Barren Earth part 1

Io is a mercenary and ezra a chemist. i am half rabbit half android, io is a gray wolf/ siberean huskie and ezra a silver wolf. i am starting to get suspitions that we have a spy in our midst.

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Ghost Bio

He has been in every mercenary faction known to exist, and some that are not talked about. the reason he went to jail, besides needing a vacation, was one mister richhein had hired him, then refused to pay ghost, preferring to double-cross the fox.

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"okay lets do this" shadow answered his normally pure red eyes going black for a brief moment as he contacted the group of mercenaries on a crane 700 feet from there current possession "this is red bait, come in cold blooded".

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Thursday Prompt (Ruin)

An abundance of flora and fauna used to make this place their home, but now all that remained were mercenaries like her and the random roving gangs. most of the remaining population were locked behind tall walls.

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Wolfhair: Hero

Rows of professional legionaries and their mercenary backup -- wolves and sheep and a dozen more species -- all heavily equipped.

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The Outlander 2 23

Kenji was a mercenary, however many clans would not except his services due to his lower skills. one day, kenji went to seek out the dragon of kuma mountain. he asked the dragon to teach him the way of the sword.

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Blood Red: Chapter Six: The Return

You don't see many mercenaries or bounty-hunters these days, let alone anyone like the guy we just dusted." "so we're down to two theories, both from the same source."

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Adventures of Abermath - Prologue: The world of Abermath

Most of the descendants live in the kingdom of rangham freely, as slaves on their own kingdom or like mercenaries in the other kingdoms.

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The Sin'karri

She had made the mistake of thinking he was just trying to scare her with stories of how they came into a town to recruit mercenaries while saying little, if anything.

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Hephaestus: Alan's story part 1

They are being assisted by a small group of mercenaries who have split off from the pemc when they had enough of playing that side of this fight.

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The Adventures of Mut the Dragonborn ch1

Mut is copyrighted to me the adventures of mut, the dragonborn mercenary ch1: the necromancer contract "are we getting close senpai?" asked the vampiric woman.

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"The Thin Line," Part R

By this time, the entire mercenary force was engaged, some thousands of archers and men-at-arms, and even battle ants.

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