. The blade was floating in the air, as I looked toward the two friends standing with me, I noticed that Mike's hammer was gone, that's when I remembered that his Element was his hammer itself. As it slowly floated down, he grasped onto the hilt as he looked to us and nodded, backing away toward the middle of the crowd as me and Devon stood in front of the soldiers before us, I turned my head and spoke loudly as Shiny Armor took Mike's old place.
"Everyone listen up!" I spoke in a deep and loud voice. "We need to make sure Mike is protected as he charges up that blade, only then will these Dark Beasts at last be stopped! I know some of you never fought these things before, so let me tell you know, the kill point is the head, cut it off and the body will disappear." I saw them all nod as I watched Mike bring the blade up high in the sky, I watched with wide eyes as light from the trees, ground, and air flowed toward the sword. Looking forward at the Dark Beast, I tensed up as I saw Sinbad in the front, wearing that same red robe, his blades in hand. I glared, he smiled, Devon punched his open fist, sparks seen coming off as he cracked his neck by flexing it left and right; Shiny Armor digging his hind hooves in the ground, lowering his chest ready to charged. I brought my hand to my blade and pulled it out, the blade now was fully black, like it always was at night, bringing it high in the air I heard the sound of hooves clicking into place as everypony behind me got ready. Thrusting my blade forward I then roared. "For Equestria!" then I started to run, blade behind me as Devon and Shiny Armor took on ether side of me, the rest shouted the same thing as they took to ether the air or stayed on the ground. My father brought his swords up and lowered them as he backed behind his army as the Beasts ran toward us. It was a short run, before our forces clashed with the other.
Dodging the attack as one Dark Beast went to slash at me, I brought my blade straight up in his chin and though the head. At once it disappeared as I then span around and slashed two more heads off. I looked back toward Mike to see many of the guards with him, keep guard as they fought off the Dark Beast as he poured more and more power into the blade. I saw Devon off to the side, punching and kicking, moving like a mad man as he then punched his fists together like if he was bro-fisting somepony. His hands lighting up in flames as he then pushed his open hands out and burned all the Dark Beast before him. But no matter what we did, there were always three that took the place of the one we 'killed'. I yelped as I felt my skin being cut as one Dark Beast slashed at my left arm, it burned like ice as blood slowly flowed down my arm toward the ground, I kicked the Dark Beast before stabbing my blade though the eye. Shiny Armor using magic to slash the heads off any that got near him, but also using the sharp hoof shoes as a sword in a way. I went closer to him, we fought back to back in a way before the Dark beast that were near formed a circle around us; Mm eyes darting around, ready for any movement, before I noticed red lines come out of nowhere, wrapping around all of their bodies, before then slashing though them. Looking over, I saw it was Devon as he was knelt to the ground, his hands into fist, as he looked up and grinned.
"Little trick I've been working on," he told us before jumping back into battle.
"He's treating this as if it's a game!" Shiny spoke in slight confusion in his voice as I nodded and shook my head.
"That's Devon for you I guess," I told him as I brought my blade up, readying myself as more Dark Beast came closer and closer to us.
They all jumped before us as I then grabbed Shiny and threw him in the air before I brought my left hand down toward the ground, casting magic as spikes of Stone came up and got many of the Dark Beast, I then brought my blade down, casing a wall of black fire to come around me, burning off the rest of them as Shiny landed on his feet.
"A little warning next time?!" he yelled as I smirked before jerking my blade up right at the right time as two blades crossed over my own, followed by the sinister smile of the man that I hated most of all. He kicked me making me slide back a bit as Shiny came over to me before I stood back up.
"Shiny, go make sure Mike is fine,"
"Brandon, no you..."
"I'll be fine, no go!" he hesitated for a moment, before nodding and then running off as Sinbad chuckled, twirling his blade as I stood up and held the blade between my legs in the basic stance.
"So," he spoke as I watched him, keeping my way from him, the Dark Beast fighting around us, not trying to come in for the kill. "Some good old fashion father and son time hrm?"
"So it would seem," I answered crossing my legs as I stalked him, waiting for his move, keeping my right side to him as he mirrored my move.
"Tell me son," he asked pointing his right sword at me. "Why do you fight for the weaker side? Why not join us; you could be so great with us."
"Fat chance," I spoke lifting my chin up. "I don't fight with smug."
"Oh, still mad about those little scars on your face?" he asked referring to my left eye. "Or are you still pissed about your mother?" my eyes tightened as he smiled. "You know, I found out what the child is gonna be," the child...wait, was he talking about the women he got knocked up? "It's going to be a girl, and my is she going to have quite a life." He smiled closing his eyes for a moment. "When she gets to the age of seven, we are going to sell her off to the highest bidder to pop her cherry; some of my friends are willing to pay good money too."
"You sick bastard!" I roared out as he only laughed.
"What, that are all what women are to me, holes to be filled and to do my bidding. Men like you, are just wuss, and should be killed off!"
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you." I answered him as he only laughed.
"You, kill me, boy you have no idea who you're messing with!"
"Oh I have a very good idea." I answered again as I pointed my blade to him and stopped. "I am dealing with the Devil himself, a man who cares for nothing other then himself. A waste of flesh and blood. Well let me tell you something, all those years you called me weak, all those years you harmed me, they only fueled my rage...and my power, to KILL YOU!" I then ran forward, jumping in the air as I slashed downward, cutting and slashing as fast as I could, I watched as he backed away, trying to hit me as well. Metal hitting metal, sparks flying as we clashed with our blades, my sword felt light as it flowed though the air, the tip whistling as I then felt it hit flesh, his face as I cut him from his right eyebrow down to the left side of his chin. He howled in pain as he backed away as I jumped back. Watching as he dropped one of his blades to hold onto his face, the blood pouring though his fingers as he slowly looked up.
His left eye was closed now; I no doubt had cut the eye as well, making him blind now in the left eye. The mark I had given him, jagged slightly as it went over the nose and his lip toward the chin, the hair he had on his face, it was cut off at those parts as he was bleeding only slightly, but enough to make me smile.
"So monsters can bleed."
"You bastard!" he growled and backed away as his Dark Beasts took his place as I then heard someone call out.
"The Dark Beasts are on their way toward the farm!" I looked back, seeing Mike look back toward the farm and then back toward me. I knew what he was thinking, one of us had to here to make sure that the Dark Beasts wouldn't find the underground bunker. Running toward him, I stood beside him watching as the sword was still pulling in power.
"How long till that sword reaches full?" I asked as Mike grunted a bit.
"I'm not sure..." damn it...thinking about what I was about to go, I grabbed hold of the handle and pushed him away. At once the sword started to drain my strength, not the power of that around me as Mike was about to grab me.
"No!" I told him as I felt weaker and weaker. "You go and stop them, I have enough power to get this sword to full blast, you just go; now!"
"Brandon...but what if...?"
"Why are you still here?!" I demanded as he jumped back. "Get your fucking ass moving and get to the farm!" he started to back away, before nodding, pulling out his old hammer and running as fast as he could away. I fell to my knees by then, still holding the sword in my hand as it sapped me more and more. I could feel it, it was almost done...I just needed to hold off...for a bit...more... I don't know how long I was like this, it could've been seconds, minuets, or all I could've know was hours; but soon, I then felt my energy slowly raise again, that was weird, how was that possible? Looking up, I noticed Devon was before me, his hands out as his hands glowed a soft brown, the magic flowing from his body, toward my own body as the guards surrounded us.
"Devon...? What are you?" I slowly stood up, feeling more and more of my strength slowly returned as Devon smirked.
"Just call me a Magic Tank mother fucker!" he grinned; I noticed that his arms were slightly bleeding, as well as his chest. I soon felt the sword fully charged, I don't know how, but I just felt it. A soft glow was coming from it as Shiny Armor came beside Devon, and did the same as him; I felt my once gone powers return as I watched as they slumped slightly. Looking to make sure they were alright, I then turned toward the Dark Beasts as they all lined up in a wall of themselves. I glared at them, both hands tight on the handle as I started to run toward them. they roared and started to run before me as well, blade held high, I took a few more steps before jumping as high as I could, as I started to fall, I brought the tip of the blade downward, screaming as the tip dug itself into the dirt, before a wave of yellow light shot from the blade. Like water when you dropped a stone in the water, the wave of light rippled as more and more waves were seen coming from the blade. As soon as the Dark Beasts came within the reach of the light, they just disappeared in a poof of black smoke, the waves of light going so far up in the sky; no doubt it could be seen for miles.
I looked around, no one was harmed by the ray of light save for the Dark Beasts, and as soon as it started, it was over. The sword slowly reverting back to the hammer of Mike's, as the three colors once more found their way back to mine, Devon's, and Mike's gems that we held. It was over...the Dark Beasts were gone! The cheers of the guards behind me was easily heard as I stood up, watching as they jumped and howled into the air like children on the last day of school. Seeing Devon help Shiny Armor up, I smiled, glad that my friends were safe and sound.
"What have you done?!" looking back, I watched as my father slowly limped out, it seemed the ray of lights effected him as well, his body burnt slightly, his left side of his face black as I grinned, the guards taking their place behind me as I spoke.
"It's over," I told him. "Your little army is no more, the Holy Sun Blade made sure of that." He only growled softly as he pulled his blade out as I brought my hand out, my sword floating into my open hand as I got ready. But before we could start, an explosion, followed by a rumble was heard and felt. I lost my footing as I fell on my face, as well as everyone else mostly saved for my father who swayed a bit. Looking back, I saw smoke coming from where the farm was. Oh no, Mike! I heard Sinbad slightly laugh as I looked over to him and glared. "Why are you laughing?!" I demanded as he chuckled once more.
"You think we didn't know of that little bunker they made?" my blood went cold, no...oh dare god no! "That's right, I'm sure Darkness killed a good number of those ponies in there too, from how that blast felt." I was about to say something, roar or attack, when I noticed Mike's Hammer doing something, it started to glow lightly, before shooting off toward the farm, was Mike calling it back? Ether way, the moment it was out of sight, something shot from the sky. Lightening was shooting down from the dark clouds of the night, making the night flash white as more and more lightening were seen. " it's impossible!" I looked back toward Sinbad, what was he talking about...did he know what was going on? He glared at me and slowly started to back away as I looked back to him and glared.
"Oh no you don't!" I called out as I started to run toward him, sword out as I was about to slash him, when he disappeared. "Damn it!" So close, and then he pulls a trick like that.
"Brandon!" Devon called out as I turned back to look at him. "Forget him for now; we have to go see if Mike is alright man!"
"'re right lets..." a loud roar was heard causing everypony to look where it came from, toward where Mike was. A flash of red was seen shooting into the air, as the sound of a low whistle was heard, something was coming toward us in the sky, and fast. "Everyone! Watch out!" I screamed as I rolled out of the way as well as Devon and everypony else. Whatever it was, it landed; hard! A cloud of dust was all I could see, coughing as I spat out some dirt I swallowed, I stood up to look at what landed, when I was shocked at what it wasn't...but WHO it was.
Darkness was lying on the ground, a small crater of where he was, with him in the middle. His body was bloody, his right wing, torn off, his left forearm looked to be broken, as it was in a way that was not the body truly allowed it to be. A soft groan came from his lips as he spattered out blood, I was about to go over and finish the job of killing him, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Looking over, I saw it was Devon as he pointed with his free hand toward the path of that which Mike went to. My eyes went wide at what I was seeing, walking down the path, his eyes face blank, but I could see it in his eyes, pure rage as I noticed what seemed to be a aura of red, almost flickering around him like a flame as he slowly made his way past me and Devon. Mike...what happened to you man...?
(Mike's POV)
"Why are you still here?!" My friend asked me in a voice I did not hear from him unless he was truly angry. "Get your fucking ass moving and get to the farm!" I knew he was right, but I was all too worried about what would happen to him, he couldn't use my gift Nova gave me, so I knew he would have to use his own power much like Courage did the first time. But would this cost him the very same price; or did I place enough power into the sword that he would indeed place a little bit more and live to tell the tale? Hesitating for a bit more, I then turned and started to make my way toward my home, pulling out my old sledgehammer from my belt, I ran as fast as I could. My breathing making my chest hurt with every breath. But my worry for the ponies of Ponyville, my friends, and my family was all that pushed me on faster and faster. I soon made my way to the farm, and sure enough, three Dark Beasts were there, looking around. Oh no, did they know that there was a bunker?!
I gave it no thought as I ran toward the closest one, hammer behind my head, I slammed the Dark Beast to the ground by the head, making it like a pancake as it disappeared like all the rest, the other two jumped back one in front of me, the other behind me. Looking at the two quickly, I thought fast, jumping forward, I slammed my shoulder into the chest of the one in front of me, twirling around, I go the one behind me with the head of my hammer, I think I broke it jaw, if it truly did have a jaw as it too disappeared, before I jumped forward, my hammer meeting yet another Dark Beast.
"My, my, you took out three in such a short time?" I jerked my head up to see a black Alicorn on top of the barn house. The long hair flowing on the side like all of the Alicorn I have met so far. Deep red cat like eyes looking down at me, his wings slightly flared out as if ready to take off. The tail behind him flowing the same as his hair. He wore armor, lighter then his body, but black all the same, the chest plate having on the front what seemed to be a moon, half light, the other dark, the same as his Cutie Mark on his flank; metal boots going up toward his knees. He looked almost as tall as Luna, maybe a bit bigger. I got my hammer ready, Darkness, the one who brought Sinbad here, and the leader of the trio of villains that were trying to take over the world.
He jumped from the roof and landed on the ground as I jerked back a bit, ready for anything as he smiled and walked forward. He seemed to eye me up and down for a moment as I waited for any sudden movement.
" so young, but so full of power, I could use somepony like you with your...skills,"
"Are ya insane in the membrane?" I asked him as he tilted his head slightly. "You think I would join the likes of you, after what you've done?!" Darkness only softly chuckled at this as he started to walk forward toward me as I slowly backed away, my hammer up and ready for any sort of tricks this Alicorn would throw at me. My mind drifted back toward Brandon though, I knew he was suffering while holding onto that blade; I had to get rid of Darkness soon, and just pray that he is alright.
"Do you truly think that you can beat me human?" he asked rising a hoof in the air as if pointing at me. "Brandon might, even that dark skin human, or whatever he is now; but you?" he chuckled softly shaking his head. "You are nothing but a muscle head human!"
"And why did you ask this 'muscle head' human to join you then?"
"Oh I was just going to backstab you like I did with the bug bitch. Once I get what I want, the other two will also die!" he then crouched low to the ground. "But you won't live that long to see that day!"
He charged, flying at speeds that slightly shocked me, bringing my hammer up, I smashed it down to where his head would be, but somehow, he was behind me. I felt a pain on my back as I was thrown a far and landed on my side. Groaning I got back up as he flew toward me, jumping out of the way, I slammed the side of my hammer on his leg, but it just bounced off with ease. I saw him smile as his wing caught me in the chin sending me flying into the air slightly, and then caught me in the air with his magic as I struggled, I couldn't move at all! Just then, I noticed something, his back was to the path I had taken to get here, a wall of light was seen coming toward us, and another, and another. It passed though us as if it was nothing, but I saw him jerk and look back as I smiled. Good job did it... I saw him look back at me, his tight on his magic grew even stronger as I chocked slightly, but then...he smiled. That smile told me he was thinking of something, and I didn't like it one bit.
"You know..." he spoke looking at me, his nose up to my own. "I've heard that some humans tend to black out and fight like monsters when they are in complete rage, I wonder if that is true?" he then smiled wickedly and turned his head toward a hill, the very same hill where the door of the bucker was hidden. My breathing increased, he knew about the bunker, but how? He dropped me and then stomped on my chest with his hoof, looking at me as he only grinned as his horn glowed more. "Let's truly see this first hoof...shall we?" jerking his head toward the hill, he then shot a powerful blast of black magic toward the hill.
The hill exploded, the ground shaking as blocks of earth and dirt flew into the air, my eyes went wide, I tried to scream but nothing came out as Darkness laughed hollowly into the air. The dust, slowly setting, my eyes grew even wider as I felt tears slowly forming in my eyes. There were ponies lying on the ground, bleeding and not moving, Celestia and Luna were doing their best to heal them, as many of the others ran deeper into the bunker to get away. When I saw who was hurt, my blood went cold. Applejack, Big Mac, and...oh god...even little Apple Bloom! Something in my at last snapped, just like the feeling I got when I was fighting Nova, and I saw Applejack get hit and almost killed, I felt it again; but this time, it was stronger then before. Standing up slowly I brought my hand up in the air as Darkness still laughed, I only had to wait a moment to feel the hammer that the princesses gave me as my breathing got harder and harder. Words were dancing around in my head, telling me to say them, telling me to awaken a power dwelling deep within me.
"Darkness..." my voice was deep and almost threatening in a way as the Alicorn turned to look at me, as if to gloat or something, but then I saw him take a step back from me. I could feel it, power growing within my body I didn't know I had, the power of the Guardian of Power was awakening in me. With hammer still in air, my voice was deep; a sense of power was heard in my voice, as I spoke the words in a clear booming voice. "By the power of Equestria!" I watched as a blot of lightening shot from the sky and landed on the top of my hammer, a dome of white magic covered my body as what seemed to be sparklers were seen covering my body, my eyes closed, I felt power unlike before, grow stronger, and stronger. And when it was over, I knew; I changed.
I didn't look at myself to see what had indeed changed, slowly turning my head to look at Darkness, I saw a look of pure fear in his face as I took a step forward, lightening crackling along the ground as I did.
"You think, just because your hair is different and that you look different you can stop me!" he screamed out, but I could hear the fear in his voice, pure fear, and it filled me with glee hearing the mighty dark Alicorn fear me. I think I was smirking as he roared at went for me with his hoof up, I caught it with my left hand, my eyes narrowing as he tried to pull away.
"You..." my voice sounded different, he jerked as well, it my voice was filled with power. "You...hurt my family, you have taken so many lives...and now." my eyes darted up to him as I squeezed my hand so hard, that the sound of crunching under my hand was heard as he let out a painful scream. "'s your feel fear!" still holding onto his broken hoof, I picked him up and started to bash him on the ground, throwing him up in the air as I jumped, he tried to fight back , his wing coming for me again as I grabbed it; ripping it off. Again he howled in pain, and with every power I had in my swing, I cracked him in the chest with my hammer, sending him flying toward Ponyville. Once I landed, I turned toward Princess Celestia and Luna. The white Alicorn gave me a look that I did not know what it was, Luna, she was utterly shocked as I slowly made my way over and looked down to the three ponies before me. My eyes softened as I closed my eyes and brought my hand out. I do not know how I did it, all I know, is that it felt...right. A red aura went over each of their bodies, before their wounds were healed. But they did not wake.
"Watch over them," I told Celestia and Luna as I turned to walk away.
"N...Nova?" I stopped when I heard Celestia call out that name, turning around; I saw her looking at me as I shook my head.
"I am not Nova Princess Celestia," I spoke back to her, and then made my way toward Ponyville, to end this once; and for all.