Chapter 14: Deadly Blizzard

Spyro rushed over as fast as he could, the snow and winds slowing him down. spyro managed to regroup with them and the winds started to calm down.

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Poem: Freed Chains

The winds of truth shatter the bonds of pain, the cries of pain's heart fade within the lone winds of existence the soul which once caged by the hidden lies of never become, let them fly from the once moral cage of broken promises...

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Skyline King

He took it from a hidden store where wind had put it "in case of trouble". then doctor. wind was taking him here every time he was wounded, poisoned or sick. this time he came here only with lea. doctor knew from newspapers, what happened to wind.

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Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

"picture the wind around you. feel it moving, the raindrops falling through it... listen to the leaves rustling in the trees." gux's ears swiveled on his head, listening to all the sounds, feeling the wind tickle his wet fur.

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Poem: Music of dragons

Between the trees, another smaller one, playing the flute, through the wind. his breath seems never done. listen to the wind.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 62

The wind blew her ears, her whiskers, and her nose. it ruffled her shirt and chilled her tummy, but she did not shiver in the slightest.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 10

The wind blew snow into his face, making his eyes water, and made the tarp flap up and down, slapping the hard, unforgiving floor of the pass. _just put the damn thing down and get out of here!

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O'fur the Rainbow

As if on cue, a blast of wind exploded through the window of the bedroom, showering theo in glass.

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Inexorable Ch.1

It was faint, but a scent carried by the wind was obvious.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Two: The Prey

The winds howled once more and ered perked up his ears at their tone. nearby, oben was telling onid about how the sound was a trick of the ridges, channeling winds into a mockery of living voices.

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The Story of Aarya

But all she could hear was the wind rustling the leaves, and the wind chime dangling off the porch roof.

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