Serval and Sheep (Chapter 34)

"wasn't i the one who had to lend you my sweater on lupercalia?" "my wool's grown out since then." he huffs. suddenly, he stops and removes his coat jacket. in a not-so-delicate motion, he tosses the jacket on her, muffling her surprised yelp.

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Kids on the Brain part 2

I decided to dress drey with a plain white shirt with overalls and andy with a black shirt, light blue sweater vest and some baby jeans. i though both looked adorable (try to imagine if i didn't describe the clothes well).

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Rising Anew-Chapter 2, part 2-

It was more of an oversized sweater really. it was so soft and didn't bother his fur. this was perfect. narcenac ran to find narina and tell her about the clothes.

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Mythical Beastmen Ch. 3

She started to lift up the hem of her sweater. michiru's tail poofed out in alarm. "whoa! i don't think we're that far in our relationship just yet!" she held her hands out in front of her to object. nazuna giggled.


Change in Venue- March

Chris promptly sits down in her dark green sweater heaves a sigh as she does so. "still bummed out over not having a job?" she asks. "i guess so."


Operation Field Trip: Part 2

Of course her entire sweater smelled like her, but learning her scent would help him track her if she wasn't still here.

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Crescent Moon Bay (AuAuAdAd #1)

He had on a large warm sweater and a tall umbrella in his hand. his eyes lit up when he saw the cougar. almost running towards him. he didn't waste time in grabbing the feline by the arm, leading him to the back of the house.

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He Kissed Me Like Summer

It was humid too, but not so much that it made our sweaters too hot to wear. just in that special, salty way that let you know you were by the ocean. "more? you finished both bags already?"

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knights of rebirth- dance at midnights chapter 1

She is clad in a simple purple and black striped sweater, blue jeans and sneakers. after removing the cloak, hera pulls out a small crystal, it hangs from a thin gold chain.

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Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 2: Christmas 2014

When it cleared, i was human again... and dressed in the ugliest sweater i'd ever seen. it had a t-rex holding a present, saying, "rawr is dinosaur for merry christmas!". "what do you think?"

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The Journey chapter 1: The Beginning

He was dressed as always: jeans, black and white sneakers, a green t-shirt and a black sweater on his shoulders.

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The day the sky turned orange

The rustle of his sweater as they gently swayed in each other's arms. he briefly wondered what would come after... but shut that thought down. _no... i want to think about now._ the skies suddenly lit up outside their window.

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