Dragon Storm: Chapter 17: Lazz vs. Rio part 2, Lazz's Desperate Decision, Pushed to the edge!
It varied from heavy books, to statues, to marble slabs, to bookshelf's, to random debris, to shards of glass, to wall paintings. lazz jumped up and took out his rpg-7 and took aim and then fired it.
Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 16 - Haunting Music
Boohoven eventually lead them down towards a hidden door on the ground floor, hidden behind a bookshelf and an off-white colour unlike the oaken brown of the other doors.
How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 2
The room itself was decorated sparsely with only a few pictures on the walls and a bookshelf along one wall. it was lit only dimly by way of several wall sconces set in the corners of the room and the light coming from the windows.
Raspberry Line Chapter 9 - Of Grapes, Apples, And Potatoes
He looked up from the bookshelf, caught in his little game, and there she was. she glanced around for just a moment, and then spotted him. with purpose in every step, she made her way to the table.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 16
The golem had managed to drive his motorbike into the wall of the halfway, and was frantically beeping his horn at a rather nonplussed-looking bookshelf. roka was still unsure about biggie's choice.
Chapter 17: Spark of Imagination
They share few words until renno finds himself standing in the loft before a bookshelf full of unmarked books. a spot remains open just the right size to match the tome kyra took for herself earlier. "kyra said not to touch those."
Dark Author - Prologue
Your eyes dart back and forth from the shelf to the book in your hands, you don't remember picking up the tome, you don't remember approaching the desk, you don't even remember leaving the bookshelf.
The Sealed Planet: Chapter 9
Maybe it's an archive, used when the memory was full and just kept for future reference, much like a book in a bookshelf.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 2: All We Know So Far
"ok so let's place our equipment in a plus shaped pattern at the doorway, the bookshelf in the corner, the left wall over there and the back wall there." the she monkey pointed. "wait, is that the cube version 21?!" "now who is squeeing?"
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 5: Uncovered
The five of them turned in the direction of the sound, which led them to volcan standing by the bookshelf.
North and South Chapter 2: Seeking
Most of the space was still vacant, with only a coffee table and a half-assembled bookshelf so far.
Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 20
Sin reprimanded gently, and she rose her hand, the bookshelf immediately righting itself and the books flying back into order on the shelves as zerrex mumbled something under his breath.