Invasion of the 4th Dimension (Part 3)

[Chapter one - The stranger]( [Chapter two - Warm paws]( _Chapter three - Changeover_ Erona walked down the forest path late in the evening. The birds were tweeting and the...

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Invasion of the 4th Dimension (Part 2)

[Chapter one]( _Chapture two - Warm paws_ Even HK06 forbid her to leave the headquarters she visited the daily market in town. It was a typical town in the middle-ages with half-timbered houses, a big church and a...

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Invasion of the 4th Dimension (Part 1)

**Invasion of the fourth dimension** _Chapter one - The stranger_ It was late in the evening when a strange figure knocked at the door of a small house. This barrack stood at the corner of a big, big forest. The orange light was shining through the...

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Where my heart leads me to

**Where my heart leads me to** The story begins in a time which was ruled by war. Even it seemed to be a peaceful evening, times were ruff. The black night covered the trees, the meadow and the path which was running through the landscape like a...

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Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten - Eigenwillige Ermittlerin (2)

Fortsetzung von [Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten (Part 1)]( Vitesse aber wusste genau, was sie zu tun hatte. Sie wartete auf den nächsten Anthro, der ihr die Tür zum Hof öffnete und huschte ebenso schnell mit durch, wie...

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Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten - Eigenwillige Ermittlerin (1)

**Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten** **Eigenwillige Ermittlerin** Was ist der bedrückende Unterschied zwischen Sanitätern und Kriminalkommissaren? Kommissare werden immer gerufen, wenn das Kind schon in den Brunnen gefallen ist. In diesem Fall war der...

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