The Lost Tundra

Why in the hell would someone live out here in the middle of the freaking arctic tundra?

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Prelude: “Winds of Ice”

Their muscle and layers of fat also meant they could walk for long times without tiring: relatively warm in their tundra home. but there were enemies out on the blue ice.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Two: The Prey

There were more than ramessin that hunted and killed dagdarra on the tundra. ered breathed deep before bellowing a farewell to the group they had met. it was sonorous and spoke of the death that would, one day, embrace them all.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter One: The Hunters

The enlightenment of the eight wolven gods and their celestial court came to hold sway at the edge of the tundra. temples were raised; commerce: founded.

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The tundra stretches forever. small huts around a pond are the only things around here. it smells of death. it feels bad. it feels lonely. lonely. so he runs. _whoosh._ now he's living in a dream. _whoosh._ the wind picks up.

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The Christmas Gift

James let out a whistle as tundra walked in through the large double doors, waving with his paw, signaling tundra to the table.

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Two Roads one Choice

Looking around he found tundra at the far end eating a small apple.

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Herdnan- Chapter Sixteen

He scanned over the name plates and found "tundra pirtuk" next to the 4b button. "tundra pirtuk." cymaenie read aloud. he chuckled. "good solid husky name." he pressed the button and a voice returned quickly. "hello?" "tundra?

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Two Roads one Choice (Last Preview)

But tundra's was easily seen growing. "i know you antis about this fighting thing, but you need to claim yourself."

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Another Tundra Race

I would hate to get lost in the tundra." "me too." kitty says. "don't get me wrong, i love snow. at least enough to get school cancelled or something. but diesel's right. if we get lost, we might never get found." "it's a tv show, kitty."

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven - Splitting the Sea No light pierced through the dark shroud that had covered the sky. I looked around the wagon I walked behind, toward the horizon the refugee caravan moved toward but there was no sign of sunlight. Torches were lit to...

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Six

Chapter Six - Out of the Frying Pan We haven't seen the reptilian that attacked us since we made it back into the city the day before. Even with his absence, I watched out for him carefully and avoided the popular inns for foreigners, or the medical...

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