Warrior Clan: Chapter Three: Nightwalking
You'll all get regular blast grenades as well as shock grenades, electric detonators that will paralyze living enemies and destroy all electric equipment, except yours of course, since your equipment is shock resilient.
Chronicles of Elysium City - New Beginings #1: Sweet Child of Mine
A microsecond later, the craft detonated. the pulse of the explosion raced towards aneko, the blinding shockwave pushing hir back rapidly towards the stars.
The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 2: All I Want for Christmas...
Just as she began scrolling she heard the soft whisper of a very familiar enemy just before a mortar hit near them, detonating in an ear ringing explosion not too far away from then.
2:18 Storming Waverly
Looking down the way they came, he averted his eyes from the blinding white flash and obnoxiously loud detonation. paws back to his weapon, alias whipped around the corner, taking aim with the red dot scope mick had modified their guns with.
Shadow Stalkers: Hellcat
The corvette listed, explosions blossoming all down its flank as its magazines and fuel lines detonated.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 40
Was it like the home you detonated?" scraps of long gone memories flashed before his eyes, he never remembered the worms, but he always recalled the dens.
Torpedo Run Chapter 21
It failed to detonate, crumpled up like a gigantic tin can covered in rusting iron grafts, smoking from its undercarriage, its rear wheels still spinning and filling the air with the stink of smoldering plastics.
Kingdoms: Return to Avolon
He'd been too caught up in his work detonating the munitions- he had never considered a lycan might be on the wall!
Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon
I put my hand on the door, looking at it was one thing, but being able to just put my hand on it and feel that this door was built to withstand anything anyone could possibly throw at it short of nuclear detonation?
Leap of Faith (Original)
._ _ one of their most powerful bombs, a_ rift screamer _was detonated right before entering. the results were devastating.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 20
You assisted the enemy by making it possible to detonate their bomb directly over the volcano!" "two of our soldiers were killed in that blast," yelena replied coldly. "we would not risk our soldiers lives so recklessly."
Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 3
The 40mm grenade flew through the firing port with grace equal to the previous two, but to corporal abraham's surprise it didn't detonate until it hit the back wall.