Seekers Tale part 4

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#5 of Seekers Tale

Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else this is my first story, so enjoy.


Part 4

For several seconds Shadow just stands there staring at me unable to come up with anything to say in response to the kiss. I just smile down at him and let him process what I have said and what it means to him. After a moment or two a small smile begins to grow on his lips only to disappear when he turns away from me as though he is afraid.

"I don't know what to say Seeker, no one has ever showed me affection like that before." He looks down at his feet.

I put a paw under his chin and gently lift his face so he looks at me again "Take all the time you need to think about it handsome, I will be here waiting when you're ready." Then I gently guide him to his new room and open the door for him.

"This will be your room while you stay here, there's not much beyond a bed so if you need anything else just let me or Eve know and we will get you set up."

He looks back up at me with a smile this time, "Thank you Seeker..... for everything." He enters his new room and closes the door behind him. A few moments later I hear the bed creak from his weight and turn down the hall towards my room with a smile.

"You know, I think he's cute too."

I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes widen at the sound of the voice. When I turn around Eve is leaning against the wall at the end of the hall.

"And just how long have you been standing there Eve?" I ask

"Oh not long...." She waves a hand through the air as she gets an impish grin, "just long enough to see a certain Alpha I know enjoy a kiss with a certain wolf"

I try to look as innocent as I can but I must have failed miserably considering she burst out laughing. "Don't worry Seeker, your secret is safe with me. I will let you tell the pack you have finally found your mate when you're good and ready."

"I never said anything about a mate." I replied, though in my heart I knew it was true.

"You did just then." She turned and headed back towards the common room swishing her tail knowing she had caught me and I could do nothing about it, especially since she was right. Sometimes it scares me just how good she is at reading people, maybe there is more to it than I thought, or just maybe that I'm obviously in falling for him.

And enjoying every minute of it...


After roaming around the house for a few hours I find myself in the library, reading over one of the older books in my collection, it is written in a very old almost dead language so I don't have to worry about people reading over my shoulder. While I am lost in thought reading I hear a voice from behind me. "You know, those glasses make you look older." Damn, twice in one day I have let someone sneak up on me, must be getting old or something.

I quickly look up causing my reading glasses to tumble off my nose and land on the book. (yes I wear reading glasses, got a problem with it?) After grabbing my glasses and setting them and the book aside I look back at the intruder and instantly recognize Shadow. "Well you live up to your name don't you, silent as a shadow, not many can sneak up on me like that."

"Well it helps when your prey is otherwise engaged, and I'm down wind."

I raise an eyebrow "So I'm your prey now, am I?"

He shrugs and smiles as he walks over and sits down in a chair next to mine. "And if you were would you let me catch you?"

"Well now that depends, what would you do when you caught me?"

He leans a little closer to me. "Well if I were to catch you I might..." His lips meet mine when he suddenly moves forward catching me wide eyed until I realize what he is doing then I lean into the kiss and close my eyes opening my mouth to allow his testing tongue entry.

How long we stayed like that I don't know seconds, minutes, hours, I don't know, all I know is that each moment was pure heaven. That's till I heard.... "OOOOHHH, I'm telling!"

Shadow quickly pulls back blushing so hard his already dark fur seems to get darker as he lays his ears back. I recognize at once the owner of the voice, having been her teacher for several years. I quickly turn and lock my gaze on her. "LUNA!!"

She quickly ducks out of the room and races down the call singing over her shoulder "I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell"

I shake my head and settle back down in my chair and look at the still blushing shadow. "Well it looks like the whole pack will be informed of that within the hour. If there is one thing in this world she has mastered, it is the act of gossip." Shadow looks down at his paws and starts to stutter. "i..i...I'm s...s....sorry"

Gently I lift his chin and smile at him, "sorry for what? If she hadn't walked in it would have been someone else that did. Granted, she won't keep it secret longer than it takes her to find the next wolf though I get the feeling she will be surprised when she tells."

He looks up at me slowly, "why is that?"

Now it's my time to blush, "well um.... Eve kind of saw the kiss I gave you earlier."

He stares at me for a second then burst out laughing "So if they already know is your fault then."

I just nod.

Now don't get me wrong when eve says she will keep a secret she will keep a secret to her grave except from one person, her mate Tabatha, and Tabatha is an even bigger gossip than Luna. So I was actually surprised when Luna didn't know about me and shadow, though the fact that she slept for most of the day since the attack might explain that.

I hold my paw out to Shadow "What do you say we go out there together and show the rest of the clan the rumors are true?"

He hesitates for a moment then looks up at me smiling and takes my paw "So does this mean you want to be...."

I cut him off "No, it means that I AM your mate. If you will have me that is?"

His answer is another passionate kiss as he throws his arms around my neck. When we part, on our terms this time, I am happier than I have been in centuries. "I will take that as a yes then."

"Of course it's a yes you old wolf"

This last time our kiss lasts a lot longer with a lot fewer interruptions.........


Unknown to us at the time we had been watched the whole time by a figure hiding in the forest outside the library window. As we turned to leave the library paw in paw and tell the rest of the pack out news, the dark figure slid back into the shadows and disappeared.