Act II - A Danger Awaits
#2 of Crystalis
Author's Note: I have no reason for this taking so long, so I won't put one here. Anyways, to all those who have read the series up to this point - including Breathless - I would like to state that if you see both of them disappear, don't be alarmed. I'm actually trying to rework both stories into a complete original series. * * * Oh why hello. Glad to see that you're awake finally. I was starting to think you would sleep the day away. Hmm? Oh where was I? Well I decided I'd go out and get some food for myself. Now now, I know I can go downstairs and ask for some, but old habits die hard â€" that and I don't trust people. Anyways, here's an apple for you. You'll need the energy for the walk I have planned. Where am I taking you? You needn't know. At least not yet. While we're out, I'll tell you more of my story. More of my history. * * * Hmm... Perhaps I should take a second to tell you a fairy tale. Why? Well, it's just something I heard as a child. Yes, I â€"was- a child at one point a long time ago. Those years I would never relive. Well enough of that chatter, on to the fairy tale. * * *
A long time ago, there lived five beings. A rabbit, a wolf, a feline, a fox, and a raven. They lived within the ether of the place where the world was going to be for thousands of years. One day, they felt the desire to craft a plane for beings to live and set out to create it. The fox carved out mountains from meteors, forming mountains and valleys. The feline filled valleys and ravines with water, letting it surround the world. The wolf gave birth to the forests and plains, letting them give shelter to the world. The raven flew up high and crafted the two suns and three moons out of nothingness â€" along with the stars that shined brightly within the sky. And the rabbit breathed life into every place of the world, giving birth to the animals that would populate it. With their creation finished, the five beings hovered around for a few years, watching over their little ‘babies' discover ideas and thoughts, as well as construct civilizations, before they felt they had given enough help to them. However, there was a maiden that came to the place where the gods had resided during their stay on the world. She cried out, "Oh creators, why does the sun not move? Why is there no rest from this endless bright? Is there nothing you will do for us?" Her pleas reached the five gods, who agreed. The wolf spoke up to the maiden. "We shall move the sun, making a time for rest, a time of darkness. However, there will be a price to pay." She replied, "Anything! I wish to help my fellows." "You must serve as the catalyst for this Time, and stay hidden, forever being with us. You can never again live on this world." The female dragon, with tears in her eyes, looked back at the world beneath the mountains that she climbed. "I will take that as my responsibility. My people need to have this Time you speak of. I will hold it with you for all eternity." The rabbit stood next to the wolf, as she put her paw on the dragon's shoulder. "Then we will take you when the sun falls and rises once. Say your goodbyes tonight and come back up here." "Thank you... I will be back to come with you." Finally, day turned to night letting the stars to come out and shine above the towns, giving them a restful sleep. Then night started to break unto dawn, and the dragon started her journey up the mountain. She gave a last sorrowful look behind her, before she smiled at the group. "Take me with you now, I wish not to see my home again, less I feel remorse of leaving them." "Then let it be so." The feline commanded. "Give me your hand, Maiden of Time, and we shall depart to the after world." She grasped the cat's hand and sighed, and all six ascended up. The dragoness gave a last look down, before tears began to shower from her eyes. They shimmered as they fell towards the earth â€" six tears in all, shining brightly as they embedded themselves in the earth. Each of them gave birth to a civilization over the years, though they were hidden from the rest of society. The rabbit stared at the dragon, and she began to cry as well. Her tears started to fall on the earth, creating the rain that would forever swirl around, giving life again to a dead planet. "Goodbye..." And so, the dragon became the Obsidian Princess, holder of Time and Fate. Willing to give up her mortality for the wealth of her people, she stood as a defiant hope to the world. "If you ever need me, find me." Her last words echoed to the world, letting them resonate within ever heart. * * * I sometimes laugh when I tell that tale. It just is so...fantastic, such things shouldn't be possible. But then, I shouldn't exist; neither should the others in my band of misfits. We're all creations of her, of the Princess that began to call to us. Or at least I thought she was calling to us. I couldn't understand it at the time. Anyways, I should get back to the story you've been waiting for. Yes yes, I'll make you happy so don't whimper like that... God you look too cute. * * * Plains. Endless plains. In every direction, it was flat, and seemed to continue on forever, so much so it was tiresome to even stare in front of where one would walk. "Why couldn't we use an airship?" The blond nin whimpered. Too tired to carry his lover in his arms, he found himself giving a piggyback ride, hunched over. "I mean... if we are going to reach Razael quickly, why couldn't we just fly there?" The crimson wolf huffed. He peered over at his group and shook his head a little. "Because, brat, we're considered criminals now." "Remind me again why we're criminals?" Veemon piped up, ears drooped. "Because they think we..." * * * Hmm? That's not where i left off? Forgive me, sometimes I forget where I leave off in my tales. Don't worry, it won't happen again. Now then, where were we? Near dawn in Faynor? Thank you, cutie. I'll continue from there then. * * * Light breached through the large windows, alerting Xavius to dawn. "Nnn..." Blinking his eyes a little, he stared out in front of him to see a body next to his. For a moment, he couldn't remember why there would be someone sleeping with him, until the prior day's events rushed back in a euphoric daze. That was right, he had slept with a wolf to give himself and the others a place to stay. Withdrawing his paw from around the wolf next to him, he sat himself up and stretched. 'Better check up on the dimwits. Got to make sure they don't fuck up.' Sighing in his own mind, Xavius quietly got up and held the spiral on his left arm. "Phase Shift...." Whispered words floated through the room, as a small gust took them away - leaving nothing left of the wolf. Winds gusted up in the guest room where the trio had been staying. Naruto had data fragmented around his half hand half paw, as he continued to try to morph into his digimon form. Veemon had been by his side all night to give him support, while the cat just stared off out the window. She seemed lost in thought, so much so that she didn't even notice the robed wolf in front of her. "Bridgett..." "XAVIUS!" She jumped out of her chair, and fell on her face on the floor, whining to herself. "D-don't do that!" He only grinned, even when Naruto growled at him from behind. "YEAH! What's the big deal with just popping in here!? Couldn't you at least use the door?" "And alert our host to my disappearance? I think not." Giving a shrug, the wolf made sure to have his robe closed to keep himself at least somewhat clothed. "Anyways, let me see what you've managed over one night." As Bridgett dusted herself off and stood up straight to watch Naruto, the blond had returned to his human form with a nod. "Alright!" He held out his right hand and watched the data spiral out. "Data Switch!" His digivice slide through the data, collecting it before it spiraled out in a bright orange glow around him. With it moving quickly, his body began to reform back to being a digimon, however, something went wrong - as it did for most of the night - and he found himself staring out at the same height with gray fur covering him head to toe. From behind him, three tails sprouted, but he hadn't reverted back to his old self - he was stuck in between. "..." Xavius tried to hold back a snort, but it wouldn't stay hidden, as cruel laughter spewed from his muzzle. "Wow... you can't even get yourself fully into a digimon?" Scowling, the fox hybrid snarled. "As if I wanted to be like this! At least I'm not human anymore!" "But that orange and gray does not mix." The wolf pointed out the obvious eyesore of the brightness against his lack of color. "We'd be even more of an eyesore with you as that." Rolling his eyes, Naruto sighed. "There's no making you happy, is there?" "There is..." He hmmed before snapping his fingers. "That's it!" Moving his paw back to the right spiral, he muttered a few words, before a black spiral wormed itself around the gray fox. Naruto, freaked out at the tendril of magic, screamed as if he was being devoured by it. ... That was far from Xavius' mind when he muttered the spell, as his magic started to change the clothes to a more darker color - black and gray form fitting battle gear almost. "There... now quit your hollering so I can send you all out to do recon." Veemon had to hit Naruto to make him stop screaming, and to shift his attention to what the magic really had done. "Whoa..." The blue dragon smirked a little, pulling on the pant leg before nodding approval to nothing. "Yo, brat! Are you listening to me?" "Loud and clear, bastard." "Do you have the crystal I gave you when I left from Konoha?" "C...crystal?" "Yeah." "Um... no... I left it back there to let them have a way to get to me." The wolf facepawwed and sighed. "You were supposed to keep that on you at all times. It's a...nevermind." Shaking his head, Xavius traced a paw in the air, before placing the paw in the center of the drawing. "Crystal Rain." A ripple of purple hovered in front of his hand, summoned by the spell. He pressed his paw forward into the purple haze, and dragged it back with a crystal in toe. "This... This will allow you to find out more down there." Thrusting the crystal at Bridgett, he snarled at Naruto. "Bridgett, keep it in your possession, since the brat here might just give it to someone, and I don't need any headaches. Anyways, it will let you find out if people are lying to you, as well as keep in contact with me. Just speak to the Crystal and I will hear you. Now then, all of you go down there and collect information..." He whispered words again, and disappeared from the guest room to reappear next to the still sleeping wolf. "They better not screw up. Those are not toys..." With a paw rubbing his forehead, he almost didn't notice Trevor stirring from his sleep. "Darling... You're up early." Through sleepy eyes, the wolf grinned up at Xavius, still in a euphoric glow from the night before. "Thought you'd be tired..." "I'm an early riser, Trevor." Xavius gave a small smile. "I was thinking of going out to get some equipment. I would love it if you joined me and showed me the best places around." His voice came coolly, whispering out to Trevor in its rainy delight. Those ears twitched once, twice, then he pushed himself out of bed. "Sure thing. Let me get dressed and I'll take you for a day around town." Trevor gave a wink back to the crimson wolf as he searched around for his own pants. "I'm sure there's quite a few places you've never heard of." 'And here starts my day.' Xavius thought to himself. He knew he had to get information out of Trevor - the whole world needed explaining at this point, with him sealed away for a hundred years. "So where to first?" Those crimson legs had already found themselves inside pants without the black wolf realizing how it had happened. "To the bazaar." * * * Footsteps traveled through the bustling slums of the 'underworld.' The trio had begun to stare awkwardly at the passing furs that made their way through their normal day. "Why are we here again?" Naruto whispered over at the others, attempting to not alert others to his presence. "This has nothing to do with our journey." "Because Xavy knows what he's doing. He wouldn't set us up to do something that wasn't really needed," Bridgett's cool voice rained across both the fox's and the dragon's ears, letting them at least get some solace from the whole mediocer meaning of what she was saying. Silenced once more, the group made their way towards one of the more run down buildings they had passed during their first visit here. Within her paws, the crystal's green glow had begun to change to a darker hue - something that had begun to alert her to a closeness to something. "Naruto...Veemon... I think we're where we're suppose to be." Though people had passed them by, none had seen them stop and stare at a marvel of a object. Quirking an eyebrow towards the feline, the fox had sighed to himself. "Whatever, can we just get this done? I want to go away and change to a normal form." "But I like you like this," Veemon had whined. "Keeps the memory of those few months we had together always in the forefront of my mind." The gray-wearing kitsune blushed at what the dragon had said, memories flashing forward of those indescribable nights. "...Vee--" "SHH!" Both startled by Bridgett's apparent shout out towards them, they peered at what she had been pointing to, "I think someone's watching us..." Plain and stated, she got her point across as they spotted a white tiger they had seen a few other times while pacing through the city underground. Smirking at them, the tiger pushed himself away from the wall he had been reclining against, and started off towards a hidden alleyway - tail flicking behind him in a drawing manner. Worrying his lip, Naruto had peered between the two before sighing to himself. "We have to follow, don't we?" "Mhm." This was something that he did not want to do - yet it couldn't be helped. Bridgett led the way for the trio to follow, with the crystal still grasped within her paw. It flared dark purple with energies wishing to escape. Perhaps they had finally made a break, but the trio would still be on defense. In a place like this, it would kill you to let your back be unguarded, especially in a dark alley. * * * I sometimes wonder why we split up then. It probably wasn't the smartest decision for us all, but perhaps... it was for the best. While they had started searching for that tiger, I had to be with little boy Trevor at the bazaar, something that didn't seem fun at first. Though... * * * The sun seemed to bright, but it always did for the wolf who'd rather have darkness instead of light. "So where is this infamous bazaar you talked about?" His voice seemed gruff, almost majestic, if it didn't have a hint of sarcasm laced within every word. "We're almost there." Trevor peered over at the wolf his arm had wrapped itself around with a smirk. "We just have to take a left onto Jameston and go until we reach Trinity Square." "Seems you have your name over everything." "Not really... Father just likes to buy a lot of things... I'd rather just have the simple things in life." Xavius gave a snide chuckle underneath his breath. Simple things to him were never good. Then again, neither were fancy things. Or complex things. There was no winning in the world really. Yet perhaps there could be some solace in where things came. And that's exactly what came over the wolf as his eyes came in contact of the square - a large tree being the center piece with flowing petals caressing the stalls of swords, of potions, of anything a traveler could want. Even some miniature dragonkin whelps were tied to the stables, peering at the passer by with such cute faces. "Whoa..." For the second time since his awakening, Xavius found himself quite speechless. As quickly as it came, though, it left him to stoop in his misery. The world had done better without him here, and so far it looked like there was nothing to worry about with any danger. There seemed to be no reason for the Crystali to even awaken. "Well, darling... What is it that you want?" Trevor's words broke the crimson wolf out of his reverie. "Anything you could possibly want is here." Shaking his head, Xavius regained his cool stature to take another look around. The shops seemed to entice him, but he knew exactly what he wanted. "I will need a few blank books, and a few reagents." "Well why don't we go look for them then..." The black lupine yanked his crimson counterpart through the mass of people towards a few of the stands that had what he wanted - his paws never straying too far away from the arm he wanted to hold. It took a few hours, but the duo had begun to get the hang of shopping - with a few stray offs thanks to Trevor - and had collected a few bags, before meandering over to the dragonkin stables. Trevor sighed a little, his eyes tracing over the forms of each little whelp, his paw reaching out to pet the green one softly. "I always wanted one of these, ever since I was a pup." A soft giggle came out of his flushed cheeks, as he looked over to Xavius. "But father told us no pets. He wouldn't allow it, since we wouldn't take care of it. At least, those were his words." A gentle look glided back to a small red dragon. "That didn't stop me from always coming down here to pet and feed these little buggers." Xavius gave a questioning glance towards the lupine kneeling, seeing something different than the creature he had slept with last night. It was almost like he was a different wolf, a different being that touched these creatures. "Falling from grace, it seems that even the rich aren't happy. What I wouldn't give to be a peasant like these folk. Have just enough coinage to get me through the month every month." "Then... why don't you just run away?" Once again, the crimson wolf had found himself being drawn within the rapturing brightness of Trevor as he stood up, and dusted his paws off. "It should be easy for you." Trevor gave a gruff chuckle and smiled sadly. "And within days of my disappearance, my father would have the national army searching for me. I wouldn't get far." Shaking his head, he peered down at the dragons again. "Sometimes a dream is just a dream.. It'll give you no power to live it." Those words echoed in Xavius' heart for a moment, before he cringed. He remembered back in Konoha what Naruto and Veemon had told him when he had said those words before. * * *
Xavius fought back, his own chain going on an attack against the blade to try and stop it. "But dreams are only dreams. Nothing can come out of them!" With a stronger strike that knocked Xavius back, Twilimon growled. Slowly he took off his helmet to let Xavius get a good look at his purely black face, with the whiskers upon it as well. "You are wrong in that aspect. Hope comes from dreams. Friends come from dreams. Love comes from dreams. They are what makes us, us! They give us strength to do what we must! Ken knew that! So did Sakura and Sasuke! Kakashi and Gaara! Takato and Henry! We all have dreams we follow! We all have the strength of them that runs through our veins." * * * "But dreams give us strength to complete them..." The words flew out of the Crystalis' mouth before he could stop them, "Friends and hope come from dreams too... both of them help us accomplish those dreams." Trevor laughed sardonically, "Where'd you hear that? A self-confidence seminar?" "No actually..." He frowned. "They were once told to me.. And I never understood them.. at least until now." "Oh..." The crude smile faded. "Well... they may sound smart, but they have nothing to do with me." "Whatever you say, Trevor." A tap of his black footpaw, and Trevor peered away. "Are you ready to go home?" "In a few minutes. There's a few things I have to buy first, but you can get back." "Are you sure? I mean you can get lost easily...." "Don't worry about me." He winked towards the black lupine, "I'll be fine.. Now go on." "Al-alright... See ya in a few then, Xavius." "You too Trevor." And with that, they parted ways for the moment, with Xavius hanging at the stables until he left. "Hey old man.. how much for all of them?" He motioned to the group of six dragonkin. Blinking at Xavius as if he was a madman, he stuttered out "Thirty-Four Guilders." The crimson wolf nodded before pulling out a pouch that he had slipped off of Trevor without him realizing. "Here.. take all of this.. I have no more need of it." He tossed the pouch which had at least two-hundred Guilders within it to the man, before moving over to gather up his heard. Silently cursing himself as he pulled all six next to him, he wondered how they would even help him in his journey. "Damn sympathy..." * * * Yeah, even then I had some softness. Not as much as I do now, but I felt sorry for the guy. He wanted a pet so badly, and his father wouldn't let any in the house.. So I figured, why not. I mean, Trevor did help me through the town with ease, and gave us a place to stay... SO I felt like I wasn't -such- a whore. But perhaps I should continue with the story. * * * Arriving in front of the large mansion, Xavius peered at his traveling troupe, before shaking his head. "Hey Trevor! Come on out here, and help me carry in my packages!" Though there was a call box, he liked staying away from such technology. They were the bane of his existence. Hurriedly, Trevor rushed towards the front door, before throwing it open with earnest glee. As he came closer to the band of dragons and Xavius, he stopped dead in his tracks, gawking. "Thought I'd bring a present, or six, home." The black lupine couldn't really find the words to describe what he was feeling. Then again, even if he did, he wasn't sure if it would come out right. Either way, he started walking towards Xavius again, before leaping at him and kissing him square on the muzzle. Startled, the crimson wolf let go of the leashes that had kept the dragonkin from running away, which let them fly towards the mansion, away from the duo. Inside of his head, Xavius began to count slowly, so he wouldn't hurt the wolf attached to him. He understood slightly the emotion that brought this about, but he couldn't fathom why anyone would want it towards him. After a few moments, the kiss was broken, with Trevor nuzzling deeply into the crimson lupine's chest, murring contently. "Thank you.. Oh thank you... SO MUCH!" He squeezed him. "I'll name one of them after you.. so that I can have something to remind me of you!" Another chuckle left the Crystalis as he hummed himself to a calm state. "You don't have to do that, Trevor. I just felt you should have them." "I know.. but--" "I've finally found you!" A feminine chuckle came from behind them, dancing along with the winds as a fox appeared before them, a sick and twisted grin upon her face. "Took you long enough to disperse - and with all that wandering around, I'd have sworn you were on to me." Glaring at her, Xavius pushed Trevor behind him. "What the hell are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the fact I found a murderer." "Murderer? Xavius, what's she mean?" "I don't know..." "Oh, hell you don't. You killed my family, bastard!" And with that, a dagger formed out of mid air as she struck towards the wolf, ready to slice his head off with one quick thrust. However, the spirals around Xavius' arms began to glow red as chains came out to block the attack with ease. "Just.. give up!" A snarl flowed from between his bared fangs as he pushed Trevor back with him, getting distance from the vulpine. The only thing upon his mind was protecting the innocent, the one that had nothing to do with whatever this woman thought he did. "I don't even know who you are, how could I know if I killed your family or not?" "How dare you say that! I am Vidia LaCroix. The last of the LaCroix clan of which you had massacred without mercy. You destroyed my life!" Her daggers spun around before slicing at the air in front of Xavius again, causing the wolf to jump back and yank the other lupine with him. Her form was covered barely by the cloak she had around her - the dark purple clothing seemed to give her an eminence that her words lacked. Snarling at her, Xavius drew back his chains and let a blade summon itself out of his right spiral. "Why would I murder an entire clan?" He jumped forward, attempting to thrust the blade into the vixen, loathing her words. Even if he had truly murdered the clan, he wouldn't have admitted it in front of Trevor. No, that was something he needn't lose at this moment. "So why don't you take your fantasy somewhere else, to a person who really is the culprit?" Fury fueled the vixen's motions, as she dashed forward with such speed even Xavius had to rely on the shield spell he had cast upon him within moments of meeting her. She found herself pushing against a blue barrier, attacking with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Is this how you murdered them? Is this how you managed to kill a whole band of nin without breaking a sweat?" Teeth were gritted as Xavius attempted to hold the spell without a focal point. "Is this how you break people? How you have fun!?" A slash of Vidia's managed to shatter the barrier and slice across Trevor's chest, scrapping Xavius' arm in the process. Howling in pain, Trevor stumbled backward, falling onto some of the bags that had been brought with Xavius as he returned to the mansion. Blood dribbled slowly out of the wound, but it was clearly seen that the daggers held an enchantment. "You..." Xavius stared at the black wolf laying on the ground, his paws clenching deeply into fists, enough so that his nails dug deeply into his palm, blood dripping out without much thought. "He's an innocent!" Words that came out of the wolf's mouth seemed foreign, "He did nothing to you! How dare you attack him when it's me you have a problem with!" The blade coming out of his right spiral glowed black as he rushed towards her with force, slamming into her body with no regard. Stumbling back by the hit, the vixen found herself to be on the receiving end of multiple blows, each one more deadly than the last. It was only her skills in fighting that even saved her from a few slashes towards her neck. Now the wolf meant business, and she smirked. If that was what it took for him to attack her, then she'd done what she had to do. Spinning away from a clearly anger filled thrust, she attacked low, catching Xavius off guard, and letting him feel the touch of a blade in his side. But even when she had the fatal shot planned, she stopped short. Grumbling to herself, she fumbled in her pocket and yanked out a small black crystal. "Seems I can't kill you..." She huffed a little, and slammed it against the ground. Smoke rose quickly to cover her, leaving Xavius to back away with a paw on the wound to try and keep some of his blood within it. As the smoke cleared, a panther grinned at them both. A large crystal seemed to be inset right within his forehead - eyes cleared of any pupils and color. From his belt, he grabbed two swords and spun them around, before howling out a battle cry towards the wolf. Thinking quickly, Xavius jumped to the side and pulled his paw away from the wound. "Oh great gods, heed my call... Bless me with the firey inferno to dance with the winds." An aura of red surrounded him as he sighed to center himself. "Flame Dance!" Flames shot from both his paws, before spinning around to stay as a circle about his wrists. The same happened to his footpaws, with the flames staying within their limits at his ankles. He could feel the mana drain from him, but the Crystalis of Magic didn't care. He had to protect Trevor at all costs, and if that meant being completely drained himself, then so be it. His paws moved quickly as he ran towards the possessed panther, with him punching and kicking at the blades that tried to slice away at the flames. However, Xavius knew this spell would protect him, if only for a short time, from such weaponry. Cool headed even in his deliverance, the wolf slammed blow after blow into the panther, before panting to himself, finding the flames dissipate. Yet, when he looked at the mark of his attacks, he saw no difference, that is until he spotted the crystal. He had heard of such things from his master long ago, but he never believed that such things were possible. It was a beast controlled purely by magic flowing into his forehead, magic that could only come from one as great as he - a Crystalis. Worrying a little bit more, the wolf let the blade come out from his right wrist, and slammed it forward, hoping the mark of this attack would stop the panther from taking the deathblow he knew was coming. And luckily, it was good enough to shatter the crystal, and destroy the bond that crafted the panther's fury. It came at great cost, though, as the panther found himself with a blade sticking through his head, and Xavius standing there. In his last moments of life, he saw the murderer that killed him, and so did Trevor. The black wolf hadn't lost consciousness, and saw the marvelous, and deadly, attacks that came from Xavius. It scared him slightly, but in those last moments, he understood why he was lucky to have the protection of such a wolf. A murderer he could have been - and was at this moment - the wolf held no such feelings of hatred for him. And with those last thoughts, Trevor found himself lacking any strength to sit up, and fell back, feeling the blackness comfort him. All was quiet in the street, as people had run away from the battle when it started. Those brave enough to check on the silence, found a bloodied body laying on the ground with a seething wolf above it. The truth was hidden from them, as they contacted Trevor's father to warn him of the being carrying his son into their mansion. Luck would not be enough to save the wolf when he was found out. Moments after the door had closed, a green aura filled the halls of the mansion, as Xavius healed his charge. Nothing could happen to Trevor, and he'd make sure of that, as soon as he found himself healed though. But the damage was done, and he knew it... When he could he would leave. * * * Notes traveled through the halls of the now barren home of the Trinity family. A piano in fine tune had been found and with such eloquence, the keys were pressed, flourishing together a melody that would come but every hundred years or so. "Who are those so lonely? Where have they flown?" Words floated in with the keys with so much beauty, that the macabre scene before the home had no effect. "Let the guiding graces, of those words that float, come through, only then will it be known... Only then will it be known~" Green eyes had been closed as those digits found their mark with such ease that even a piano teacher would be pulled back from their grand status to learn from it. But the wolf that had been playing the piano for the past hour had never learned anything of the sort. He had just taught himself in the few moments that he could, and let the music be his focus to charge himself. It was also a much better way to waste time as he awaited the awakening of the black wolf he had made sure to not die. Upon his cheek was still some blood from his earlier battle, yet it didn't bother him. It seemed the wolf was in his own world as the notes poured about him. "Prayers sent to ancients long gone, left words never known. Forever twilight separates us, from the ones we loved." Xavius' eyes opened as they peered over at an open window, the sun was finally setting upon the town and he had not heard from his trio - though that might have worried him before, at this moment, he couldn't care. Soon the night of escape was upon them, and he'd make them all leave. "Sitting in the snow all that time, he was silent still. A dreamer's paradise, in a world's end chill." * * * Against the wall were the three sent out for information. All had their fighting stances pulled up even as they saw the ten creatures about them. "Well well, what a cute feline and her little pets. Hope you haven't lost your way, pretty~" Bridgett scoffed at them, her hands clasped together. Though she was steady, within her, she shook uncontrollably with fear. This was something that she should have seen, and she could have prevented them from being at a disadvantage. "Well it seems like she's tongue-tied. Does the kitty have her tongue bitten?" "Well Galion, why don't we pull her aside and find out? I'm sure she's got some nice assets hidden beneath her clothing." "You and your libido, Valen. Is that all you think about?" "Hush! She does have a nice body. I'd like a go at it before you all get to her." Silently, the three began to plan their escape while descension played its mark upon the bandits. However, before they could even start, and howling scream echoed forth towards the trio. "How dare you corner them! They're my friends!" All attention went to the yellow that flapped in the wind. It wasn't so long before the eyes trailed towards the twin guns that sparkled in the 'moonlit' alleyway that were within her hands. "Perhaps I have to teach you a lesson, lassie." The dragon named Galion spoke up, "About how to leave yourself out of other people's business." Bridgett's eyes seemed to light up as she realized who it was, the yellow cut clothing that draped lightly over the hybrid before them seeming t o cast a special glow upon the figure it held. "Well perhaps I should show you all what happens to brutes and thugs like you." A digit cocked the right handgun. "Broken Streams!" Energy poured from her arm into the gun she held, before it shot out towards Galion with brutal ease, cutting through his thick armor. He had but a single moment to realize he was dead, before he fell backwards into a rapter thug, taking hiim down. "Anyone care to object?" "You killed Galion! You bitch!" Valen spoke up with ferocity, his eyes burning with anger as his daggers came out from his belt. He had been the one to lead them within the alleyway, yet it seemed that he wasn't the ring-leader. "I'll kill you!" Leaping with anger, he set himself towards the hybrid, beforehe was blown back by the same energy shot that hit the previous thug. When Valen had hit the ground, the others woke up from their shock, and pulled out their weapons, going towards any thing that could pose a threat - yet they all too met the same fate as their two friends. With the last dragon falling down from a shot, the hybrid looked over at the trio and grinned. "Well I knew you missed me, Bridgett, but I never thought you to be the one to situate yourself to need me." "LIGER!" With tail twitching, the ocelot jumped towards the hybrid and wrapped her arms around her. "I missed you so much!" COnfused, Naruto and Veemon had looked at each other, before striding towards their savior. In the new light, the fox and dragon could finally see what she was, and it startled them. Liger seemed to be a triplet hybrid - a dragon, a lion, and a tiger mix. Though they didn't have anything wrong with it, they had an understanding at this moment. Things in this world could be very decieving. "Hey Bridgett..." Naruto's ears twitched slightly. "Can we go back to Xavius? I want to get out of here." "Oh..OH!" The feline frowned for a second. "But we didn't get any information..." "Information on what, Bridgett?" Liger asked. "Information on other Crystali..." "Crystali... You mean like you and him?" "Yep yep." "Well I know something... Don't know if it connects to being a Crystali exactly, but at least its something." "You do!? Yay! Alright, let's go then! To the surface!" * * * Now then, Liger was an unusual sort. She was a hybrid of three animals, yes, and she really didn't have a first name until she met Bridgett when I had gone towards the realms between each other. She was also a fine woman. A friend till the end. Oh, you look a little dreary. Perhaps we should rest at the next hill and I'll grab some water. Don't worry, I'll continue my tale. It isn't yet at a good place to stop for today. I'll begin again, if you don't mind. * * * Eyes winked open, to realize there was a ceiling above him instead of the twilight sky. The world around the wolf seemed to come back in pieces, before it f inally fit together. There was death mingled within the air, a battle that he had seen, an d he had almost died. With that thought, he jumped up and looked around - wondering if perhaps he did die, and this was the realm beyond where he used to live in. Yet, he saw bandages wrapped around his chest, as well as a melody echoing into the room. "X...Xav... Xavius!?" Words came from his dry mouth with hardened breaths. Trevor was scared, and he wanted to know what happened. Where was the male that attacked him and Xavius? Where was the vulpine that wanted the other wolf dead? A 'deadened' Xavius walked through the open doors into the parlor where Trevor had been resting in, before he seemed to cheer up slightly."Oh, you're awake." "Yes... yes I am." Sitting up partially, the black wolf peered around with a clearer head. "What... what happened?" "Don't worry about it." The crimson lupine looked over his shoulder, keeping watch of the doors. "THough soon I will be leaving." "What?! No... NO! You can't!" "I'm sorry, but I don't need anyone within this mess of an existance that I live in that can escape it." "But...No..." "I hope you lead a good strong life, Trevor. I would hate to hear the news of you getting seriously hurt.' Turning around, Xavius started for the front door, before a paw caught his and tugged at it. Trevor stared into those green eyes that looked back at him. His own trembled with tears, tears of not understanding, of being abandoned, of being hurt. "I don't want you to leave, Xavius... Please... Stay..." "I can't stay. You'll get hurt again, and I'm sure you're father won't--" "I don't care about my father. I just care about you!" "I'm sorr--" The front door shot open, and Xavius stood ridged. "I have to go, NOW." Danger swirled around him as he leapt towards the window and out of Trevor's paws. Disappearing out of the second floor, the crimson wolf left no physical trace behind - save a crystal he had been carrying to heal the black wolf. Peering silently at the crystal, Trevor lifted it up to pocket it as his f ather came in. "TREVOR!?" * * * Now then, it's a great time to end, and look. We're at a small field. Go, take a nap. I need to rest my mouth too sometimes, you know.