Monster Hunter-Beware the Bulldrome

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#3 of Monster Hunter

After earning his first pay Zach decided to celebrate with a well cooked meal at the hall, the place was busy as ever with hunters coming in and out for jobs and of course Zeng was there having a mug of ale and next to him was a leopard armed with a light bowgun eating a whole steak to himself and judging from the armor he wore he was in the elite class, just as Zach was about to ask him something the counter maid held up a contract shouting for him.

"YO TYRUS! got a good one for ya!"

"Oh yeah?"

Tyrus quickly left the table reading the contract and after careful examination he got a grin of satisfactory and quickly waved it in the air offering anyone to join in.

"Come on guys! it pays 3000 zenny! i'll split it fifty fifty! come on who wants in?"

"I'll go?"

"Ah the new kid...Zach right?"

"That's me."

After a quick examination Tyrus signed both of them on for the job and in an instant they were off to the swamp region. their camp was set up along the river just one mile from the nearest village. Using a bowgun Tyrus made sure he had packed the right ammunition while Zach sharpened his swords.

"So what's our target?"

"Bulldrome. it's been causing trouble for the villagers."

A Bulldrome is like a super sized warthog big enough for two people to ride and have been known to be very aggressive, especially when they're hungry. Tyrus unlike most was thrilled to face a beast like this as he loaded some ammo into his weapon and lead the way to the area the bulldrome was last spotted. it was a small pond just a few miles up the swamp and the area had recently been dug up by something big. While Zach scanned the area for any signs of the beast Tyrus examined the damage trying to determine where it headed next.

"Zach. We'll set a trap here."

"Here? but everything's dug up."

"That's because the big guy was marking his turf, he'll be coming through here to get water...but he won't be drinking any."

And with that Tyrus set the trap right along the watering hole before using one of the dirt mounds as a shooting point while Zach hid behind a bush. For a while nothing seemed to happen but then the birds and smaller animals began to panic as the sound of snapping trees filled the air followed by a foul smell and before their eyes stood the bulldrome marked by the white coated fur on its head followed by it's tusks large as an elephants.

Zach was shocked at the size of the beast that now stood just feet away from him, one charge would be enough to trample him or to get him impaled on one of the monstrous tusks. Tyrus was ready to fire a shot the moment the beast stepped into the trap. Zach wanted to get a closer look not noticing an unseen branch beneath his foot. That one snap instantly gave Zach away as the bulldrome turned right to him ready to charge.

"Damn it all! ZACH MOVE!!"

Tyrus fired off a bullet that didn't seem to do much until after five seconds it exploded sending the beast on its side while Zach quickly drew his swords going in for an instant kill only to be slammed by one of the tusks as he stumbled in the mud.

"Lure him to the trap! i'll ready another shot!!"

"uhh...(shakes his head) on it!!"

The bulldrome was shellshocked from the blast and could only see blurred images of its surroundings and as it regained its vision it could see Zach staring at him straight it the face tossing a small rock.


A good hit between the eyes was enough to send the beast into a frenzy Zach ran towards the water with the bulldrome close behind, spotting the marker for the trap Zach quickly leaped over allowing the bulldrome to activate it and in a flash sparks were flying as it cried out feeling a shock throughout its whole body as Tyrus loaded a special red bullet into his gun.

"Lights out big guy!"

Two direct shots to the head were fired followed by two small puffs of smoke, the bulldrome squealed and roared swaying its head around and before they knew it the beast fell on its back fast asleep and snoring loudly.

"You didn't kill it?"

"Clients pay extra for a live specimen."

After launching the signal flare Zach went home to rest his body and repair his gear but after today's events he believed he should take a break from hunting for the next couple of weeks.

The End.

Monster Hunter-The Ice Cold KIller

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