The day the sky turned orange

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#2 of Writing Group Challenge

Hey everyone.

This is inspired by the latest prompt in the Writing Group Challenge. While I'm still working on Part 2 of my Krogan story, I just had to sit down and write this one down.

I think most people would guess what happened at the end. It's not too hard to guess.

This story is a result of a lot of thoughts in my head. But mostly it's because it's so rare to see this dimension of love in furry stories. I hope you guys find this an engaging tale. Let me know your feedback and thoughts in the comments.

  • Kinzu

What is a street? To the traveler, it's merely a means to get from one place to another, no different from any other street. To the people who live and work there, it's a community. A place to work, play, meet neighbors and simply live.

To Erin, it was all of that, and more. As he gazed from the window of his small two-bedroom flat, he let out a breath of melancholy. His eyes stared at the exact spot where it all began. Where his life, arguably, began. Right beneath the large oak - its leaves autumnal just as it had been all those years ago - on the old bench with a plaque so old no one could truly tell what it said anymore.

It was the spot where he had met the love of his life for the first time. One breezy autumn sunset, and the sky, a brilliant orange. He remembered looking into that tiger's reassuring golden eyes, hearing his deep baritone voice, and slowly, inevitably, falling in love. Malorn had always wondered how he managed to charm him so easily, but Erin knew that all he needed to do was be there and talk to him. The hopelessly romantic golden retriever had fallen for him instantly.

That day, the street was filled with the sound of fluttering leaves, and calm, happy voices.

Erin sighed, reaching up to brush the golden fur on his head, careful to not drop the load of clothes he was carrying. The street outside wasn't lit with brilliant gold sunlight today, but with the deep blues of a moonlit night. It should have been a calm, quiet night. It should have been...

He shook his head. Not now. Now wasn't the time for anxiety, he reassured himself, as he felt the anxiety rise back up within his body. Erin shuffled away from the window, making for the bedroom. Three full suitcases. That was all Malorn said they could take. One for him, one for Malorn, and the third slung over Malorn's back. He had protested and offered to carry it himself, but his husband wouldn't take no for an answer.

Erin sighed, feeling the anxiety rise in his body further. Why isn't that big lug home already? He looked at their door, trying not to think about the numerous photographs the two had put up on it over the years, and how they now sat in his travel bag, haplessly scattered along with numerous other artefacts of their relationship.


The golden retriever walked over to the television set, flicking it on and tuning it to the local station. He knew Malorn would chastise him for this, but there was only so much anxiety he could take before he had to find out if anything happened. Just in case...


Every channel was broadcasting the same thing that night, and even if Erin wanted to find some local news, it was near impossible. He growled in frustration - a rare sound for him - before settling in on one of the national broadcasts. At least watching something could stave away the uncomfortable feeling bubbling away within his stomach.

"-return to our topic du jour, the declaration of war. In a shocking move that took the Continent by surprise, the newly organized National Congress of Tarissa, along with its allies, has declared war on the Darovan Confederacy, and our closest neighbors, claiming our Great Union to be an illegal act that stole its territories.

The Great Council has since voted for a general conscription to be instated. In Premier Alistarn's words,

"The Darovan Confederacy is ready and prepared to take on any invasion. Our army stands strong, with the forces of twenty nations within our boundaries ready to defend the mountains against this cowardly act by the Tarissan government. We will hold the line and defend Darovan sovereignty against all odds."

_When asked to comment about the loss of communications from cities in the northern borders, the Office of the Premier had declined to comment. Community efforts for evacuation has been organized, but-"


The reporter paused. Erin blinked, frowning slightly.

"We... we are receiving reports. I'm- Gentlefolk, I'm not sure how to describe this. We're receiving reports from the invasion front, which seems to already be as far east as Twillock, a mere seventy miles from the capital. We're seeing reports of great lights in the sky, with near unnatural levels of-"


He jumped, turning around to the entrance to see his husband standing at the entrance.

"Mal! Oh gods, you're home..." Erin wasted no time getting off the chair and rushing to hug the tiger. And just like that, all his anxiety rapidly began to evaporate. Everything's okay.... Everyone's safe...

"Hey hey, what- of course I'm home- oof!" the tiger huffed, his deep voice cracking as the golden retriever nearly knocked the wind out of him with the force of his hug. "Hey now... it's alright." Malorn slowly wrapped his arms around Erin, giving him a gentle squeeze. The golden retriever melted in his arms. It was a common thing his husband did when he wanted to relieve him of his worries, and it worked every time.

Malorn looked up from their hug, unbeknownst to the golden retriever, glancing at the television, keeping his husband facing away from it. His shoulders deflated slightly as he slowly confirmed something in his mind. The tiger shook his head, instead reaching below to nuzzle against Erin's forehead, huffing warmly against him.

Erin, however, let his final anxieties out. The one thing that had been twisting his insides into a knot the whole day, and which he could no longer contain.

"Mal, I... why is this happening Mal? Two days ago we weren't planning anything. W-we were just thinking about going to the museum. Get some of those strawberry cupcakes that lovely alligator makes at his place down the street. Watch your favorite sitcom, and- and-"

"Shhhh... it's okay Erin, it's... okay..."

It was the same words Mal used on him every time he grew anxious. This time though, something was off. Erin could pick up on it, even if he didn't want to.

Mal was anxious too.

Dread quickly reared its head within his chest, though a sense of camaraderie came over him as well. Erin knew that whatever he was feeling, Mal truly understood it.

"Mmmh..." the golden retriever sighed. Normally he'd break down crying about now, and then be guided to the bedroom for some warm cuddles and soft words of reassurance from the tiger. Today was different though. Erin looked up, his tear-filled eyes facing Mal's. The tiger was smiling, but Erin knew he was only doing his best to comfort him.

Mal didn't say a word, but he could tell what was going on in his husband's mind regardless. The tiger couldn't say it. Maybe didn't even want to say it. But the reporter had said enough, and Erin wasn't an idiot.

They were doomed.

"What do we do now?" he whispered; his voice shaky.

Mal brushed his golden fur softly, as he always loved to do. His loving feline irises gazed into Erin's tearful ones.

"Stay with me... please?"

It was the same words he had told him on the day he had proposed to him. On the very same spot they met, right outside, under that sweet old oak tree.

Just as he did back then, Erin nodded. The tears flowed.

Their suitcases were still in their bedroom, only halfway packed. Their memorabilia scattered around the room. Their bed was left unmade, still reflecting the state it was in that morning. The kitchen was filled with the smell of coffee, the sink not entirely free of dirty dishes. A pipe groaned somewhere, possibly still trying to ferry water to some part of the flat. The living room still smelled of that familiar scent that Erin and Mal had both grown so fond of over the years.

The golden retriever pressed his face into Mal's broad chest. The warmth of his body had always brought him comfort, the strength of his muscles, safety, and the deep reassuring words of his voice, happiness. He could feel Mal's paw softly rub the back of his head, trying to reassure him. Despite everything, he chuckled.

The tiger rumbled, "Hmm?"

That got his attention, Erin thought.

He looked up at his tiger through tearful eyes, and a warm smile. His lovely husband, usually suave and confident, looked like his head was in a storm of conflict and pain. He shook his head and leaned up to kiss his lips.

"I'm... I'm so happy I got to be with you." He whispered, "You're my hero, Mal."

A smile spread over the tiger's muzzle, and Erin could see that innocent happiness in his eyes again. Tears brimmed in the tiger's eyes as well, but it was worth it.

"I know... Erin." His deep, baritone voice cracked slightly, but Mal soldiered on, "You're mine too, love. Thank you... for everything."

Erin wanted to cry, but there was no point now.

Instead, he placed his head on his husband's chest, gazing out of the window. The moon was still bright, but the sounds of quiet had changed. There was a rush in the air, one that grew in volume steadily. The mechanical roar of a thousand flying machines.

Erin felt Mal's arms tighten around him. He tightened his own, feeling every muscle around his husband's torso. The golden retriever suddenly felt hyper aware of every sensation in his body. The familiar scent on Mal's fur that accompanied so many wonderful memories. The slight twitch in the muscular arms he wrapped around him, which were so full of his beautiful life. The rustle of his sweater as they gently swayed in each other's arms.

He briefly wondered what would come after... but shut that thought down. No... I want to think about now.

The skies suddenly lit up outside their window. A deep, starry blue-black until moments before, it was now blindingly bright. The light receded, but the sky was a vivid orange. The trees, which were supposed to be green, glowed in brilliant hues of red, gold, and bright yellow.

"J-just like the day we met."

Mal's voice quivered. Erin knew that quiver. He was scared. Scared to bits, and yet doing his best to reassure his golden retriever.

The room was growing hot. Far too hot.

He smiled in return, locking eyes with his lover. Nothing else matters, he assured himself.

"M-mal... look at me."

The two locked eyes with each other.

"I love-"

The pair were interrupted with a sudden thunderous roar.

And all was quiet.