Ledgend of the Dark Dragon

Story by fatfoxcoon on SoFurry

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a quick background story to why my pony Darkstar was born with dragon features when there's not a single dragon in the family. it's really short since it was justa basic recap but I hope you like it.

long ago in the age when dragons and ponis shared the land of equestria a pony and a dragon feel in love and eventually the mare bore twin sons. one half dragon half pony the other half pony half dragon. The difference is each colt had a side that was more favored than the other. They all got along well enough as one happy family but as the boys grew older one started to grow jealous of the other. The one who was more dragon grew distrustful of his twin brother and turned to dark magic.Lhe wanted all the power of the dragons for himself. He didn't want to share it at all so by the time they where full grown the 1st brother had disappeared for quite some years to learn the black arts and when he finally returned he kidnapped his brother and sacrificed him so that he could become a full dragon. His parents where to late to stop him and witnessed the tragic death of there son, only to bear witness to the rise of the dark dragon.

The spell worked as the two brothers merged into one very large and very powerful dragon, but this one had two heads. But even with two heads this new dragon was no longer the son they once had. the new found power and years of black magic had twisted and warped his mind. the two head where independent of each other but both quite evil. They looked to destroy any who oped it and took revenge on the parents who once brought life into the world. Though he had discovered that they had a daughter while he wa gone and put a curse on her.

One day when the moon is full and a shadow hides it from view shall a new breed be born of dragon and pony through which he shall return to this world. No one thought much about it since they thought there would be no way that the moon would ever be covered by a shadow. The dark dragon rampaged over equestra taking the lives of many innocent ponys and dragons alike until he was finally stopped somehow. No one really knows how or what happened to him but the curse of the dark dragon has supposedly been started by my ancestor so since I share dragon features I worry that this may yet come to pass that the dragon returns through me.