Changeling Heart: Lighting's Orgin
#10 of Changeling Story
I'll just say this, Zacora's part was harder then shit!
Week 2: Day 2
I woke up the next morning, a feeling I felt deep within my body I had yet to feel before. My eyes still closed, but a smile slowly crept over my face, as I knew truly why I was so happy. Though I could not feel her, I thought she might have been laid beside me. Turning over and opening my eyes; I found that Saki was not laid in bed with me at all. I blinked once, in utter confusion at this. It was still early in the morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet; seeing how I was getting use to getting up before the sun came up to start my day. I cocked my head to the side as I thought about where she may be, but she could handle herself, this I knew.
Getting out of bed and stretching out slightly letting out a loud yawn, I rubbed my right eye slightly as I made my way out the room, and down the stairs. As soon as I hit the bottom floor, the smell of food made its way to my nose, causing me to truly know how hungry I was. My gut rumbled slightly as I smiled and followed the smell. On the table sat two plates of pancakes as well as a large plate of eggs; Saki. I smiled at this, even though she didn't have to eat, she was getting use to ether way now, to keep the façade of her being a normal pony. I was about to turn to look for her as I felt something land on my back slightly hard. It caused me to buckle a bit, and when I turned to see what it was, I only rolled my eyes when I saw that it was Saki, draped on my back, looking right at me with a wide grin as she chuckled and nuzzled the back of my neck.
"Morning Lighty," she answered as she nuzzled into my neck once more as I chuckled softly.
"Morning Saki," I answered her back as she smiled.
"So how ya feel?" she asked me as I made my way to the table, she was still on me and it seems she wouldn't get off until she had to. And I was right. The moment I came close to the table, she flew off and sat on her seat.
"I feel great, better then I felt in a while," I answered her as she smiled while cocking her head to the side.
"And I wonder why?" she answered with a sly grin as I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly. I knew what she was getting at; as I knew her well enough that at times, she would use perverted lines when speaking to me.
As we ate, my thought wondered to Saki, mostly to when Fang came to try and bring her home...what was her mother like to not make her want to go home? I kinda wanted to ask her, but at the same time, I didn't. I didn't want to upset Saki if something bad happened between the two. Still though, the question burned in my head about what happened, but I bit my tongue once more.
After the food was eaten, the dishes washed and placed away, I watched as Saki seemed to be looking outside a lot, and I mean a lot. Did she think that somepony was coming? I was about to ask her, when she turned to look at me. The necklace catching he light, causing the weird black color to bounce off onto the floor, giving the wooding, a glow in a way.
"Hey Light?" she asked me as I blinked and tilted my head at her. "Are you alright?"
"What do you mean?" I asked her as she looked closer to me.
"You were talking in your sleep last night," she told me as I raised an eyebrow at her. "You kept saying, ''...what were you dreaming about?" it took me a while to think about it...but soon the dream came rushing back; or should I say...nightmare.
It was my home, burning, but I was inside, I was a colt, huddled up to my mother and father as they tried to remove the flames that the guards set on our house. I couldn't see their faces; my eyes were closed...or were they covered? Ether way, after a while, I heard the sound of my mother screaming as she was thrown to a wall, my eyes were uncovered then, looking over at her unmoving body. My father yelled out as I heard a sinister laugh. Looking over, I cowered backward as a large black body slowly walked over to where I was her eyes, red as blood as well as her mane and the top of her back.
Her lips moved, but I heard nothing, my father lips also moved but I couldn't hear anything from my dream was trying to tell me something...but what...?
I shook my head as I looked down to Saki, her blue eyes filled with worry as I held my head with a hoof.
"Sorry," I answered her as I took a seat, her beside me. "Weird dream..."
"What happened?" she asked me as I tried to piece together what I had seen.
"I...I think I was in the fire that took my mother and father life," I answered as I closed my eyes to remember. "I don't know why...I was told I was found outside of the house when the flames hit...but still...that was just too real."
"Is that all?" she asked me as I shook my head.
"I saw something that looked like a Changeling," I answered. "But where you have a blueish green and blue eyes...this one...had red."
"Red?" she asked me as I nodded. "Where is your home located?" she asked me as I turned to her.
"West," I answered. "Far west where it rains a bit more then around here."
"Sounds like the Changeling of the West then," she answered as I looked to her. "You see, as you know, on a compass there is North, East, South, West, and so on right?" I nodded; I knew she was also talking about the North-east and other such things. "Well, the Changelings around here are the East type; our exoskeletons are different by the colors of our backs, wings, mane, and eyes."
Well I guess this made sense, I mean, not every pony are the same, so it would make sense if not all Changelings were also the same.
"You said you were always immune to the effect of a Changeling right?" I nodded my head at her question. "It was true, I was always immune, I don't know why, I just was. "Do you think it was because of this Changeling in your dream?"
"I highly doubt it," I told her. "I was immune before even meeting this Changeling...if I ever did."
We both thought hard on this, I don't know if this was truly a past memoires coming back to me, or just something I dreamt up. Ether way, it was in the past, and right now, it didn't really matter to me. Right now all I cared for was Saki.
"Hey Light?" she spoke after a while as I turned to look at her, she was then looking like Cloud Dasher; which greatly confused me, seeing how we were home alone. "Do you want a day off today and maybe tomorrow?" she then went over to the sofa, a blanket was then draped over her as she rolled so I couldn't see her.
"Uh...sure, but...?"
"Just play along, Shh, here he comes!" wait...what?
A knock came toward the door, and Saki started to cough...and I mean loudly, this surprised me, but...doing as she said, I went along with it and went to answer the door. One of Celestia's guards was standing there, his eyes half closed like pretty much all of the guards, save for me.
"The Captain got a letter from you, sating that your mare-friend, was ill," he spoke as I only slightly nodded my head. "Your letter also claims she is being too sick to be left alone." The guard then gave a small salute to me. "The Captain grants your request to stay by the side of lady Cloud Dasher, and bids her to get well soon."
"Uh..." I only blinked. "Give him our thanks then,"
"At once sir," okay...this was getting weird, why was he...? "Oh, nearly forgot," he lifted a wing to show a bag, taking a letter of sort out, two in fact. "One is from Prince Shining Armor, the other from the Captain." One more salute, he turned and flew closing the door.
"Well that worked better then I thought!" Saki spoke out as she reverted back into her true form by a green plume of fire. "And Whatcha got?"
"Letters," I answered her putting the Captain's one down first as I sat down to read Shining Armor's."
"Read it outloud please!" she chanted as I chuckled, but did as she asked.
"Dear Lighting Knight," I started to read as Saki listened. "It has been a while since we last spoke, I am truly sorry about leaving Canterlot before teaching you more, but I believe in your skills you already have, and the ones I have taught you. Life in the Crystal Kingdom is vastly different then the life I knew back home, even more that I am a prince, this will get some use to." I softly smiled at this, before reading on. "But, there is also a reason why I am sending you this letter. If by any chance you wish to move up here, myself and my wife would very much have you stay within the Kingdom, and also, become Captain of the Crystal Guard." I had to stop and re-read that line a few more times, he wanted be the captain of his and his wife's guards?! "As I said, you have some skills, and I will train you more if you should come, but please be known, this job will not always be here. I have postponed the date to last until this time next year, so that is your deadline. I hope to see you here.
Also, you were right about Eclipse, before leaving Canterlot, I did some digging in the records. The timing, as you said; was too close. What I mean to say is, the old pony that lived there before you, as you know, are too far off from the city for anypony to truly notice anything. He claims that it was because he got a tip something was up...but...I don't truly trust him, or his tactics at getting the job done; watch out as well...he knows you are looking into the case."
"Well that's just great," Saki sighed loudly as I turned the paper up, it was done, and the rest was just him wishing me luck and such. "Now that asshole is no doubt gonna try and stop you or cover up his tracks!"
"Yes no doubt," I answered her as I sighed and shook my head. "But it doesn't matter Saki, his days are numbered soon enough. He'll pay for his crimes one way or another." The Changeling turned to face me with a small smile, leaning over to kiss me softly on the lips. I held her close as I kissed her back, her wings softly buzzing. After we broke the kiss, I notice she seem to have a...weird look on her face. Like she was spacing out. "Saki?" I asked waving my hoof in front of her. "Saki, Equestria to Saki?" she then shook her head, as if trying to shake something off of her. She then turned to me, a look of worry...fear in her eyes. "You okay...what just happened?"
"Changelings have this thing...we call it the Hive Mind," she told me as I looked to her. "It seems my mother wants to speak to me, she sent a Changeling close enough for us to use the Hive Mind."
'So's like...speaking in the mind?"
"You could say that, yes." She answered me as she looked down. "But that's not all...she wants me to bring you as well."
"Eh...why?" I asked her as she looked up to me. "And who is your mother anyway, what is she like the Changeling Queen around here or something?" I laughed slightly at this as she only gave me a blank look, before I blinked. "Wait...she is?!"
After a few hours on the train, Saki pretending to be sick, because well...that was the only reason I was off work today, we stopped at the port of Ponyvile. I held my sword draped over my shoulder, because I wasn't taking any chances today. Many ponies of the small town gave me weary looks, but I paid them no heed, Saki, laying on my back, looking as sick as possible; we walked on.
'What are you thinking about to hard Lighting," I heard her whisper in my ear as she leaned closer for me to hear her. "You're never like this unless you're thinking deeply on something."
"I'm worried," I answered her as we walked past three young fillies who seemed to be trying something; I won't go into great detail; seeing how they all lacked their Cutie Marks. "Why would your mother...the Queen of the Changelings want to see me and you now of all times...?"
"I think its' Fang's doing," she answered with a sigh. "You see, any Changeling Mare can become Queen, there are two ways. One, we leave the hive with a mate as well as some other Changelings from the same Hive, to make a new Hive somewhere else. This bit here is a bit hard, because nopony wants to start from the start to make a new Hive."
"And what's the second way?"
"Destroy the Queen holding the Hive right now."
"Would you...?" I asked wanting to know as she bopped my head softly.
"Never, true, I never truly liked my mother like that...but I wouldn't kill her to become Queen. No, there is one more way, but this is very rare," she stopped for a moment before going on. "If a Changeling mare finds a pony that gives them a lot of love, then maybe, they can gain the Queen's body, without the need to become Queen of a Hive."
"IS that truly possible?" I asked looking back at her as we left the small village and went on as she shrugged.
"Old stories I heard before Granny Dasher found me." I hummed while nodded softly as I stopped. Everfree Forest standing before us.
She hopped off my back before walking in first, once in the shadows of the forest, for there was a small cottage around, I made my way in as well. Saki was waiting for me, reverting back to her true self as we treaded through the forest floor.
The only sounds that could be heard, beside from the whispers of the trees as the wind pushed through them, were also the sound of our hooves as we stepped in mud or dead tree parts. But after a while, for I truly don't know how long, we came to a small hut, in the middle of this forest? Saki's eyes grew wide as she ran over, I tried to stop her, but the pony, a zebra with grey coat and a Mohawk hairstyle, turned to see a Changeling running up to her.
"Zacora!" Saki cried out as she flew and hovered before the pony as I ran up. "Hey Zacora, it's been a while!" the zebra pony smiled at her, this causing me to be confused, this...she knew Saki, as a Changeling?
"As Saki," she spoke in a voice I had never heard before. "It is such a great feeling to see you once more my friend, I'm so glad our time together has yet to be an end!"
"Yes I know," Saki giggled slightly. "I think the last time we saw each other was when Granny took me here to get rid of something the Poison Joke did to me," the pony smiled as she nodded as I soon came up and stood beside Saki, Zacora looking back to me.
"Saki, who is this pony? I hope you have not made you look to him a phoney." Saki looked up to me and then to her as she shook her head.
"Oh no, no, no," she then pointed to me. "Lighting, I like you to meet a friend of mine, Zacora." I turned to the pony and gave a small nod.
"Nice to meet you Zacora," I bowed my head slightly at her as she blinked in confusion.
"He is not under your spell?" she asked looking at me up and down. "Or did he suffer a nasty fell?"
"No," I answered her as she raised an eyebrow. "Hard to believe, but I can not be affected by the Changelings."
This caused her to flinch back slightly.
"Truly, unaffected?" that I think about it, that was the first line she spoke, that did not rhyme.
"Hard to think of huh?" Saki asked looking at her. "But it is true; Light here can not be affected by our magic like other ponies can."
"I see, then I and I glad for thee, that you have not broken your word to me,"
We stayed there at her hut for a bit, though we were meeting with Saki's mother, and still weird to me, Queen of the Changelings. Saki spoke of how Cloud Dasher had passed, and who was to blame for the death too. Before we left, Zacora pulled to me the side and spoke.
"My dear Lighting, stay true to my friend, do not leave her, even near the end."
"I won't, trust me on this," I told her as she smiled and bid us farewell.
Dark was slowly coming deep within the Everfree forest, even the trees seem to become beings of evil, but I knew better...and I had seen true evil before I even brought up a sword before. Soon we came to a large old castle, and I knew at once, what this was. The old castle of the princesses. Saki, still close to my side, looked up at the castle as well as me. Turning to look at me, I nodded to her once, as she softly smiled; before we made our way in.
The moment we walked in, I could feel eyes on me, looking around in the dark, though I could not see them; I knew they were there, and soon, a Changeling was waiting for us a few feet away.
"Hello Saki," it was Fang, I could remember his voice very well. "Ah, I see you brought the unicorn with you?"
"Mother did ask to bring him as well," she answered as he scuffed.
"Yet, you did not come home with me when she asked the last time."
"I was not coming back here with a Changeling who left me for death!" she yelled out as I watched her. "Lighting here is a better pony then you ever would be."
"Him?" he asked looking at me. "The only reason he is with you because he is under your spell!"
"That's what you think lard ass," I spoke as he jerked, Saki giggling softly at my choice of words. "I am here with Saki, free of mind."
"No...That's impossible!" he called out as I smiled.
"Go on then," I spoke walking up. "Test it yourself," I saw him glare as his horn glowed and shot toward me, it hit me and soon faded off.
"Come to me pony," he spoke with a grin. "Give me the love for me!"
"I don't swing like that," I answered as he flinched back. "I didn't know you were into stallions?"
"I...I'm not!" he yelled out as I turned to look at Saki.
"He wanted me to give him my love right?" I asked with a grin. "And didn't you say sex was the best way?"
"Yes," she answered with a giggle. "I think I did."
"S...shut up!" he screamed out as we laughed. " not possible, how are you unaffected by our spell?"
"That is what I wish to find out myself," I voice rang out as Saki slightly backed closer to me. I watched as Fang stepped away as a much large Changeling came out, the Changeling Queen Chrysalis.
She was the same size of an Alicorn, or to what I thought was the same height, her mane flowing down, and her eyes, a light green that seemed to glow in the darkness. I watched as she hovered down from above from wherever she was, before landing in front of Fang. Many other Changelings stood around her, some in black armour as they hissed at me. I drew my blade out with my hoof-wrist and held it at the ready; Queen Chrysalis brought her arm out to stop the hissing.
"No need for weapons," she spoke eyeing me. "I only wish to speak to my daughter, and her pony lover."
"Lover my Queen?" Fang asked as he looked up to her as she nodded.
"Do you not feel the love coming from him for Saki?" she smiled as she licked her lips. "So wonderful, and he is truly unaffected by our spells!" she then chuckled softly, her eyes closed. "And I know why,"
"What?" I asked taking a step forward. She opened one eye and turned, flicking her tail a bit as she looked back.
"Come downstairs, then, and maybe I shall speak of it...Lighting,"
"How do you know my name?" I demanded, glaring at her as she chuckled.
"As I said," she raised a hoof and motion for me and Saki to come. "Come downstairs," she then flew into the air before flying down, but her voice rang out. "And my dear subjects do not attack the unicorn." More hisses came out but they backed away as I looked to Saki.
"Should...we go down?" I asked her as she looked to the large hole where the Queen entered.
"I think we should," she spoke looking at me. "I kinda want to know what she knows about you having this skill not to be affected by us," I nodded to her and slowly drew my sword back in place.
Slowly, oh so slowly I floated myself down using my magic, the tunnel filled with tunnels, reaching further and deeper underground. Like an ant mine of such. Saki flew beside me as well, before we reached what seemed to be the deepest of the Hive. We followed the Changeling Queen through a few tunnels, before coming to a large chamber area, no doubt her own little home to sleep or do whatever.
She then went over to a large plush bed, laying on it while I and Saki stood a bit far off. She then turned to her daughter while speaking.
"So Saki," she then turned to me. "You have chosen...a rather different sort of mate from your own."
"And what if I did?" she asked looking at her. "He loves me for who I am."
"Yes...which is weird," she then chuckled. "Or is it?"
"What do you know?" Saki asked as her mother only laughed slightly, shaking her head as Saki glared and went to push forward, before I stopped her. She looked to me as I shook my head.
"Listen," I spoke looking at the Queen. "Can you tell me what you know about me, why I am not effected then?"
"I can...yes," she answered with a nod before smiling. "But...I want something in return." She gave me a smile, a smile that sent shivers up my back, for I knew what she wanted. She wanted to have me for the her a different sort of love.
"You're not laying a hoof on him!" Saki yelled out growling under her breath. "He is mine!"
"Ah," Chrysalis spoke in with laughter once more. "But this is about him dear Saki; about his past as well...don't you think he should know something that has no doubt bothered both yourself, and him?" Saki looked to say something, but couldn't looking away her mother went on. "No Lighting, you have bedded with a princess no doubt," she answered as she looked to me. "Now how about a..."
I saw Saki look at me with a shocked look, even the Changeling Queen seemed shocked. "I decline your offer."
"What?" she breathed as I raised my head up a bit.
"Saki is my love," I told her. "And yes...this part of has bugged me greatly, but if I have to bed another mare to know it, I rather be in the dark then know."
"This offer will not come again," she warned me as I turned to look at Saki.
"I know," I answered her. "And that's fine." Saki looked up to me with a soft smile as I leaned down to nuzzle her softly. "Come on," I told her. "Let's go home." She nodded to me, soon we turned to leave.
"Wait," Chrysalis spoke as we stopped to look back. "I have yet to meet a male that turns down something like this..."she gave me a raised eyebrow as she tilted her head. "You truly love her...don't you?"
"With all my being," I answered as I turned back. " the first mare I truly cared for. She listens to me, understands me; and I will fight anything or anypony to keep her safe." The Changeling Queen closed her eyes and softly chuckled.
"I see...and I respect that, and also; I shall tell you what I know." I turned to Saki with a surprised stare, as she copied my own. "But, this information comes along with a story." She gave me a smile as me and Saki turned fully to look at her.
'This story takes place in the land you grew up in Lighting," she started as me and Saki sat down. "The Queen there had her eyes on a young Changeling. He was strong, brave, and no other Changeling could match what he could do. Yes, she truly wanted this Changeling to be hers'. But, this young male, did not want anything to do with the Queen. He in fact, despised her, and all that she did, for she killed their last Queen, in order to become the Queen. And in the fight for control, his mate was killed. So he left the Hive, ventured off around the land, until he came to a Kingdom. Taking a form of a unicorn, he settled there, and for a year he worked, until one fateful day. This Changeling fell in love with another, a unicorn mare." I listened carefully to the story, not truly getting it, but I was glad that neither I nor Saki was the first pony/Changeling lover. "But this Changeling did not wish to use his skills to make her fall for him, no, he wanted to see true love, taste true strong love! He failed many of times, but soon, the young Changeling earned her heart. matter how much he wished it, he was but just a Changeling. So one night, he told his new lover what he truly was and showed her.
"He thought she would scream, hate him, but in fact, only being slightly shocked, the pony did not care. Many years went by, the Changeling and pony married, and also, they bore a child."
"Wait...they bore a child?" Saki asked in confusion. "But...he was a Changeling."
"Not when he mated with the pony," her mother answered. "You see, the only way a female Changeling can bore the child of a male pony, she would have to always been in her other self for the whole time." She then went on. "They were surprised to see that the foal did not look like a Changeling, he in fact had his mother's eyes, but father's unicorn coat." She then leaned closer, to me mostly, as I tried to remember what she was telling us, my eyes slowly grew way, impossible! "Oh yes young Lighting Knight," she spoke softly looking at me. "That is why you are not affected by us...for Changelings can not use that...on other Changelings,"