Scott's Remote | Chapter 9
#9 of Scott's Remote
A white leopard creates a device that enables him to explore and experience some of his wildest fantasies and fetishes.
Chapter 9
Scott unstrapped himself from the changing table and exited his room, padding down the stairs to fetch the manual and the rabbit's remote. Before he settled down to read through the manual a bit more thoroughly, he decided that he needed a refreshment as well. Padding into the kitchen, he opened a cabinet to take out a sippy cup to find that there was already one in there, full to the brim with juice. "Funny" he thought to himself as he exited the kitchen, cup in paw, "It's as if she had known that I'd be wanting to have something to drink." Grabbing the manual, he settled down comfortably on his living room couch and began to peruse through the chapter regarding intelligence. Apparently, Scott had set the robot at one of the higher settings, a normal person's intelligence, meaning that it would copy the various living habits as well as learn and even improve the things that the owner knew and did. "That must explain why she had figured out how to properly assemble the carbon-fiber based neuron system!" Scott realized. The reason why the plushies had moved was that she improved the system, implementing not only the ability for the plushie to have a sensory system, but she even implemented thin, flexible carbon-fiber muscles allowing it some limited movement. Yet Scott still couldn't figure out where she had found the material to carry out a complicated procedure. "And all just to make some plushies for me that will respond to stimuli?" Scott shook his head, whoever had created the rabbit must have used the most modern AI system known to anthro-kind.
Scott continued reading and he began to understand why the rabbit had so incredibly accurately understood who he was and his history. She had explored the entirety of his house, computer, and information online right after she had escaped the box, having finished, she returned to her off position, ready for a command. "But that still doesn't explain how she had known I love chicken parmesan." he said aloud. Could that pass for pure chance perhaps? After all he had all the ingredients in his pantry and fridge already. He shook his head, grinning. It didn't matter, she was perfect, an entity that completely understood him with a level of empathy and intelligence that might have even surpassed his own. He looked down at the fresh diaper that she had lovingly changed him into. "Perhaps it's time I up the experience a little bit." he mused to himself, as he turned to the chapter covering bondage, restriction, and punishment. His insides squirmed as he felt his excitement building in his padding. As he read through the pages, he saw just how incredibly detailed one could attune the rabbit to compliment his naughtier desires.
The rabbit could be put in several generic modes that branched off into more specific categories, such as whether the individual preferred not to have certain orifices penetrated or did not wish to be forced to perform certain tasks, or experience certain amounts of pain. A safeword function was also installed which could also be turned off, at the expense that the subject would not experience intermediate to extreme pain. The rabbit also had a setting that grabbed the leopard's attention. It would allow Scott to set forth a few basic boundaries on what he found pleasurable and did not, while allowing the rabbit to continuously surprise him and keeping him on edge "in more ways than one" he read. He looked away from the manuel, and at the remote. Grinning, he returned his attention back to the manual. He continued to read for another hour about the specifics of the AI coding in the rabbit as he slowly made his way through the sippy-cup full of juice. Suddenly out of nowhere a cramp hit his stomach and he doubled over, clutching his stomach, manual and near-empty sippy cup falling to the floor. "The juice was spiked!" was the last thought that entered into mind before his behind erupted in a chorus of gas and bowel emission. The entire process took control of his body and he couldn't even move in an attempt to raise his back side off of the back of the couch. The mess thundered into the seat of his diaper and spread to the front as he released his bladder as well. The warmth of the deed he had done was considerable, as Scott got up from the couch and assessed the damage.
Whatever the rabbit had put in the drink must have triggered his bowels to a considerable length because his previously fresh padding was now thoroughly messed. Feeling especially childish be began to rub the mess against himself, beginning to enjoy the sensation of having dirtied his thick underpants he glanced back at the manuel. He had just figured out the setting that he was going to adjust the rabbit to. The recent surprises had made the entire experience much more alluring to Scott. Grabbing the remote and necessary wires, Scott waddled back up to his room and began installing the modifications he had decided on. He would keep the progress that the rabbit had gone through in the past day or so, but he had decided on adding the AI component of bondage and punishment. The bot would adhere to a process of progressive restraint and forced regression, each time Scott disobeyed the rabbit in anyway, he would be punished. His privileges and freedoms would become more and more restricted until, before he knew it, he would be at the complete mercy and dependence of the rabbit. Leopard's pleasure arose as he worked away at the rabbit, he could hardly contain himself at the endless possibilities and fantasies that the rabbit could help turn true.
With one last press of a button, Scott unhooked the wires from the back of the rabbit and closed the hatch, pressing the activation button hastily. He wanted the experience to begin as soon as possible. The rabbit unfroze, looked down at the changing table in surprise, and then turned around to see Scott looking back at her sheepishly. "Get your diaperbutt back on the changing table this instant" she said to him, not unkindly, as she lifted him up with ease back onto the changing table, tapping his nose affectionately. "We'd better make sure you don't get into anymore trouble, shouldn't we?" Scott's anticipation and excitement elevated as she strapped him back into the changing table. His heart beat as this time, she grasped his wrists and raised them above his head, retrieving the wrist straps from under the table and fastening his arms into them. Placing one paw one his diapered front she bent down to retrieve something from a shelf on the changing table. Instead of a new diaper she arose with a pair of plastic pants, this slightly surprised Scott, he had expected the rabbit to change him into a fresh new diaper.
Patting his messy padded bottom she prompted him to raise his legs. He did so reluctantly, as she slid the plastic pants up his lefts and fastened them on him. Producing a thin chain complete with lock and key she expertly threaded the chain through the holes in the plastic pants and locked them tightly. Scott squirmed in discomfort, "There" the rabbit announced, "That should keep you nice and secure." Her eyes now had a slight twinkle of mischief mixed in with the motherly kindness she continued to radiate around her. "Now then, perhaps an update to the wardrobe." Unable to move, Scott watched as she walked over to the brown wardrobe and withdrew a baby blue onesie, a pair of mittens, and a pacifier with a strap. Scott realized that what had thought would be a gradual process was speeding up rather quickly. He felt incredibly vulnerable, strapped to a changing table wearing an already well-used diaper, completely unable to do anything about his situation.
He strained his wrists against the straps to no avail. The rabbit walked back over to him and began to dress him in his new attire. Muffling his protests with the pacifier she fastened on him and tapped him on the nose, "No fussing now!" she remarked, as she tugged and locked the mittens on his hands. Finally she unstrapped him from the table and stood him on the ground. "Raise your arms now", Scott obeyed, and the rabbit slid the onesie onto him and buttoned up the seams on the bottom. Scott stood there, the smiling rabbit sucking on a pacifier on his onesie contrasting with the blushing leopard as he realized he had by incapacitated by his caretaker. "If you behave, I will change you in a few hours. For now, let's go meet our new friends in the basement, shall we?" Scott gulped. "Have I bitten off more than I can chew?" he thought to himself, as the rabbit added a finishing touch to his outfit, placing a baby harness on his torso, and leading him by his leash downstairs.