The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 31
His head eventually sprang near her own, while his paws reached to the wings and rump his nose was making circles around her draconic face, unfazed by the blood itching his nostrils.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 22
He rubbed his draconic face, carefully, strongly pressing a toe into the scales. they bent under the touch, emitting a faint, scratching sounds as he rubbed his black armor. tough scales of a draconic male.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 10
Being a priestess, a draconic one at that, made things easier, a little. i've got many discounts, which was more than enough to save more of my modest pay.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 8
A dragon leader doesn't have draconic blood of his soldiers on his claws. blood that he himself spilled.
DnD sheet
Weapon proficiency | aura of good | | | | shield proficiency | smite evil (1/day) | | | | simple weapon proficiency | | | | | | | | | | **languages** | | | | | draconic
Talsir and spyro chapter 3
Im sure ill have fun with this new draconic blood in me! "he says giggling and spyro would say "go on then! just dont get yourself hurt....\*gulp\* son...."
Talsir and spyro
Lead the way guys" he would say as soon spyro and cynder simply walk down these mountains to the grassy fields below and took the long trek back to warfang where they aparently had a palace erected for them with honorary statues aswell, but written in draconic
Dragons Lair pt 26
Myra held her draconic mate and gently nudged michaels shoulder, "i'll love you no matter what form you're in. you're my mate and i intend to keep you, no matter what." "awwww myra. you know that i would never leave you.
Then the draconic god, bahamut came up to the couple, and smiled, not speaking he'd open his hand for g'eon and scy krog to take. they did, and there was a flash of white and black.
Worlds: B1, C5, Dragon
Alduin's eyes were blood red, his mouth was turned up in a draconic smile. "so here's what's going to happen."
Dawn pt.1
Sound popped out my draconic lips. it seemed i would be unable to talk...."_awesome..._" thought i, sarcastically, amongst my rising panic.
The Gem [Collab]
The draconic burglar allowed himself a fiendish smile, a sense of deep satisfaction filling his insides as he reached for the gem, a brown bag in hand.