Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow of Light (chapter 2)

"I can't believe it; at last I have my own Spirit Weapon!" Max held his new tool of battling in his claws as he swung it slowly, left and right; an huge grin on his muzzle that showed off all his teethes. Brandon tried to smile at the Pokémon new found...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow of Light 1

Groaning slightly, the one laying on the ground, surrounded by the sound of nature, the trees moving slightly in the wind that blew around him, the grass soft underneath his face as his eyes slowly opened; the ray of sunlight hitting his face....

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Changeling Heart: Wounded Left

Week 3: Day 1 (continued) Not a word was said, looking at the Changeling Queen, and now after seeing Queen Chrysalis; I could tell the different from the two really easily. Where Chrysalis, like Saki, their 'body armour' meaning on their back of...

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Changeling Heart: Returning Home

Week 3: Day 1 I brought my hooves over the railings as I watched the sea below us pass with speed that could match that or a normal Pegasus. It annoyed me that it had taken close to two days, but at last, a few more hours at most...maybe less,...

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Changleing Heart: Realization

Week 2: Day 2-Night I just sat there on the floor, looking right at not only the Changeling Queen, but also Saki's mother. The information she just gave us...shocked me beyond anything I could ever think. She was claiming that my father was a...

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Orgin

Week 2: Day 2 I woke up the next morning, a feeling I felt deep within my body I had yet to feel before. My eyes still closed, but a smile slowly crept over my face, as I knew truly why I was so happy. Though I could not feel her, I thought she...

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Changeling Heart: Dinner Night

Week 1 Day 4: I yawned as I slowly woke up the next morning, looking down at my chest as I smiled softly. Saki was laying on my chest, her forelegs and hind legs on ether side of my body, her cheek pressed up to my chest as she slept soundly; her body...

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Changeling Heart: Love of Kiss

Week 1, Day 3: The rain died down a bit later on that night died down to that of a light drizzle. Saki stayed with me all that night, huddled up to my chest, at times she would shake with the rumble of the thunder overhead, but would soon fall back...

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Changeling Heart: The Storm

The metal door opening caused me to jolt awake, Saki, who was sleeping on my chest, also woke up as she fell on her side; on our bed. Looking over, I noticed three of the Lunar Guards walk in, their faces matching that of their counterparts. "Her...

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Changeling Heart: Saki's Granny

"Light?" I opened my eyes slowly, looking into Saki's eyes as I awoken to a new day, but I noticed something about this room...there was light coming in. Sitting up in confusion, I looked around the room; it was very different now, but...how? Where...

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Changeling Heart: Day Three

I woke up slowly to the feeling of a hoof to the nose, opening my eyes I saw Saki looking at me with a large grin n her face as I only rolled my eyes. "Can't even let me nap huh?" I asked shaking my head as I tried to sit up, I was still sore, but...

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Past, Changeling's Name

The only reason I knew it was morning, was the sound of a slide slot being pushed aside, and something being pushed in, opening my eyes as my ears perked up a the sound of the metal scrapping on the floor, I looked over to see a small blow of what I...

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