"I forsook myself, Paulie"
"Who sent it?" asks Douglas, kissing Paulie tenderly on the neck. "Colin's" "Oh" whinces Douglas. "Nah, it's alright. I still haven't opened it, you know. You can read it with me." "Where did you get it?" he asks. "Just arrived here today....
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 5: Loved Ones... (part 1)
"yeah its very beautiful." i said as we walked to the front door. aaron knocked on it and a small golden retriever opened it. "hello hon." she said pulling aaron into a tight hug.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 4: New School, New Friends, New Enemies (part 3)
"hun?" said looking up at hayden. "yeah hon" he said rubbing my back as i got up from the bed pulling off some wires. "can we go home... i dont think i can look at aaron when hes .. you know..." i said looking of at him. "sure hon." hayden...
Where my heart leads me to
The brown-white one and the golden one stopped after they had no power left. the second dog stopped so the golden retriever almost bumped into him. both dogs were panting some seconds before the golden one murmured.
S1 E2 - The Deed
Hearing this made 'ol foxy uneasy, i wasn't afraid of the golden beast, it was when i was around him i got this sick feeling in me belly. i looked down at her in somewhat shock, "why does that old clunk need 'ol foxy?"
S1 E1 - Hit To The Head
"_ it's not that i hated "golden freddy" or "goldie", i simply...felt weird around him...like he was staring into my soul. i didn't like him, not one bit. he didn't appreciate us all to much, as well.
Deaf Paws I
The golden wolf looked him up and down hungrily, "now that's a statement i can agree with." fang laughed again, looking up at the golden wolf with wide, sweet, eyes.
A Glass Of Water
There was indeed someone in the room he could ask for a glass of water: a large, gorgeous dragon with golden shimmering scales, known as golden the boss. a pair of red glowing eyes followed every movement the hyena made.
The day the sky turned orange
_hmm..._ the golden retriever walked over to the television set, flicking it on and tuning it to the local station.
The Story of a Dragon Part 3/Black Dragon Cave
To have my wings free...." she looks back to the golden dragon and they lock eyes the golden dragon keeps her eyes on yours.
Fox of His Dreams
"to show how much i love you," he shrugged, his golden pools gleaming. "love me? ... but we just met." "that does not always matter dear," silv grinned, his golden eyes resting on yukiko's emerald pools.
Clown Mare 4
golden glow finished up her plate and started to ask her mom. "mom, what do you think we should do tomorrow?" "golden glow you know what day it is. it's the day we start planting flowers in mooncrest." "really?