Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 5: Feast and Friendship
#10 of Beast Omega Galaxy
Chapter 5 of Beast Omega Galaxy! Soulka's first big fight! Can he win alone? Also a few little hints at what's to come ;) Enjoy!
Chapter 5: Eating and Friendship
*Few minutes before Hesh and Kibou talk, Soulka is outside being charged by a raging bull and a fan wielding bird. Soulka immediately drops the rock he was playing with a puts on his gauntlets ready for battle. The bird is faster than Soulka thought and is quickly upon him, swapping at him with her fan. Although it was hard Soulka was barely able to dodge her assault jumping backwards away from each swipe. Suddenly with a huge roar the raging bull came up from behind Nevia swing down at the wolf with his axe. With a quick side step Soulka was able to dodge the bull's assault, but as soon as he landed was sent flying by an unseen force, landing on his back.*
Soulka: Ow! Huh? What was that? I didn't see an attack, but now that I think about was...wind?
Nevia: Oh? *chuckles* You figured it out huh? My fan gives me the power to wield the wind around me. Allow me to demonstrate.
*With quick swing of her fan, Nevia sent a strong gust of wind toward Soulka who was still on the ground. Unable to dodge in time he was blown back once again into a pile of rubble. Rubbing his head from the pain the wolf slowly stands up only to find Kyle in front of him axe in hand making a sideways swing at him. Although the bull's attack was strong, it was slow enough for Soulka to jump in the air and dodge, but as soon as he did he was blown back by another gust of wind.*
Soulka: Ugh this is annoying. Every time I dodge the bull that weird fan throws wind at me. Hmm...maybe I could try that!
*With an idea in his head Soulka quickly stands his ground and runs straight at Kyle. The bull snickered to himself and readied his axe to bring down on the wolf.*
Kyle: Charging forward? Ha what an idiot I'll crush you!
*Just as Soulka was in front of the brute, the axe came down upon him, but once again it was too slow and Soulka was able to slide under it and through the bull's legs. Once behind him Soulka quickly stood up and readied for an attack, but from behind him Nevia swung her fan heavily sending a little tornado toward the wolf. With a grin Soulka quickly dodge to the left allowing the tornado to hit the bull sending him to the ground face first as he charged the bird. Surprised at this Nevia was unable to react in time when Soulka appeared before her sending her back with a slap to the face.*
Soulka: Haha it worked! I could've punched you and knocked you out, but I'm not supposed to punch girls, even if you're a bird...right? Hmm...does that still count?
*Lost in thought Soulka stood there as the bull and bird climbed to their feet with angry faces.*
Nevia: How dare you make a fool out of us! You'll pay for this you little mutt!
*Taking a deep breath Nevia exhaled and swung her fan making a giant tornado appear. The swirling vortex had such a strong pull that it sucked the helpless wolf in trapping him inside. Struggling to try and move Soulka was powerless, unable to escape. Just then Soulka could hear the roars of Kyle as he ran toward him axe at ready to finish the wolf off. In a panic Soulka began to struggle more and more. He breathed in ready to release a loud cry for help when something strange happened. Soulka had a strange feeling in his gut and for some reason the tornadoes grip was loosening on him. From outside Nevia's once happy evil grin had turned into one of shock as she watched her once giant tornado slowly shrink as the wind was being...swallowed by Soulka!?*
Nevia: What are you doing that!?
*Kyle out of confusion stopped his assaulted and stood in awe at the wolf as the whole tornado disappeared into the wolf's maw. Once it was all gone Soulka dropped to the ground hands over his muzzle as if he was about to...*
Soulka: I...I think...I'm about to be sick!
*Suddenly the wolf removed his hands and in an instant all the wind he had swallowed came bursting out launching him backwards into Kyle who was still stand in confusion. The amount of air was so strong that it even blew Nevia back inside the hideout through the hole where the door once was, blasting her through the wall knocking her out. At that time Hesh was coming down the stairs and stopped as she flew by staring in confusion. Outside Soulka rubbed his head and stood up jumping off the fallen bull.*
Soulka: Ugh...that was horrible...
*The wolf let out a strong burp and fell to his knees. Unaware Soulka continued to burp as Kyle slowly stood up and shook his head with an angry expression.*
Kyle: You annoying pest! I'll flatten you right now!
*Bringing his axe up over his head Kyle readied it to bring down hard on the helpless wolf, but before he could a giant boulder came flying through the air out of nowhere smashing hard into his face, sending him crashing into a pile of rubble knocking the bull out. As Hesh ran over to Soulka he looked back and up to see Kibou standing in a giant hole in the wall on the second floor.*
Hesh: Soulka! You ok!?
Soulka: Ugh...*burps* Yeah...just my stomach is a little...*burps* unhappy.
Hesh: What? Um...what happened to that bird? Saw her go flying through a wall.
Soulka: Ugh...oh her...I threw up on her...
Hesh: *Gives Soulka a confused surprised look* did what?
*Just then Kibou jumped down from the second floor and wall over to the wolfs.*
Kibou: I saw it. Seems Soulka's power involves him eating and throwing up an opponent's attacks.
Hesh: Um...that's strange, but it definitely fits him.
Soulka: *burps* Ah! I think that was the last one. I'm okays now! Say think that Sun Fish is done now!?
Hesh: *sighs and chuckles* Yeah it should be. Oh and by the way that's Kibou. He is an old acquaintance of mine.
Kibou: Nice to meet you. Mind if I accompany you guys to the diner?
Soulka: Not at all! I'm Soulka nice to meet you to! Now come on let's go guys!
*Soulka grabs Hesh's and Kibou's hands then pulls them in a rush to the diner. After a while the group reaches the diner and sits at a booth relaxing as the waiter comes to their table. This time it isn't Fox, but in fact a young robin.*
Robin: You guys are the ones who took out the Feral Force base right?
Soulka: Yep that's us! I'll take the Sun Fish please!
Robin: *chuckles* I'd like to thank you both and Mr. Glade said the Sun Fish will be out shortly. He would like to bring it out himself.
Soulka: Aw so it's not ready. Oh well guess we can wait.
Robin: Thank you! *bows and walks away*
Hesh: Seems we finished quickly. At least it was a little entertaining.
Soulka: You met your friend to right!?
Kibou: Right, that's true. If it's okays I'd like to join you to also.
Soulka: Join us? Sure I have no problem with that. We're just traveling looking for information on a way home.
Kibou: I see. Well you won't find anything like that at Feral Force. They don't care about returning home. Here they have power and land, along with many resources so this is like paradise for them.
Soulka: Aw I see, well that sucks.
Hesh: Maybe we should go to Galaxy's base. Kibou you're a member right? Do they know anything?
Kibou: Well I've been out of touch with them while undercover, but they might. They have a whole operation and division for researching the fog and how we got here.
Soulka: Really!? Then we should definitely go there! Kibou would you mind!?
Kibou: Not at all. Although I didn't find any information to take back, but might as well.
Soulka: Great! Thanks a lot!
Hesh: Oh Soulka I have something for you.
Soulka: Huh really?
*Hesh snaps his finger and a bracelet appears in his paw. He holds out his paw and Soulka takes the bracelet looking it over. It was kind of like a watch, but where the clock face would be there was a strange stone instead.*
Soulka: What's this!? It looks awesome!
Hesh: It's a special bracelet that is now in sync with your signature. By swiping your paw over that stone you'll summon me and I'll teleport straight to you.
Soulka: Seriously!? Great, that'll be really useful! Thanks Hesh!
Hesh: It's no problem. Just a way for us to stick together. I promised you that I would get you back to your brother and I will keep that promise no matter what.
Soulka: *stares with happy, but curious eyes thinking to himself. "How does Hesh know about my brother?"* Hesh...thanks so much! I'm sure together we will find a way home!
*Without warning Soulka jumps up and hugs Hesh tight. Surprise Hesh stares at Soulka before slowly hugging him back. Kibou chuckles as Glade appears carrying a giant plate full of different fish. Fried, baked, fish balls, salad with diced pieces of fish, and more.*
Glade: Haha if you two are done I'd like to serve you the Sun Fish I promised.
Soulka: *ears pop up and instantly jumps back to his seat*
*Hesh, Glade, and Kibou chuckle as they see Soulka's eyes widen with excitement as the plate is placed on the table. It was so big the entire table was needed for it to sit! Soulka claps his hands and says thanks for the food before grabbing his chopsticks, picks up one of the fried Sun Fish balls, and drops it in his muzzle. As he swallows his eyes instantly sparkle and it's apparent that he loves it. Following suit Hesh and Kibou do the same. Hesh trying some of the salad and Kibou with a piece of the fried fish. Both smile at the great taste and the three reach in for more.*
Glade: Haha guess you all like it! Great! Eat as much as you'd like!
Soulka: Thanks! I sure will!
*The group continues to dig into the plate not stopping for a second. For the rest of the night they all eat and joke around, until they couldn't eat another bite, which took Soulka a long time to reach that point. After saying their thanks the three leave the diner and check into an inn. Kibou decides to get a room of his own, while Soulka and Hesh elected to share a room. After a warm shower the two lay in bed.*
Hesh: Hey Soulka...about your brother.
*Hesh rolls over to face Soulka and gains a surprised look as he finds the wolf fast asleep. A smile slowly forms on Hesh face as he reaches up turning off the light.*
Hesh: Goodnight Soulka. I will keep my matter what.