Changeling Heart: Lighting's Past, Changeling's Name

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#3 of Changeling Story

The only reason I knew it was morning, was the sound of a slide slot being pushed aside, and something being pushed in, opening my eyes as my ears perked up a the sound of the metal scrapping on the floor, I looked over to see a small blow of what I hoped was oatmeal. I was also surprised to see something else beside the bowl of food, it was a notebook, well, and it looked more like a novel book. Opening it up, I saw some words written in it; it was from Princess Celestia!

To Lighting Knight: You were right when you said last night that we could indeed hear you, in this room I will tell you that there is a fake wall, that being a two way mirror. I'll admit, after hearing that you were housing a Changeling, I had always wondered what you two did in those mouths you held her without anypony knowing. If you may, I would greatly like if you write your story in this book, so that maybe ne day, ponies will see that from one pony's point of view, we can truly know peace with all ponykind.


So...she was no doubt watching us now, even as I think of this. Looking down at Saki, she using my arm as a pillow, I looked back over at the book to see a feather pen and ink ready to be used. Using what little magic I had left in me, I picked it up, seeing how Celestia already wrote what I had said yesterday. Smiling at this as I read it over seeing that it was pretty close to what I had said; I then brought the tip of my feather toward the paper, and started to write the next part of the story of me and Saki.


Day Two:

The light of the raising sun was what woke me, and that's when it hit me, I was awake! I sat up in my bed and yawned loudly, stretching my body hearing the snaps and pops of my joints as they moved for the first time in hours. Rubbing my eyes and shaking my head, I hopped out of the bed and went out in the hallway. I went toward the Changeling's room, peeking in, I found that she was not in bed; it was messy so I knew she had used it, since I did make her bed before letting her know it was there while she was knocked out from my throw the other day. Did she leave, did she leave to find the pony she called Granny?

Going downstairs, I did indeed find her, sitting in front of the fireplace, only a small fire roaring as she watched the embers float up a bit, and the flames dancing in their own crazy way.

"Morning," I called out to her as she looked over at me, her eyes half closed, that reminded me that she was somewhat bored or something, or maybe not happy that I was still here. She looked away from me and looked back toward the flames as I sighed slightly and made my way toward the kitchen. "How are the ribs?"

"They still hurt," I heard her answer me as I nodded to myself, not that she could see. I remember when I was just a colt, I had broken about three ribs when I tried to do something that involved a dog, a tree and a rock; trust me, you don't want to know. Turning on the stove, I went over to the fridge and pulled out some eggs, knowing that she could eat food as well, I thought I would also make her some as well. "You are unlike anypony I have met in my life," I slowly poked my head around the corner as I heard her speak again; she was looking at me as I tilted my head.

"Unlike anypony how?" I asked her n a confused like sate. She turned to me, and that's when I noticed that something was wrapped around her mid-section, around the same place where her broken ribs were. So I'm guessing she used whatever was around the house to be used to keep her ribs from breaking even more; smart girl.

"Even as we speak, I am trying to brainwash you so I can make you love me, that way I never have to leave to get love, that way I don't risk being caught..."

"But you can't, can you?" I saw her eyes widened slightly.

"How did you...?"

"I'll tell you," I answered with a smile as I raised my hoof. " tell me your name."

I saw her then glare at me as she looked back at the fire; I guess I would not be getting her name anytime soon. I only sighed and shook my head as a knock came to the door, at once I looked at the unknown named Changeling, to find that she was already gone, not sure why she didn't just change; but whatever. Going toward my door and opening it, I was surprised to see that one of the guards from the castle was there. His face looking slightly blank as he looked to me.

"Are you Lighting Knight?" he asked in a rough voice as I nodded my head. "Captain Shining Armor would like to ask if you would prefer to come today to meet with him and not the end of the week. Seems he has something to say to you, that he wishes to say today and not delay any longer."

"Really?" I asked while thinking. "Did he say what it was he wished to speak of?"

"He did not, he also asked me to tell you to bring your weapon with you to be safe."

"Huh?" the guard then sighed.

"The ponies of the city are still a little tense since the attack of the Changelings," he answered me. "The Captain wishes that any recruits that come should carry around any sort of weapon they use just in case of an attack." I looked over at his side, and sure enough, the unicorn guard held a small dagger on his right hind hoof. "I shall also be your escort just to be safer, so please; the Captain is waiting."

Nodding my head I went to my room to grab my sword, as I did, I looked to the sword given to my by my old teacher, I smiled as I touched the hilt, very soon, I would carry this tool with me; only when I became a guard.

Once more I was walking aside my idle, Shining Armor, looking at him up and down like any fan would do, I turned to look at his Cutie Mark first, since I never really did see it before when we duelled. His Cute Mark being that of a six-pointed star which was set upon a dark blue shield with three stars above it. He was wearing shiny black shoes while his mane and tail are a dark blue and sky blue in stripes. The sliver armour that he bore on his chest and some part of his legs easily stood out from his coat which was white; while his eyes are light blue. Once we greeted each other after the guard led me to him, we started to chat a bit, he asking me how my move was and such, and how I was doing.

"Sir, if I may ask," I asked him as he looked to me. "Why am I here a week before the others?" he seemed to smile at this as he even let out a chuckle as we then went outside, looking out at the garden the Princesses had.

"You will not be training with the other rookies," he told me as I looked to him in shock, I was about to express my upset, when he stopped me with a hoof. "Because," he went on. "You will be training under me personally."

"W...what?' Ii stammered over my words as he chuckled again placing a hoof on my shoulder.

"You have skills Lighting," he told me as we went back to walking. "There are few, who can match with me, I know you were being trained by another where you use to live by, and he had taught you well...but most of your skills came...before that yes?" I stopped in my tracks as I closed my eyes shaking my head, the screams, the cries, they came rushing back to me, but I shook them off. "I'm sorry," he answered as I looked back to him. "I know that was a tough time for you, being so young..."

"Yes, yes," I shook my head. "Thank you though, when can I start?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Come the day after tomorrow," he answered my question. "I know your skills with the blade are good, but every fighter needs to learn at least how to fight right with other types of weapons to be safe."

After we both said our goodbyes, and I left the area of the castle and the main part of Canterlot, I started back home, thinking to myself of what happened to me when I was just a foal. And before I knew it, I was home. Opening the door, I found that the upstairs light was on, knowing it was the Changeling, I went on upstairs, to find her in my room looking at my family photo. In the photo was myself in the middle, my two younger sisters, twins, both earth ponies with a bright yellow coat and deep orange mane, their eyes a shining green. My mother, who we stood side by side, she too was a Earth pony, but she was a muddy brown, her hair flat and down, her eyes brown as she smiled softly; frozen in time. My only brother, and youngest of us all was busy floating behind us all, his coat a deep black, his eyes also a slight green, his hair spiked up like mine in a bit. I watched as the Changeling looked up at me before placing the photo down.

"They are not your blood family, are they pony?" she asked me seeming not really to care.

"No," I answered putting it back as well as my sword to where they were. "We were taken in by our mother when I was young, and them younger, my brother was just a new born foal at the time."

"What happened to theirs' and your real family," I didn't answer as I looked outside, the sun slowly setting.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked her looking toward her. "I mean, you have yet to tell me your name,"

"Tell me the story and I might tell you my name."

"How do I know you're not just lying to me?"

"You don't," she gave a smile as I rolled my eyes, before sitting down.

"It was years ago," I started as I closed my eyes. "I was not born in Equestria, but half way around the world. War tore out between the kingdom, and what the king label as, 'Rebels'." I was not really sure why I was telling her this at first, there was just something about her that allowed me to speak freely. "My birth family owned a store in a large city, my father and mother running the store, me doing simple errands for them, since I was still too young to work with them fully. One day, after getting some things for the store, I found the store burning, a sigh painted on the wall dubbing anyone that owned it as a traitor to the kingdom; all I could hear, before a guard saw me and knew I was also part of that family and me running, was the dying screams of my mother. On the run for days, I was growing hungry, I needed to eat, or I knew I would die. I quickly learned how to steal without being caught, so that was the easy part; the hard part was finding a place to stay. The first week alone, the king sent out a full blown ground attack on everyone pretty much, thinking they were all rebels. In the confusion I ran, being bumped by ponies everywhere I went. In the aftermath, all that could be seen were bodies. I was huddled under a low stair case, shivering and crying, wishing it would all just end. Soon the guards found me and dragged me away, that is, after I was knocked out.

I awoken to find myself not in the castle, but an underground bunker, the first thing I saw was an elderly mare; she was cleaning me and nursing me back to health. I was in the care of the rebels. I could not understand why they were helping me, I mean, what could I do right? But still, they cared for me, and when I was well enough, I knew I wanted to fight. Years passed since I became part of the rebel, we had a goal, topple the evil king and stop his rule. That was when I found the twins, they were crying over their dead mother, and after I drove back a few of the guards, I took them in with me. They soon were clinging to me like a fly in honey, calling me Big Brother; this caused me to feel a sort of happiness I did not know for a while. A few mouths after that, I found my little brother. He was just crying outside, no one around, so again I took him in, and cared for him.

After a year of having my new little family, I knew this was not the life I wanted them to see or grow up with. So after sneaking them out of the kingdom, we went across the seas on a boat. I was still young; I didn't trust anypony at all. And even near death from bandits, after being saved by ponies who heard the cries of my sisters and brother; I was taking to a nurse." I stopped for a moment to take a breath, the Changeling watching with wide eyes, and shock. "My mother was a nurse there, my adopted mother I should say, as I laid resting, I watch her take care of my brother and sisters. And when they came to me, they told me how much she cared for them and played with them. She even came to speak to me, but I was not easily amused by her, and rejected her away from me, I did not trust anypony still. Then one day, she came to me bearing a question, if we would like to stay with her. I was going to refuse, but the three foals wanted to go with her, and in the did I."

I did not know that my eyes were closed, when I opened them, I saw that the Changeling was looking at me; I could not guess what her expression was at all. I only looked away for a moment before I heard her ask me.

" ever killed anypony?" I chuckled softly, to me it sounded almost dark.

"Yeah," I answered. "A few times, but only because they were going to kill me. I would never kill unless I had another way."

" could've easily have killed me?"

"Oh you have no idea," I answered looking at me and smiled slightly. "But as I said, everypony, even a Changeling should have a second chance in life; I mean, if I could change from the killer I once was, anypony can change right?" I looked outside to see the sun slowly setting, I was drained of today, and in two days I would be training with Shining Armor, so I would need all the rest I could get. "Well, I'm going to bed, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" she only gave a short nod as I went toward the stairs.

"Saki," I turned when I heard her say something, she was looking at me by then. "The Saki," I gave a small smile, at last knowing her name.

"Nice to know your name Saki." I told her with a nod, and made my way upstairs.


After writing another few pages into the book Princess Celestia gave me, I looked down to see Saki still sleeping. I brought the back of my hoof to rub her cheek, I do not truly know, but was it that second day I knew her did I start to slowly like her. I mean, she told me herself that me just liking her, in any shape or form would be enough to feed her, for like was pretty much like love. I felt her stir a bit in her sleep as I smiled softly, she was always a late sleeper, well save for the first few days we knew each other. Looking around in the four wall room that served as our prison, I tried to see which wall was the fake wall. I would stare at each one for a little more then a few seconds before looking at the next before then closing my eyes, closing the book and eating the rest of my food. I felt full, and maybe sleeping right now wouldn't be such a bad idea. I just wished that I could look outside, to feel the warmth of the sun's rays, or the chill of a full moon's night. But...looking down at Saki, seeing her sleepless form, I know; that whatever happened to us, she would always be the last and first things I would think of. Leaning forward and placing a small kiss on her forehead, her body turning in her sleep as I watched as a smile crept over her muzzle, I smiled and slid the book under her hoof before laying back down, my eyes closing as I decided to take a small nap. Princess Celestia, I truly hope you see that love can come from two very different ponies. For I will until the day I die, give my love to Saki.