Clarity - Chapter 17: Woven Together
Still in the last day or two of those deadlines, meaning i shouldn't disturb her. charlotte's advice, though... i can make use of that. step one, in my mind, is going to involve a bit of a disturbance, but i'll keep it short this time.
Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 7
Near the top of each was a squarish hole, which he guessed was so that one could see through to the other side, and they all resembled coffins to the most disturbing degree.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 4
Many of those 'cultures' were grotesque and disturbing to some, and could be attributed to the bloody theatrics of horror stage shows with high level of gore and violence.
I Need a Sign!
Rubbing my eyes i carefully slipped out of bed trying not to disturb my partner still sleeping softly next to me gently snoring. looking out the window i could see trillions of glimmering stars all staring back at me.
The Dark Secret of the Great War. (Chapter 1 'At the start' Pg1)
'yee who dares to disturb the resting of this jewel shall know eternal horror and suffering'. i heard of this necklace before. i've read that he had the power to control those of recent death. but nobody knows for sure.
I Never Eat Anything With A Face (Clean Version)
He was now in a kitchen of some sort - a kitchen containing several things which greatly disturbed him, including but not limited to mouse bones and an abundance of knives - presumably the cat had dragged him here, although for the moment she was nowhere in
Inevitability, part 1
He was, at first, not disturbed, as he lived near the railroad tracks, and the trains passing caused the same thing to happen. however, he noticed a strange odor on the air, an acrid smell, one of fire, or gun powder.
Digimon Darkness Chapter 7
Sepikmon: who dare's disturb sepikmon! terriermon? terriermon: hey sepikmon! we need your help. sepikmon: sure little buddy! always willing to help digimon in need! wyatt&terriermon: we need to learn the secerets to digivolving!
Night 4
"well, it's simple." he looked at you with a face of disturbance, "it's how to learn any language. _practice_." he mocked, walking away with bonnie, the sign being placed outside again. tonight, you were going to be doing some research.
Three Types of Shuman
Even more rare and disturbing are the examiners. i am fortunate to have only encountered one so far. they are akin to some sort of mad-scientist/doctor. well respected among other shuman, even the overseers defer to him.
Hive Mind
A sleek head raised up from the underbrush to the far off harmony of cracking branches; the noise reaching the slim creature's auditroy senses as it turned it's eyeless head towards the origin of the disturbance.
Jared and Gnat - Part Three - Introspection
Sure, it disturbed him, but what could he do? jared was always fine in the morning anyway. now that he calmed down, gnat looked pitifully at him out of the corner of his eye? "jared...?" "what?"