Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:11)

The comotion you hear is unbelievable! "what happened to mommy?!" all the koopalings scream. "we found her like this sir. she was complaining she was attacked." a hammer bro. says. "my queen!?" he says. he roles you onto your back.

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Neko girl

No one would be looking right now, all the teachers had to worry about the students coming in from lunch, and there was too much comotion going on to be able to tell. they decided to go to seth?

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Bunny Oddysea: Saga of the Spirit Healer

"no'" she said quickly "the town is though," they continued deeper in stopping just before coming to the main chamber as they heard comotion over the next tunnel, "let the mouse rot for awhile," looking over to his fellow feathered group "he'll fetch


12/21/2012 2: Raven's Story

Lexi saw the comotion between dustin and raven. raven looking upset lexi shouted at her "why are you sad little one! be happy! if you need to talk im here! i will listen!"

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Talsir and spyro chapter 3

(chapter 3) As talsir fell asleep in cynders bed he would Soon Drift into a bit of a nightmare Where the city of warfang was On fire And Carried so much Smoke the Skies were Darkened for a good mile....The Streets were Crumbled And piles of Bodies...

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