Broken Dreams Chapter 7 (clean)
Chapter 7 Tim and I have been dating for nine months now. I met his parents; they are what you'd expect for wealthy furs. Tim's dad, Ron, was extraordinarily accepting. I think Ron thought I was older than I am, it felt like he was hitting on...
Broken Dreams Chapter 6 (clean)
Chapter 6 One full year after I got the news that my parents were dead. All of my injuries were healed but my tail never did, I moved it too much for that. Mr. Fluck was in jail for rape charges. Mike worked at home now and I had my own job....
Broken Dreams Chapter 5 (clean)
This chapter is only to ease the minds of those who say I'm writing this unrealistically. I do not mean to offend anyone by my words. These stories are just that. There is no truth to them at all. Any characters that relate to you or someone you may...
Broken Dreams Chapter 2 (clean)
Chapter 2 My parent's funeral was held one week after Mike and I got the news. Everyone I knew was there and also some furs with earwigs that I didn't. I guessed that they were probably agents working on their murder case. I stopped...
Broken Dreams (clean)
Prologue Ever wonder what life would be like outside the 'norm' of your perfect lives? Neither did I. And I payed the price for having the perfect life. I never thought it would happen to me. Anything I wanted I got, I went anywhere, did anything,...