Chapter 12: The Innocent Defiler

Despite of Avila's fear that Shirdan's actions would be his demise, her concerns were unfounded. Upon reaching the settlement via portal, some dragons were surrounding the yellow dragon. While most of them were younger dragons who clearly didn't know...

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Chapter 1- Cutting Deep

Well guys, this is a new story that I wanted to try. Please let me know what you think! Enjoy! Chapter One- Here we go again. That was my first thought when I made my way to the parking lot. This wasn't my first fight, no there have been many...

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Just Living Chapter 4

Just Living Chapter 4 There Frey stood in the living room of his apartment with a frown on his features. Both paws held onto his cell phone, the screen showing a number which he had dialed in. Right there and then he could simply press upon the screen...

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Forgotten Friendship Part 2

I touched down, gripping the tomes against my body. _What is going on with me today? I haven't thought of Frith in eighty years._ Once inside, I grabbed a book with blank pages. Other creatures used a writing utensil of some sort, but with magic, no...

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A deceased daughter's wish

_Every creature holds mana within, though not all possess the ability to use it. Dragons, however, are an exception, able to utilize mana in more ways than any other creature. Some dragons use mana to breathe underwater. Others, to grow plants faster....

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My Emerald Angel

Sexless, but worry not: I have a filler/request coming up in a bit that should sate a bit of your appetite. ============= "Alright," I said, looking straight into her eyes. "We've been together for a while now, but I don't think I've ever...

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The Jaws of Hell

I've been feeling sick all this week, so I didn't get much writing done. However, I did manage to get enough for a chapter. Enjoy it, and in the days to come you shall witness an amount of porn unseen by mortal eyes. UNSEEN I TELL YOU!! ...

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Losing an ally

This story is the fourth part of the "Yslien's Lover" Story series. Okay, So this chapter is shorter than the last, but meh, more to come soon I hope! ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ The rain poured down hard...very very...

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Cat house chapter two

((chapter two is a continue of chapter one so I hope you all enjoy)) "Ancient? perhaps you could say that. I have been around along time yes." He opened his eyes and looked to her carefully "Why do you ask? I am of no interest to anyone really." He...

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Like an Arrow

"Like an arrow from the quiver of God, so now does joy strike my heart." Rukbat sat in her grandfather's cottage, reading the words Regina Vinceterini had spoken on her first sight of the promontory on which she had built the city of the Faithful...

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FFTA:FC Chapter 4

Okay, so I lied. This chapter is pure storyline, much to the chagrin of the sex-starved readers. Hey, I need to expand on the original idea at some point. As usual, I don't own SquareEnix, Squaresoft, or anything FFTA-related other than a copy of the...

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Between Winters, Part VI

Between Winters By Glycanthrope Part VI _Fort Jaansworth_ - The imposing, centuries old granite fort was the military centre of Namairith and home to the esteemed _Order of the Sabrehold Knights_. During its construction, a team of surveyors and...

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