Talsir and spyro

Story by TalsirsArts on SoFurry

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This is a story that takes place after dawn of the dragon! so any spoilers or Research will be necessary

Talsir and the purple Dragon

CHAPTER 1 the new realm

In the Dragon city warfang 2 human years after the defeat of malefor and the restoration of spyros home planet

Avalor, He and his companion Cynder were in the streets of this newly repaired city Crowds of various

Races Would soround this special gathering..Light shined down on these 2 beloved coulple whom have recently had there

Official wedding!

Spyro looks to his left adorned in The gem sequenced Gold and iron plating.. To his Obsidian coloured Emerald eyed Dragoness

And simply said "cynder my dear...This is a beautifull day to be together..Isnt it?" she would lift her head up Runes glowing

In a bright orange of true happines to her beautifull purple dragon "I couldnt have picked a better day spyro...You make our

Lives worth fighting for" the 2 then Would walk off As fireworks went off in spectacular displays of color and wonder.

It would be a simple walk through the forests of avalor As spyro saw a simmering arch in the mountains...It couldnt have

been! these...whatever they were Supposedly all destroyed in the first war of malefor. He told cynder "i read somewhere during our honeymoon that The first dragon to enter avalor was one of my name many centuries ago...Using these portals!

We have to see what this exactly is!" Cynder simply arched a scaled brow and decided to follow her beloved spyro

Through these sun baked grasslands into the distant mountains where this shimmering arch was seen, Indeed it was a portal

Of some kind...But how? Apon closer inspection it appeared to be glowing immensly, as if someone Was actually Trying to

Get through! Cynder widened her eyes as they glistened against the diamond blue shimmer of the portal "this is impossible!

I remember malefor said to me directly that he had destroyed these portals!" the coulple would back away but sit waiting

Just to see what would appear.

A hand of a Scaled apple green Shade would Stick out...Then black leather On some kind of arm Soon A leg Desperatley Kicked out! it was brown leather booted Along with tight black pants...Soon they would See the entire figure pop out of this

Portal..A 7 foot tall Monitor lizard Wearing a black leather suit With various badges and a hat on his head..he looked around

And simply Groaned Standing up to the 2 comparitivley Massive Dragons simply Staring down at him! he would note that they

Appeared 8 or 9 feet tall! making him feel puny "oh talsir what mess have you gotten yourself into" he said to himself quietly.

The 2 dragons would both widen her eyes and Get in a deffensive position at this very Militaristic looking lizard Just randomly appearing through a portal! But soon Calmed down as they realized how small he is..they chuckled and cynder said

"welcome to our world Little one..i am Spyro! and this is my wife cynder" the dragons wave and Talsir would just Stare

Baffled at this...a new world? this felt like a dream.."good god ...w...well i am Talsir jansovich hitler! Prince of the

german empire...and Constructor of the first Portal in our history" cynder would humm now interested a bit.

She smirked and would Start her sentence in a somewhat motherly tone "a prince eh?...a portal eh?...that would explain your

Clothing and how a portal got here After a certain @#$%head destroyed them all!... But i dont like to talk about that...Sends

Me into a sortof...uh whats the word? "talsir Snaply Responded with a grin" Post traumatic Stress dissorder? " Cynder widened

her eyes and Would respond" i guess thats the best way you can describe it little prince...Why dont we discuss this at our

Home?" Talsir and spyro visibly grin at this idea.

Talsir would Chuckle a bit as he thought to himself {{i like these guys already! There such a Silly coulple}} "sure! lead the

Way guys" he would Say as soon spyro and cynder Simply Walk down these mountains to the Grassy fields below And took the long

Trek back to Warfang where They aparently had a palace erected for them with honorary Statues Aswell, But written in draconic

Talsir could not Translate them "how do you guys speak english if this...language is your primary one? " The 2 would simply

laugh and begin to Walk up the Marble Stairs that clacked beautifully against there clawed feet, Cynder mentioned "all dragons Can use magic to Translate all languages! its the first thing we learn!"

Talsir would nod in agreement and say "well im glad thats common knowledge! i cant even Read This um....whats the language called?" spyro looks back as we would enter a calm roman styled palace With seats for the 2 and 4 soft looking seats that are

built like nests...Fire lights this room "its The Dragons language..Crafted in the First years of Dragon civilization more then 30 thousand years past..." Talsir finding a Seat near cynders throan would begin to smile in Warmth and comfort " impressive! civilization in my world hardly Existed for more then 13 thousand years...but i cant help to wonder why everything looks...primitive!"

the coulple Would at first be insulted by this Comment But soon Remembered that he had such riches and advanced clothing! so maybe he had better technology " Well actually Were somewhat modern in some parts of avalor..But this is warfang..This reigon has been most hard hit by the wars! so rescourses and technology has been hard to come by in the past..oh idunno...few centuries" with that Talsir simply shrugged And would Soon fall asleep in the embrace of cynder..whom would nuzzle him

Like a baby With her nose and The night was soon Shining in the moons.