Second Time Around
A police box, a rackety old police box, was standing before her! a snow leopard was standing next to it. they should have looked out of place in this day and age. yet, it didn?t. it looked perfectly normal standing in the middle of the street.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.7 - The Atlantean
Unbeknownst to them, including the police officers, gyao shin kaneyama smiled from her seat.
Homonus Nocturna - Chapter 2 - Life, Love and Lycanthropes
Taking every precaution, eli also switched off every light, and sat in total darkness, cellphone in hand, ready to call the police at a moment's notice.
A Glass Of Water
I am a police officer, after all." "well, a parched police-officer. but i wonder if a dead cop is of any use at all?" "it has been you who tried to kill me, after all." "that's just business and nothing personal.
The Human Species Ch.17 - Forgiveness (Epilogue of Episode III)
The police is heavy on his trail." "perfect. put him up on the... wait, why was he being chased by the police in the first place?" "we have no idea, sir.
[Detective Thursdays] For Sale
My mind going back to my first night as a real police officer. the van i was sitting in was covered in grime, made to look like it had been abandoned.
Save a Life and You Will Save the World
Rioters from the poor and foreign-born north of the city had torched cars, destroyed storefronts, resisted the police and knifed her boyfriend adam thierry to death.
Sunday Bloody sunday.
Shortly after, the police and paramedics showed up. a crowd had formed as every person in the gym spilled out and some from the nearby shops into the parking lot. the police dispersed the crowd and took the three assailants away.
Broken Dreams (clean)
Mike must have taken care of the cop because when i came to, i was on my bed, he was sitting next to me, the cop was gone, and it was getting dark out. "mike?" "it's okay, i'm here." his voice was smooth and comforting. "i had the worst dream.
Pokemon Journey to another world Ch4
I slowly stood up strait again and i could see several other police officers breath a little easier. "well officer jenny i would have to say you had me at a disadvantage their for a second. though might i make a small request?"
A simple story III : Part I
The tigress recognized the police officer, smiled a little to him, dropping the revolver on the ground, with an annoyed gaze after having seen the weapons of the police officers. the cougar moved and the foot pushed the weapon out of reach.
The Worth of a Man
He didn't know what to do, his phone...his phone he had to call the hospital...the police... he had to call someone.