Clown Mare 6-1


#22 of Clown Mare

Chapter 6.1

Two o'clock in the morning.

Spiras Cross walked down in the basement as the stepped made a soft creek.

"Sighs this is not the best of my works. Rumor has it that this place was the best for coffee."

An earth pony who played this wonderful classic on the piano with a nice tone firm melody.

Spiras sat down on a high-end stool and then turned his head to the left.

"It seems Muse is doing great here."

Precious spoke to Spiras Cross with a slight pitch tone of her voice, "Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it? So, what would you like today Mr. Cross? Is it the usual this time?"

He then turned his head to face forward, "Yes, however, I brought my own cream if that is ok with you Precious."

The lights start to dim in the room a little bit on each corner of the café. While Precious the earth pony who grabbed the mug with both of her hooves. She placed it on a weird machine, grabbed a small light plastic shovel that weighed a bit 8 ounces. She of course dug some coffee beans and put them on top of the machine. While it was opened, she then closed it and turned it on with her left hoof and placed the shovel back to the coffee bean drawer.

"All I know is that earth ponies know how to make good coffee. Maybe because they know how to grow these coffee beans. We made a peace treaty to the earth ponies back when pegasus had an aggression towards our species, the unicorn race. It was then we all made a peace treaty to the pegasus a year later because of other creatures in that weird forest that ponies keep spreading rumors about. I don't remember what they called it since my ears weren't paying attention to a royal on the day of the gala."

Thirty minutes had passed by.

The coffee maker was making some kind of noise. Spiras noticed the liquid dropping in the mug when it poured on his left side. He then thought to himself.

"It was my mistake for killing many slaves I clearly lost count after subject seventy-seven. My true goal was to make a cure for cancer. I feel so ashamed of my research I thought it could help ponies and yet I failed. Maybe when I have kids, I'll teach them that healing with magic is still not enough, but I prefer research that means you work alone and work out the kinks of every serum. That's what it means to be a scientist. But is it? I know they are all slaves and they will be remembered. Still in this day of age not one unicorn has the talent to cure diseases yet."

He took a deep breath, "Even then the cost of creating one with magic is so high in price not everyone can afford it."

Precious stopped the machine switch with her left hoof and used both of her hooves and placed the coffee in front of him. Spiras opened a bottle in his pouch that took with him. Once he opened it he poured some of it in his coffee with that white thick liquid from the marshmallow that he was saving for this one moment.

"I loved marshmallows as a kid. It was a dream that was more than chocolate. Not sure why mares love chocolate but it does have a sweet taste as well. But I'm in it for the cream flavor. That extra silk texture is to die for."

He opened his mouth with his teeth together. Precious gave him a spoon from her right hoof. He used his magic to lift that spoon up and stir it in his mug.

He then put thoughts into his mind, "Oh, gosh I forgot who would be my dance partner at the gala. Maybe a subject mare would do."