Pokemon Journey to another world Ch4
#5 of Pokemon Journey to another world
Ch. 4
I awoke in the middle of the night. I looked around to see what had woken me up. Though I looked around I couldn't see what had woken me up. I looked down and saw that Jenavee had crawled into my chest and was sleeping with a peaceful smile on her face. I slowly got out of bed as to not waken her up. I walked over to the window to look out at this foreign night sky. 'What was I going to do now'?
Though I knew that this was some sort of dream come true, but what about my mother? Did she miss me, what really brought me here, and how would I get back? Question after question raced through my mind. I opened the window door and stepped outside onto the balcony to cool myself off. There was a cool breeze blowing and it felt good, really good. Almost at once the questions stopped buzzing around in my head and it felt like I could go through with this dream.
Then I felt something touch my leg. I looked down and saw Jenavee looking up at me. She had a sad and tired look upon her face.
"You look sad. Master what are you thinking?"
"I was just thinking of home. My mother and little sister. I wonder what they are doing right now. Are they getting dinner ready or maybe they are eating breakfast. It's hard to tell here."
"You will see them again. Why don't we go back to bed. You are going to have a busy day tomorrow."
I smiled and picked her up and hugged her tight, then returned to bed with her. I awoke the next morning to the sound of knocking. I looked down and Jenavee was starting to wake up.
"Who could that be?"
"I believe it's my job knocking." She nodded and we got up and I got dressed. Since I didn't have any change of cloths I dressed in my Renaissance cloths again and opened the door. There stood the nurse that had been so kind to us.
"Well I trust that the both of you had a good night sleep."
"Yes thank you. I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for us." She smiled and shook her head.
"It is I who should thank you for your help. Well if you both are up then I recommend that you both come down stairs. The police would like a word with you."
"About?" I was in the moment where you either fight or flee mode. In most cases I would have stayed and fought but, this was an adversary that I knew nothing about and their was Jenavee to worry about. So the choice was clear. FLEE!
"They have come to offer you a job and would like to talk to you about that boy that you encountered."
"Oh is that all?"
"Yes. What did you think that you would be arrested or something?"
"Well to tell you the truth. Since I came here I didn't know what the laws were so I thought..." The nurse smiled and nodded.
"Well you don't have to worry none. They only wish to offer you a job and get the description of the boy that you met." I felt Jenavee's hand on my leg and I looked down at her. She had that same worried look on her face as last night. I smiled to her and picked her up only to set her down on my shoulder.
"Is everything alright master?"
"Yes everything's alright Jenavee. Though I don't want you to call me master. I would prefer if you were to call me by my given name. Donovin." The nurse looked at me then to Jenavee.
"Is she talking to you?"
"Why yes she is. Though she can't speak hour language, she can talk to me through her psychic abilities."
"Well if the both of you would accompany me down stairs they are waiting." So we followed the nurse down the stairs and sure enough I saw several Police officers there waiting for me. My senses told me that I should grab onto Jenavee and fight my way through to the exit, but there were to many officers to do that.
I stopped a few feet in front of the officers and they all turned to me. Then a female officer stepped forward and spoke.
"My name is Jenny and I would like to offer you a job young man."
"Um hello officer Jenny my name is..." She cut me off right there raising her right hand.
"I already know who you are and the name of your Ralts there as well." As she pointed to Jenavee on my shoulder. Alright now I was worried. Nobody except the nurse knew my name. How did these guys know it. I should have trusted my instincts and made a run for the door. But before I could I saw a man step forward.
"There is no need to be afraid their son. The officer here is just very good at her job." The lady spoke up again.
"I wouldn't be an officer if I didn't know at least the name of person that I was going to hire now would I?" I didn't realize but I was in my ready stance. Within this stance I could either shift my weight forward and make for a lunge or turn and make a break for it. I slowly stood up strait again and I could see several other Police officers breath a little easier.
"Well officer Jenny I would have to say you had me at a disadvantage their for a second. Though might I make a small request?"
"Of course."
"Please don't do that again. It makes me feel like you are looking down at me."
"Well I do apologize if I have done anything to upset you. Well I would like you to accompany me down to the station so that we may talk." Finally it clicked. Why had this police officer come here in such a large force? Plus why didn't she want to talk to me here? To many questions and not enough answers.
"Sure thing but would you mind if I had a small chat with the nurse before I go?"
"I don't see why not, but I would like to be on my way as soon as possible."
"Ok. This will only take me a moment." So I turned and walked back to where the nurse had walked off. Once there Jenavee spoke up.
"Donovin I am worried." I nodded.
"I know. Right now I am more likely to run than go anywhere with them. Plus why did they show up in such large numbers if they only wish to hire me for a job."
"So what do we do know?"
"Well hopefully I can avoid all of this and work here. Or we will have to make a run for it."
"Why do you think we should run?" I didn't answer her because I started to hear a voice not far off crying. I followed the sobbing and eventually came to a door with a sign on the front saying employees only. The crying was coming from inside. I lightly knocked on the door and their came a sobbing reply.
"Come in." So I opened the door and sure enough the nurse was sitting in a chair with tear tracks running down her cheeks. "Donovin! I didn't expect you back here. Is their something wrong?" I took a seat in a chair facing her and Jenavee slid down into my lap.
"Yes I would say that there is."