Broken Dreams (clean)

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#7 of series1


Ever wonder what life would be like outside the 'norm' of your perfect lives? Neither did I. And I payed the price for having the perfect life. I never thought it would happen to me. Anything I wanted I got, I went anywhere, did anything, and all it got me was heartache and broken dreams. My name is Crystal Sky Daneson living in a world similar to yours.

Chapter 1

"...partly cloudy with a chance of rain heading into the weekend where-"

I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. Seven a.m. better get up.

I threw the covers off and went to the mirror like I did every morning. I am an otter and quite tall for being a girl. My fur is a medium grey with light grey on my chest and belly. I had a somewhat masculine build, but people could definitely tell I was female. I wore frameless glasses and a leather collar at all times, being called hot many times. My favorite thing about me is my eyes. They are electric-ice blue.

I also have a private bath on my room so showers are sometimes twice a day. At my dresser I grabbed my clothes for the day; fresh bra and panties, black pants and a white t-shirt.

I took my shower to relaxing shower tunes from my mp4 player, as usual every day. The only thing different today is the fact that today is the day I turn seven-teen.

Stepping out, I caught my mom, Jemani, yelling upstairs to me.

"Crystal Sky, hurry up! You'll be late for school!"

"Be right down!" I yelled back.

Jumping down the steps and rounding the corner I nearly ran into my older brother.


"Good morning to you too. Happy birthday."

"What are you doing home? I thought you were getting shipped to Iraq?"

"My senior Airman let me off for a while. And besides, do you think I'd miss our birthday?"

I laughed. Even though he is four years older than me we look like twins, body style and all. Our birthday is even on the same day.

My dad, Mich, came from the kitchen. "We couldn't get much this year, sweetie. One present now and the rest after school." He handed me a small, thin envelope. It was a driver's license.

"AHH! Yes, when did it arrive?"

"This morning."

"And I have something for you too." Said mike.

"Your gift from me hasn't come in yet. I had to order it." I said.

"Cool. Close your eyes and follow me." He led me out to the driveway.

"Okay, open 'em."

Right in front of me was a 1970 Dodge Challenger. It is the same grey as me with a pair of racing stripes the same blue as my eyes.

"Oh my God. Mike, I love it! It wasn't too much was it?"

He handed me the keys. "No, of course not, but finding the right one was difficult. Check this out. It's got a 350 small block with a hemi supercharger engine. Dual side-pipes, custom rims, interior, and a hard-top convertible. The hood has your paws on it. The plate is the best part."

Mike was right. The plate read #BLUE. My nickname has been Blue since I could remember.

My watch beeped. "Oh, shit. I'm gonna be late. Thank you. Love ya. Deuces, I', outi."

I jumped in and it roared to life when I turned the key. Right then I felt like I could just melt. When I was little and scared, I would climb in my dad's old pick-up and listen to the motor. It was a '55 Chevy, he still drives it.

I pulled out the drive and headed off to school. I was so lost in my car that I almost ran two red lights and missed a turn. But I did manage to arrive with time to spare.

"Hey, Blue. Nice wheels. B-day gift?" I met my best friends outside the door. Tiamara and her twin brother, Timothy. Both of them are white wolves.

"Yeah. Mike bought it. He's home by the way."

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

I knew I would get that kind of response. Being eight-teen, she is of legal age, but Tiamara has had the hots for my brother since she was twelve.

"Wanna smoke before the bell?" she asked.

"You know I don't smoke. That's how my grandpa Leroy died."

It was too late anyway. The bell began to ring.

Timothy only spoke when there was a problem. "Fuck, I still got half left."

"Put it out and stick it in your pack, then."

Despite how much us three messed around in class, we got good grades. We all had the same six classes and sat together.

After school I offered to give them a ride.

"Hey, Blue, are you still comin' to our post-prom party next Saturday?" Tiamara asked.

"Yeah, as far as I know." Timothy lit his unfinished cigarette. "Whoa, no smoking in the new car. Why didn't you finish it at lunch?"

"I had detention." Always a man of few words.

"Well too bad. Put it out."

"Fine," he tucked it behind his ear, "crank up the tunes."

I put in my Hollywood Undead CD. It took us every song to make it home.

"I'll see you guys Monday. My parents are going on a business trip this weekend to New York so I can't have anyone over and I can't go anywhere. Just three days of me and mike."

"Okay. See ya Monday."

I drove home in silence. My parents were closing the hatch of their SUV as I pulled in the driveway.

"Leavin' already? I thought you two were gonna stay 'til tonight?"

"Sorry, Crystal Sky. We were called to go early. Your brother will be here so you won't be alone. And I promise we'll hurry back, and as soon as we are, all four of us will go on a vacation. Just like old times. 'Kay?" my mom gave me the otter-pup pout.

"'Kay. Love you."

"Love you too, Honey. Bye."

I stood in the driveway and watched them go until they were out of sight, then I went inside.

"So, any plans for this afternoon?" mike asked my when I stepped through the door.

"Homework. Why? You have something planned?"

"Nope. Just wondering."

I went to my room and stayed there almost all weekend. I only came down Sunday night to watch TV with mike.

I was in a good mood watching a comedy, when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said. A cop was at the door.

"Excuse me miss, are you Crystal Sky Daneson?"

"Yes, can I help you, officer?"

"I'm sorry. Your parents have been killed in a drive-by shooting."

Whatever else that was said was unheard by me. I fell to the floor out cold. Mike must have taken care of the cop because when I came to, I was on my bed, he was sitting next to me, the cop was gone, and it was getting dark out.


"It's okay, I'm here." His voice was smooth and comforting.

"I had the worst dream. A cop was here saying mom and dad were-" I saw a tear run down his face, "It wasn't a dream, was it?"

He paused a moment, "No."

"What happened?"

"They got caught in the cross fire of a blood feud with some dingoes."

At that moment I never felt so alone. I broke down and sobbed into Mike's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Crystal Sky. I'm here for you." I knew he was trying to be strong for us, but there was a crack to his voice.