The Outlander 2 23

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#24 of The Outlander

Book 2 Chapter 23


In the following days The Heart of the Ocean had cleared the south coast of Southsward and was on a easterly course following the great tidal currents and Sandokhan had taught Mattimeo much. One calm night in the ships' hold, Mattimeo exchanged glancing blows with Sandokhan. The fox was proving more than a match for the Redwall warrior. With one blow Mattimeo was bowled over and lay on the deck gasping for air. The fox extended a paw and helped Mattimeo to his footpaws, "You're relying too much on brute strength. Try to be more fluid with your arm and wrist movements." "It's difficult with this sword. I try to put into practice what you teach me, but I can't," Mattimeo explained. "It's because your broadsword is too heavy. I suggest we work on your upper body strength before I train you further. Or you could exchange your sword for a katana," Sandokhan suggested. "No, the sword of Martin is treasured by my abbey. I prefer to use it," said Mattimeo, shaking his head. "Do you remember the stories of Jima I told you over the winter. There was one story the dibbuns wanted me to tell them every night, do you remember which one?" "Yes, Kenji and the Dragon," Mattimeo replied.

In times past, Jima was united and happy under the reign of the Sun Emperor. But after his death, no heir came to claim the throne and Jima was torn apart by savage civil war. Samurai clans joined battle with the royal retainers over the ownership of land and the sovereign right to rule the country. After long years of struggle the last of the royal retainers were subdued and the nation was divided into provinces, each ruled by the stronger or wealthier Samurai clans. From South Mochizuki came a Samurai mouse from the clan of the Nine Circles called Kenji. Kenji was a mercenary, however many clans would not except his services due to his lower skills. One day, Kenji went to seek out the dragon of Kuma Mountain. He asked the dragon to teach him the way of the sword. Kenji trained for a full year and he became more than a master, he became Kensei; a sword saint. Afterwards, Kenji realized his dream to unite Jima once more. He was in many battles and one after another the borders that divided land and territories began to merge. Clans flocked to Kenji's banner and he raised a massive Samurai army and he crushed the Nine Circle Clans' most powerful enemy; the Ninjinkai Clan. Eventually Jima was united, this time under the banner of the badger Masakado, the first shogun of Jima. Together Masakado and Kenji founded their own Samurai clan; The Clan of the Red Dawn and they ruled over Jima with a stern but just hand. Years later, the dragon of Kuma Mountain descended from his home and came to Kenjis' castle, demanding the life of his princess as payment for his training. Kenji took the Starfire and drove it into his own chest and cut out his heart. With his last ounce of strength, he held it up to the dragon and said "My love is in here. Take it." Then Kenji died.

"Do you remember the moral of the story?" Sandokhan asked. Mattimeo thought hard about his answer, "Inner strength is more powerful than brute strength?" "Not quite. But you will understand in time," Sandokhan smiled.