The Invitation (A gratuitous self insert)

He heard the click of hooves as someone entered the library. it wasn't uncommon, as a good many ponies liked to read, and the princesses made it available for anyone with a hunger for knowledge.

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Pathogenics. Chapter One: Patient Zero

Is this your first time in the emperor's library?" inquired the librarian. i nodded in agreement. "well, we aren't your average library here in singapore." he said with a little excitement. " why don't i show you" he said as he grinned.

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Into The Darkness Of Love

"we have those in the grand library in the main hall. come on i'll show you" she says as the boy follows her back up the steps of the sanctuary to the main hall ,then heads to the library with her.

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University Life - Afternoon Break

"not from the library it isn't." max looked confused for a moment as the badgeress guided him to sit at her table. "i know, what was i doing at the library, right?"

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MLP-Sanrose- A new world.

"hmmm... i think i have a book on unknown creatures in the library, spike, could you find it and get it for me? " spike slumped his shoulders, "fine." he said as he began to slowly walk back to the library. "oh spikey!"

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Graphic Violence

I'm glad that we haven't been restricted from the library this past couple of days. though now that they think it was the library, the police might want to search there." "the police think the murder happened in the library?"

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Part 1 - From Bad to Worse.

He led me back into the library but did not stop. we walked through the library and out a side door. we came to a stop in the courtyard. 'i am going to see how well you are in combat. we shall start with armed combat.' bertain said.

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Rexville 23: Working Up the Courage

Keanu came out relieved from the restroom and the two left together from the library. "hunter, i'm confused from what robin said earlier. he thinks you're sol's roommate or something." hunter was embarrassed.

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The Captain's Captive- Burning Suspicions, Chilling Evidence

Something about this didn't make any sense, and they both had a feeling that would find some answers within the great library. "your highness, is it alright if we could have access to the great library?"

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Zippy Zipperdale--Moderately Mad Scientist: The 2nd Experiment

As they got up and exited the library, zippy contemplated her stroke of luck.

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Chapter 14

Bonnie and freddy shared smiles and walked towards the 'archival' section of the library. "damn, dude!" bonnie exclaimed, "music sheets from the 40's...there's even newspapers from the 1800's. goddamn!"

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Seekers Tale part 4

Unknown to us at the time we had been watched the whole time by a figure hiding in the forest outside the library window.

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