Sneezing The Way Out
He yelled, but due to his size, it sounded more like the squeaking of a mouse than the shouting of a strong, urban thug.
Act II - A Danger Awaits
Leaping with anger, he set himself towards the hybrid, beforehe was blown back by the same energy shot that hit the previous thug.
Buffy the Big Apple Slayer
This beast looked demonic, his flesh was a crimson red, he had wings and a long tail with stark white hair as he faced down the two thugs with a menacing growl.
Team Valiant Chapter 2: Questions and Answers
thug had left behind.
Swami: Biography (Delura series)
Setting his usual tracking device in a location he knew they would go to, he would be surprised by the early arrival of mantra thugs and was forced to hide as the trade took place.
The Fires of Hell
Elicia had tossed a thug out of his chair as he attempted to grab her from behind. the crowd soon roared with excitement as the announcement for the match was given. "ladies and gentlemen! welcome to the crimson ring!
Rocket Raccoon Comforted III
The look in their human's eyes had been that of a stone-cold monster, as if the nova corpsman were nothing more than an insect to be crushed; the nova corps thug had backed the hell off!
Skinwalkers: Chapter Six
Not knowing what else to do, fey had followed her here, to this inconspicuous little house in the woods, just in time to see zave get ushered inside by three mean looking thugs. the moment she saw them, a fiery hatred had leaped up in fey's heart.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 14
She wouldn't let him go out there to be murdered in the dead of night by a gang of thugs. she _wouldn't._ it only took a moment for him to return her embrace.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 3.5 - Interlude 1
I glanced at the two downed thugs down the corridor. "in that case, go grab the bats off those guys. i have a feeling we'll need them." she nodded and scampered off, while i kept on listening through the door.
All's fair... Ch. 4
"well they _are_ arrogant thugs.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.6 - The Empire Strikes Back
Another thug came swinging with a bat, kin dodging with a ruthless swipe for the legs and crushing down on the falling head.