That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 4: New School, New Friends, New Enemies (part 3)
#12 of That Gay Goth Dog
"hun?" said looking up at hayden.
"yeah hon" he said rubbing my back as i got up from the bed pulling off some wires.
"can we go home... i dont think i can look at aaron when hes .. you know..." i said looking of at him.
"sure hon." hayden said helping me up. he warped his arm around my back and i put my arm over him. i limped out of the schools hospital groaning lightly every time my right paw hit the ground.
"whats wrong hon?" he said.
"nothing i sorta tweaked my paw." i said licking is nose.
"if you want i can carry you." he said..
"really?" i asked wanting him to.
"yeah.. you forget i have muscle." he said snickering.
"oh.. ok." i said warping my arms around his neck.he bent over and picked me up into his arms. he walked back to our dorms witch took 4 minutes. by the time we got into the dorm he was sweating. his musk filled the room making me mur loudly. "fuck you smell so good." he snickered and took of his shirt rubbing up and down his body. i couldn't help but laugh and push his chest lightly. i smelt my paw after it sank into his wet fur. i murred loudly again. hayden walked over to the bathroom and i heard the water running. after about 4 minutes or so he walked out naked and rubbed his head with a towel then thew it in the cornor. "welcome back hon." i said slowly getting hard.
"thank you... someone happy to see his naked pup?" he asked snickering. he helped me with my cloths then walked over to me hugging my body tightly. "i would erm.. relive you but im really tired." he said laying down in the bed.
"its ok hon im really tired as well.. see you in the morning." i said laying behind him, my sheath rubbed on his ass and soon we fell asleep.
Four years you think for sure That's all you've got to endure All the total dicks All the stuck up chicks So superficial, so immature Then when you graduate You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT This is the same as where I just came from I thought it was over Aw that's just great
The whole damn world is just as obsessed With who's the best dressed and who's having sex, Who's got the money, who gets the honeys, Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess And you still don't have the right look And you don't have the right friends Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends High school never ends
sang out of my head phones as i listened to High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup.
"HAY WAIT UP!" i heard and turnd around to see aaron running over to me.
"aaron your back!" i smiled and hugged him tightly.
"yeah! what did ja think would happen? i get a few stitches and i drop off the face of the earth." he chuckled and huged back and quickly let go.
"so eh.. feel better" i said looking at his arm where the stitches where.
"yeah." he said nodding his head. "cant wait to get back onto the fild.. been so long with out running around i feelt like i was ganna die." he chuckled and flexed his arms showing his muscle.
i barked lightly not knowing i did.
"hmm?" he said raising a ear.
"did i just bark.. oh my god." i said wide eyes and put my paws over the sides of my muzzle and wrapped it around so i couldnt open my muzzle.
"if only you could see how cute you looked right now." he said laughing and patted my shoulder. the rest of the way to our dorms i had my paws over my muzzle. "you know you can let go of chur muzzle jeremy." aaron said snickering.
"fine." i said looking up at him.
"hey jeremy.. thank you for helping me." aaron said pulling me into a tight hug.
"your welcome aaron." i smilled then heard a door click. i looked over nuzzling aarons chest and saw hayden standing their with a bag of Doritos. " HON! not what it looks like." i said pulling away from aaron.
"i know... Dorito?" he asked holding out the bag.
"well... im just ganna go and rest a little.. see you dogs around." aaron said unlocking his door.
"bye aaron." hayden and i both said and we walked into our rooms.
"hon are you mad?" i asked.
"why would i be mad aarons almost our bro... come on... ill hug fuck to if i could." hayden said snickering..
"hayden what the fuck." i said falling over the bed laughing loudly.
"oh and you wouldn't?" he said petting my nose.
"ok yes.. i would... but only if you where their doing it with me." i snickered and hugged him tightly.
"gah we are horn dogs." hayden said wrapping his arms around me. soon we feel asleep in the position. when i woke up at 12am i saw him playing Saints Row 3. "die whore die." he said running over some hookers. i got out of bed and sat next to him on the ground and got my controller.
"lets kill some bitchs." i said smiling.
"god i love you." hayden said licking my ear.
soon we got up to 6 stars from the cops and we were getting shot at by everyone.
"hayden dildo... left 2 o'clock." i said.
"gotcha." he said turning around and shooting a hooker with a giant dildo. "got'er down... cops 4 o'clock high." he said shooting another pimp.
"kk." i said and shot down helicopter. "dam we make a good team." i said speeding out of the area.
"FURRY STRAIGHT AHEAD." hayden said to a fursuiter in the game. i quickly turnd before hitting it.
"fur saved." i said snickering lightly.
"good driving shep." he siad petting my ears. "oh by the way we have a new job working at the dance club." he said pausing the game.
"really? what are we ganna be doing.?" i asked looking at him with one ear up and the other one down.
"well your ganna be security. im going to be Djing." he said. "if thats ok with you?" he said and looked at me.
"hon i would love to do that with my huskeh." i said kissing his lips.
"YAY!!" he said happily." now.. LETS KILL SOME WHORES!!" he said happily. i laughed loudly as we started playing again.
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