Where my heart leads me to
#1 of English Stories
This is another try to publish a story of mine which I have translated into English (first 5 pages). I know my English really is not perfect (I'm from Germany) so please consider this. ;) If you have any advices or want me to help to become better - just go on. And, btw ... I'm glad about any story feedback. Thanks!
Please note the cover-image remarks:
The background image belongs to the following source: By Masser - http://www.flickr.com/photos/masser/194738110/in/pool-96579071@N00/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1071270
Golden Retriever: Unsplash / Pixabay.com
Rottweiler: Bellas-Creations / Pixabay.com
Hound: own photos
Where my heart leads me to
The story begins in a time which was ruled by war. Even it seemed to be a peaceful evening, times were ruff. The black night covered the trees, the meadow and the path which was running through the landscape like a thick blanket. Only the warm light of a bonfire drew a contrast to the black. Three persons were sitting around the fire, having a barbecue. No dog's nose ever could miss the tasty smell of grilled sausages. A strange shadow sneaked around this place, getting closer to the blue cooling box - it just was open. The black nose of the curious Golden Retriever inspected this small container where another nice smell came from. The men didn't notice the little noise the dog caused ... men's ears were bad ears. You could see the wagging tail when the animal put its head into the box. The people went on chatting, they didn't notice anything. But the box fell over because of the dog's greed. Now even men's ears had to hear the sound the dog just caused. The Golden one didn't fear the people could have noticed. The smell of the food was too interesting. This is why he didn't see the leader of the family, who was coming closer. He just noticed there was a four-legged thief having a nice meal ... The man carried a gun, coming closer slowly...
Not far from this place, there was another shadow sneaking around. This dog seemed to be quite relaxed, as there could be nothing which was able to break the peace. But when he heard another dog yowling not far away he lifted his head. His eyes looked shocked.
The Golden Retriever pulled his head out of the blue box when he was hit. He tried to flee but the man stopped him, he grabbed his fur keeping him where he was. When the dog noticed he had no chance to get away, he picked up the piece of meat he lost when the man hit him the first time. The man didn't fear the resistance of the dog; he called to the younger man:
„Quick! Get the knife! Let's slaughter this thief ..." The young man didn't hesitate. He went to the tent, taking a long thin knife from the bag. The only woman said: „We better make sure - let's shoot him!" „No!", the father contradicted. „It's not worth a bullet. We stab the dog and take its meat." The Golden dog tried to escape but the man was too strong for him.
The son came with his knife.
„No stab the dog to death!" „W-which spot shall ... shall I hit ...?" The father pushed the dog on the ground.
„Stab it in the heart. There ... there is its heart!" The boy hesitated, so the father complained.
„What the hell are you waiting for?!" The boy really tried to ... but he couldn't. The father shouted.
„Do you want us to die because of hunger? We rather have to kill that dog!" When the boy lifted his arms, holding the knife, everyone could see the determination in his face. This time he was going to do it.
When his arms were about to stab the dog ... a shadow right jumped out of the forest. The second dog, a brown one with white spots in his middle-long fur, ran right onto the place of happening.
„There is another one!", the mother noticed and called.
The boy let the knife fall down, looking afraid into the carnivore's eyes when he was attacked. The second dog just bit in his arm, causing a painful scream. The brown-white dog drove the fangs deep in the human flesh. Blood was running down his arms. Now everything happened quickly. The father took his gun but the Golden Retriever used this chance to escape. When the man shot one time the dog already dodged. Both dogs ran into the black of the night, hiding under the thick trees of the endless forest. The father complained heavily, stamping on the ground because he wasted one shot. The two dogs have run off.
The brown-white one and the Golden one stopped after they had no power left. The second dog stopped so the Golden Retriever almost bumped into him. Both dogs were panting some seconds before the Golden one murmured.
„I - I guess we got rid of them ..." „They will say the same about us," the brown-white hound replied, throwing a sceptical look from where they came from. He lowered his nose to check up their new place.
„This was really close!", the Golden Retriever meant while smiling proudly. „They almost got us ... if you wouldn't have come ... it could have had a bad end. You're quite a hero, you know that?"
It sounded like derision to the hound's ears.
„I hope you know you could have been dead by now?" He lowered his head, adding with a silent voice. „And me too ..." „But of course you did not hesitate. You just gave everything to save me. This was really great. Thank you, pal!"
It seemed he didn't get it. Didn't he see the distrust in the eyes of the other dog? The brown-white dog cast a fixed glance into the dark.
„This ... wasn't a heroic deed ... I ... have bitten ... a human."
„Well ..." „No. No ... this is a no-go. You ... must not ... bite ... a human", the brown-white whimpered reproachfully. He had a sore conscience, but the bright furred dog just went on.
„I almost got this tasty piece of meat. You only had to distract them for a little longer ..." The hound rolled his eyes. It seemed he did not understand anything.
„Next time", the Golden Retriever went on, „we have to work together in one team. So we will get that tasty food. I hate falling asleep with an empty belly!"
The brown-white one shook his head.
„Mankind is in conflict. They wage a war. So they won't have any mercy with us."
„Sure, but we have to eat something, don't we? Don't get me wrong ... of course ... I mean ... OF COURSE I am not hoggish or something like that ... b-but ... My belly hates being empty, ya know?" „Sure. But we have to find a different way to get food next time. I now a dwelling where men kept food before war. If we're lucky we'll find something there." „Wow! I knew you'd have a plan, pal. Let's go there!" „No. Let us wait until next dawn. At night we should sleep."
A strong Rottweiler was trotting over a hill. One could see it was looking for something to eat. From time to time he lowered his nose to look for a track, but there was none. The dog wouldn't get sated just by the bugs and worms, living in the earth or on the ground. He needed real meat. Suddenly the Rottweiler picked up the smell of two other dogs and he liked the idea the other ones may have already found something to eat. So the black-dark-brown dog left the path, sneaking through the bushes to take a glance at the others. He smelled like they had food on them. After some more steps he was able to look at the others: It was obvious there were two dogs - a Golden Retriever and a brown-white hound. But the Rottweiler could not say what these guys were doing there. It looked like they were playing a kind of game. The hound with the leather collar kept a branch, standing right beside a three, while the bright one was skipping around the other one barking nervously. It seemed the brown one with the middle-long fur was concentrating very much. Over the top of the branch the dog kept, one could see ... a piece of fresh meat! The Rottweiler licked his snout greedily. There was no doubt: This was meant to be his meal! So the strong dog left his hiding place walking right onto the strange scene. He just ignored the other two dogs and took a certain look up to the meat. The two others didn't seem to be surprised. But when the Golden one noticed the Rottweiler was going to catch their meat he begun stuttering: „I- I- I wouldn't do this ..." The tail-docked Rottweiler threw a tight look into the Golden Retriever's eyes.
„Who's gonna stop me?", the strong dog barked aggressively. „You?!"
The bright furred dog stepped back, almost hiding behind the brown one who put down the branch.
„I really don't know what nonsense you are doing here. But I am gonna take that piece of meat and you miss out, got that?!"
The uncertain Retriever was stuttering carefully.
„I-i-if you ... will ... d-do this ... it'll be o-over ... pal."
Now the Rottweiler got quite angrily.
„Are YOU threatening me? Do you really want to take a bath in your own blood, you worm? I don't fear the anger of a childish teddy-dog!"
Now the reticent brown-white dog interfered.
„This is a snare. If you just take the meat it may be too late for you."
The Rottweiler went on gnarling. There was no doubt he was stronger then the two others.
„It'll be no problem for me to defeat two of you, ok?"
After none of the others replied anything he went back to the meat.
„I knew it. So the meat will be all mine ..." But before the dog was able to finish, a rope pulled his body up to the treetop. It wrapped around his neck, almost choking the big-headed one. The eyes of the other two dogs watched the helplessly struggling Rottweiler.
„Ohohh ... my dog ...", the Golden Retriever murmured, trying to avoid further looks. „I- I tried to warn him ... I ... tried ..." It seemed he had some self-reproaches.
The brown hound was looking at the meat which fell down after the Rottweiler was caught. He was thinking about just picking it up and leave. Ok, it would not have been very polite ... but ... actually, it was not important any more to the strong male Rottweiler, he was going to die anyway. But before he was able to decide for sure, the rope burst and the Rottweiler body fell down like a rock. The two dogs stepped back, taking a merciful look at the black-brown one. The Golden retriever went to him, lowering his head and asked soulfully.
„A-are you o-okay?"
„You ... cough tried to ... kill me!!"
Life got him back and so he jumped to the piece of meat picking it up. The hound rolled his eyes. He tried to blame them for his own stupidity?
„Let's go, Dester", he finally barked, before he was about to leave. „We'll find something else to eat."
Dester, the Golden Retriever, took one last look at the huffy Rottweiler. Then he followed him.
„... something better", the brown one added with a lowered voice. One could see them vanishing in the autumnal forest.
„Look here, what I've found!", the lucky voice meant while he stood in a small creek. The brown hound walked where Dester stood. His paws bathed bloody water. They gave their attention to a dead human body, lying in the water. They scented around the dead body one or two times, before the hound moved the corps on the other side. The flesh was still fresh and Dester licked the bloody wound the man had got at the neck.
„What are you planning to do?"
„Food! Enough food for both of us!", he replied with his happy voice. But he had to notice the distrustful look in the face of his new partner. „Or do you think this is another trap?"
„No", the hound answered with a strong voice. „But how can you eat human flesh? Haven't you grown up among humans?"
„B-but ... he ... is dead?" „Nonetheless", the hound meant while leaving this scary place. „We are dogs. We do not eat humans. We do not eat the ones who stroked and cuddled us. It's not our right to do this."
„B-but ... I'm starving ...", the Golden one grumbled.
„Doesn't matter. We've to look for something else. Human flesh is a no-go." Dester sighed. The hound noticed he was disappointed, but he didn't care.
„Suit yourself. If you want to, start nibbling him. But if you do so, you're out", he meant with a strict voice.
Dester moved one of his floppy ears. That didn't sound nice ... In fact, he liked the brown-white one a little bit. But the face of this dead man didn't remind him much of his mistress. He surely had eaten something of the body if the brown-white one would not have held him back. He decided to leave the creek even his stomach already started complaining. Dester forced himself not to look back.
He did it anyway.
The humans remaining sometimes fought each other and sometimes one could not hear anything. Sometimes one could hear the artillery, the tanks or machine guns. The hot spot of these sporadic combats has been the industrial area. It was about to become winter in some weeks. The animals were forced to get enough food to endure the dark time. These which were not able to find enough food, to find a place where they could rest ... would be lost. But Dester was sure, the brown-white hound, whose fur was changing into the winter coat, was a good mate to get through this ruff time of coldness and low food. The two dogs came to a street with burnt out vehicles and a lot of wreckages. At the left-paw side there was a big flat building. This had been a kind of food storage before war had begun. But the brown one knew, after more than one full moon before this mess began, you wouldn't find much left. The humans which had survived the first days already looted everything which has been left. But he got the idea, the humans perhaps would not pick up food which was made for cats and dogs. But he wasn't sure. The Golden Retriever stuck to him like a faithful fellow. The dog's nose moved a little bit. Suddenly Dester turned his head aside and complained. His face showed disgust.
„It smells ... like ... cats ..."
The brown one also smelled it but he was sure, this wouldn't have been any danger to them.
„C'mon." The smell came from the darkest corner of the supermarket. One could see toppled over shelf units. They walked right to the spot and caught sight of them: cats! There were sitting more than four of them, trying to open a package of cat food. The dogs had stopped immediately. The brown one began considering. One of the cats started hissing angrily. Dogs meant trouble to them, they knew. So they were not welcome anyway. But the hound did not show any sign of unsettledness. He looked at the Golden Retriever and explained.
„You walk the other way round, from the back side. Try to distract them! I'll get the food."
Dester swallowed. „Ah ... o-okay ..."
The brown dog waited until the Retriever appeared at the other end of the gangway.
„Come'ere, kitty kitty kitty... ehehe ..."
Even the bright dog was about to make a fool of himself, it was good enough the hairy monsters turned their snake-like eyes off the food for one moment. So the brown dog jumped to the dry food robbing it from the cats. But not all of them have been too distracted to react. The black cat turned back and scratched with its paw at the dog's cheek. He whimpered a little but kept the package of food. He jumped over the cats and ran to the Retriever. Dester wanted to escape, but his fellow knew, there was no real danger from the cats. Even they went on hissing angrily, waving their thin tails, they wouldn't be a threat to them. None of them was sick of life, trying to get the food back from the dogs. The brown hound had no problems to rip open the package to get the dry food. Dester smelled and was nagging.
„Ooh ... smells ... like fish. Is there no real meat?"
The other one would have liked to exhort him. In times of war you were not allowed to be picky. But actually, he had one more idea how to get food. Of course most of the shelf-units were empty. Only useless things like stationery or curtains were left. But he discovered some cans, standing right next to the cat food. He smelled while standing at the shelf-unit on two legs.
„I guess there is meat in it."
Actually, he couldn't smell it for sure, but he thought so because it stood next to the cat food and none of the human survivors looted it by now. When he touched the can it fell down to the floor and got a bump ... this fact made him getting an idea.
„Let's leave", he barked and picked up the can. „Take another one", he ordered.
The Retriever tried to pick it up but it was not that easy. The can was quite big and he had problems about keeping it in his muzzle. His muzzle was shorter than the brown one's. So the can fell down again and Dester decided to roll it by his snout. „W-wait for me ... I'm coming!"
It was not hard to find the scent of the unequal dogs once again. So the Rottweiler followed the invisible track they left when they came along this way. He could not forget one of the two dogs had been almost able to get the meat without being harmed. He seemed to be a clever one, the dark one thought. Maybe he had undervalued these two ... or at least one of them. The beefy Rottweiler was wondering if he could benefit from the cleverness of the brown one again. Because, one know, one piece of meat wouldn't still a big dog's hunger. Instead of walking right into the next trap, he would prefer to dispute for the next piece. He didn't fear the two other dogs in any way. His nose lead him trough the destroyed city of the humans right where he could see the yellow and the brown furred dog. He could watch them how they were about rolling something down a little hill. The Rottweiler really didn't know what they were doing ... but in fact, he hadn't known it in the first time, too. It didn't matter as long as it was able to fill his empty stomach. Right after the two dogs followed the cans which had rolled down, he appeared at the top of the hill.
„What the heck are you doing there?!" They looked up to him. The brown one picked up the can again, walking back on the top of the hill. He put the can on the ground licking his snout. The Rottweiler only got an answer because of the well tempered Retriever ... again.
„Preparing meal!" „What do you want this time ...", the distrustful brown hound asked quite unhappily. „Do you want us to do the dirty job again while you're just hanging around?!"
„Meal? Where?", the Rottweiler wanted to know. He knew the bright one would be a better victim.
„It is in here!", the Retriever admitted trustfully. „But sadly the metal pelt is too strong for us ..." „Pup's play", the black-brown dog replied, picking up Dester's can.
„Do you think you'll make it?", the owner of that can asked.
The brown-white one thought about leaving. He doubted the poser could be any help. He just was causing another portion of trouble. It seemed he wasn't able or willing to find food on his own. The hound almost wished the Rottweiler had found the dead body ... he surely had eaten it completely without batting an eye, no doubt.
„No metal pelt ever will be able to resist my mo- OUCH!"
The whining of that dog let him know, some of his teeth didn't resist the can. The Golden one bat one of his eyelids while watching this. The Rottweiler let the can loose, looking up to the brown hound. He surely had an idea how to get the content, hadn't he? But the brown one gnarled subliminally and let him know he was not going to do his job.
„Well, it seems you have to find something on your own. This meat is ours."
But the Rottweiler didn't let him dishonour, so he bared his teeth.
„You want me to be afraid of you? Who do you think you are? You're just two dogs with scrubby fur but without any idea. If I get this gizmo open - the meat will be mine."
„You won't", the hound clarified and let roll down his can another time.
It stopped right beside the Rottweiler who started trying to open the can by paws. But of course he failed - not because of the metal. It was his mind which had been too petty.
„W-what is your name ... actual ...?"
„For you two guys it's Axaton!", he barked proudly.
The retriever nodded. „I am Dester. He calls himself Jerry."
Jerry looked at him in a grave way. When Dester let his can roll down again, it hit a rock and ricocheted in his direction. The object hit the Rottweiler's back of the head, causing another ouch-sound.
„Oops ..."
The brown-white hound lifted one eyebrow, waiting what would happen now. The can fell down again and was partially opened. After Axaton finished his obligatory snarl he noticed the can was open now. He started eating the meat, while Jerry came down to pick up his can. But the fighting dog was about to defend the other can as well and gnarled.
„You won't take that meat, Browny!"
„You got half of our prey. We've to share what you have all on your own now." He picked it up. „And you don't have to open it any more."
„Ya wish having a bloody paw, yah?!"
„I wish to get what we deserve."
„You deserve death if you dare ..." But the bright one came down, standing right beside Jerry. There was no doubt they stuck together. But the Rottweiler didn't care. He lowered his head threatening.
„It won't be hard for me to defeat both of you ... You better watch your arses, fellows!"
But Jerry didn't spend much of attention any more. He went up on the top of the small hill with the can in his mouth while answering.
„Sounds funny ... if someone like you says it ... without a tail", he was jeering. Dester followed.
„Watch your back, my friend!", Axaton meant threatening.
„I'm sure he will", Dester replied smiling. „I trust him!", he added, following the hound who already had left. The smile in his face was derision to the Rottweiler. But in fact, he had to face he could not threat them ... or at least not the brown-white one. He seemed to be very self-confident. Axaton wouldn't break him ... and as long as he was not able to, the Retriever wouldn't break, too.