Gnarl writes a book...sort of!

Gnarl took a sip from the mug and found that it was wonderful chicken soup. he knew better than to put the mug down until it was empty. gnarl studied the maps and checked the course.

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Clown Mare 6-1

He used his magic to lift that spoon up and stir it in his mug. he then put thoughts into his mind, "oh, gosh i forgot who would be my dance partner at the gala. maybe a subject mare would do."

MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 3

She placed both cups upon the table beside luna, there she proceeded to pour tea into both cups before setting the tea pot down upon the table and passed a cup to both alicorns using her magic.

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

"it wasn't locked", said shannon calmly, as she sipped from her cup.

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"The Thin Line," Part PP

Meadow was matching me mug-for-mug in tea drinking. a dazed hugo chestnut was staring blankly at a hunk of bread smeared with hazelnut paste that somefur had thrust into his paw.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 04: Snowy Grave

The dog stood up again and brought the cup with him, then returned after a short while with a different cup. "is it really that bad?" kevin asked him. "too much sugar in it. i just added more coffee."

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Birthright: Chapter one

Hopping down off the stool lucky went to the table staring down at the half dusted bundle and sipped the cup of carrot tea. instantly he cupped his paw over his mouth and forced himself to swallow the mouthful of cold forgotten tea.

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The begining

The milk back in the fridge and carrying the cups of tea into the living room where my parents sat down watching tv i put the cups on the coffee table i then ran up stairs throwing a top saying "its all about me" on and a pair of skinny jeans i let

Wakey Wakey

Neither cup belonged to the elder alicorn though; luna already half way through one cup after just a few minutes, and convinced that even after downing the content of both she would still be in dire need of further caffination.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 9

Padding into the kitchen, he opened a cabinet to take out a sippy cup to find that there was already one in there, full to the brim with juice.

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Chapter one

Before me i see three cups of water and three trays of food.

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A Home Away From Home - Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

The lynx took the last two drags off his camel and extinguished it in the ashtray, turning to his forgotten coffee in the cup holder. "almost forgot i had this." he took a sip from the paper cup. "oh yeah, i did too.

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