Adventures of Abermath - Prologue: The world of Abermath

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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#1 of Adventures of Abermath

Long ago, there was a world where half-human, half-animal beings known as Anthro lived together and raised their own land. During thousands of years, these beings lived on Abermath, which was created by various gods. The gods made different kinds of land, like the cold northern part of Ohtz, the desert of Danok or the endless forests of Baso, and different kind of creatures, such as plants, beasts, animals, and, of course, the anthro. When the gods created the Anthro, each of them lived happily under the Tree of Rangham. The tree was so tall, it reached to the sky, and they say if you go to the top, you shall see the gods watching Abermath. This age filled with happiness and friendship was called the "Age of Gathering".

Several years passed, where each living creature lived happily and without problems, even death or sickness existed. But one day, as these being become smarter and greedier, fights started, weapons were made and wars started between them, merging all of them into the so called "Age of Skirmish", which lasted thousands of years. Hundred of thousands of lives where shed the war, filling Ulma, the netherworld of Abermath, set deep underground under Rangham.

During the war, king Karr-osh, ruler of the lizards, wanted to win the war at all cost, and tried to gather all the followers he could, of any species, creating a group called the Enclave of the Dusk. The Enclave soon won followers thanks to the alliance that lizards, dragons and insects made, making the main base of followers of the Enclave. Karr-osh forced the best sages, wizards and craftsmen to create the most terrible and dreadful weapons. Soon, Karr-osh realized he needed more power, wishing to be a god. His minions worked years and years for creating the most dreadful weapon: The armor of Scales. This armor not only granted invincibility to his bearer, but he could retrieve the souls of the fallen from the netherworld and control them as mere puppets, more like a god. The gods saw the atrocity which the Enclave's legacy made and soon, they cursed Karr-osh, making him blind. But Karr-osh didn't finish, and his magicians gave him the power to see the souls through his dark sight. The gods were angry and so, they decided to help the rest of the races, making a ritual that would change the world forever.

The gods said to the priestesses from different parts of Abermath to build a shrine on each part where the gods were represented, so the power of them could make a protection aura needed for the ritual. Karr-osh was trapped and chained to a wall of stone, which was moved by dragon soldiers moving a platform with wheels. Aleph, the green, actual ruler of the dragons by then, was angry due to Karr-osh's ambition, and decided to help the rest of the anthro to seal the lizard king into the underworld. When the ritual was ready after finishing the building of the shrines, Karr-osh, wearing his mighty armor, was set next to the tree of Rangham and the gods made some crystals where embodied their power. Priestess at the services of the gods carried the crystal towards Karr-osh, and the ritual begun. The tree opened up itself, tearing the trunk apart a bit from the ground and showing the path to the netherworld. Karr-osh was sucked by a gust, even the wall he was chained to, by the green light coming thru the path. The god of Death's servant Rashim, who made the gust to carry the lizard king, sent Karr-osh next to his chief, Golt. Golt smiled and started torturing Karr-osh, until the end of days, as the sentence made by the gods said.

The priestesses, who each of them was from a race of Abermath, sealed the path to the netherworld creating a magic seal, thanks to the crystal that the gods gave to them, and the rodents , experts on foundry, made a huge metal door which sealed the path of the underworld, the Door to Ulma. After finishing the door, the gods decided to turn the great tree into stone, and so, make the weight of the stone collapse the tree and create a big mountain which would cover the huge Door to Ulma. Also, they said to the priestesses of the shrines to guard those crystals they were given at all cost, using them as a decoration on each god's statue, near the main altar, so the magic seal that was on the Door to Ulma was safe and not corrupt.

And so, the gods said to the anthro to leave the meadows near Rangham, because they said there would be a rain of fire and stones which would turn the land into a mountain. The creatures leaved their homes and carried all of their personal beings, and leaved the once bright and lively tree, now hard and dead. When they left the meadows, the gods made the tree crush into pieces and big chunks of rock fell from the sky for a century. The first years the upper part was so high, the stones that fell looked fireballs in the sky, and then got cold once they reached the ground. Some of these chunks merged themselves, making a solid stone mountain. Then, the rest of the tree fell off into smaller pieces, making rifts and such. The Tree turned into the mountain of Rangham. That century was called the "Stone Rain Age".

During the Stone Rain Age, The Anthro decided to expel the minions of the Enclave of the Dusk and their followers, to the Dark Wasteland, hidden after the scorching desert of Danok on the west. If any member of the Enclave didn't agree being expelled, it would be killed, and so all the people who followed him. Prince Sukh-ge, son of Karr-osh, cursed the rest of the anthros for being fanatic and said his descendants will fulfill the Enclave's revenge, before he left to Danok. Each kind of anthro split into different kingdoms and make an oath, the Oath of Mulham, that in case that the Enclave of the Dusk appeared again, they would fight together to avoid king Karr-osh revive again. Each kingdom set their lands as we live now. This started the age we live nowadays, called the "Age of Species".

The kingdoms are split like this:

The kingdom of Rangham: Protects the mighty door to Ulma and it's the only kingdom which all races live together in peace, but mainly canines control most of the kingdom. They are symbolized as a big castle guarded by dogs. The capitol city is Mulham, where the oath was made. The kingdom covers the land surrounding the mountain of Rangham and it's known of their brave soldiers, masters with the sword and the shield. The mountain of Rangham has been explored through the last age, and some villages have been built on this mountain, usually used as viewpoints for the kingdom and the world.

The kingdom of Kathu: Is mainly composed by feline anthros (cats, tigers...) and they cover the upper fields and northern part of Baso, the great forest of the south. Their symbol is a cat sleeping next to a lion. The capital city is called Marr, known as "The forest border" because the north part goes to the fields, while the south one goes to the deep forest. Most of their citizens wear a tinker bell, as a sign they belong to their kingdom and if they take it off, they dishonor their own homeland. They say that deep in their forests lives a race of warrior female cats. There also exists the thief group known as "The Cerulean Paw", known of their endless thieves and assassins. Their most popular people are dancers and merchants, which they say they prefer the dingle of a bag of money than their own tinker bell.

The kingdom of Zeria: Deep in the forest of Baso, they main race is the fox, but also include merchants from parts of the world, looking for shelter. Their symbol is a fox tail covered by a rain of leaves, due to the founder of the kingdom, General Gamu Leafrain. They main city is Garan, built under the biggest tree of Baso, the Mother Tree. They are known of their incredible mastering of magic of nature and their archers surely are the best of whole Abermath. The magic mastery of them helped to defend the attacks from the Enclave against the tree of Rangham, and also, their soldiers and magicians are taught to be like trees, still and severe. Zerian female people also can be used to wield a sword either a staff, thanks to their knowledge of terrain in the battlefield and agility skills.

The kingdom of Gazeh: Mainly formed by avian creatures, their domains go to the north part of the desert of Danok to the misty mountain chain of Dymen, which separates the frozen northern region of Ohtz. Their shield is a blue background with seven feathers, due to the founder and first king Gandor, the falcon of the seven feathers. Their capital city, Eganes, is built in the top of a big tree, where wooden structures flourish on the branches. Gazehan Owl sages travel the world finding the mysteries of the world and the gods, and they warriors, known as "Sky raiders", can fight in the air until they die of starvation or tiring. They maintain their best relation with the neighbor kingdom of Mondra, making they so known alliance called "Bond of the wings".

The kingdom of Mondra: known as the "DragonMountains", because they live in the cold misty mountais of Dymen. They symbol is a green wing due to their first king, Aleph, the Green. The main city, Gradon, covers the whole top of the highest mountain, so it can only be accessed through air. Their warriors master the art of the spear and flying, which gave them a good position on the "Age of Skirmish" as the best air army. They have good relations with the kingdom of Gazeh, which their merchant relationship and joint defense relation are fond and unbreakable, and also they hate the Enclave of the Dusk at all cost, due to the treason that Karr-osh made them with promises of wealth and power.

The kingdom of Otsoko: Ruled by wolves, they separated from the actual kingdom of Rangham to work as an independent kingdom. They shield of arms is a running wolf with the full moon over them, showing their skill on night assaults. Most of their warriors act as mercenaries or soldiers, no matter what side they are, they will fight for the pride of themselves or their lord. They consider the fight so important, that males are taught to be warriors since they are cubs and females to be the perfect housewife on every kind of condition. An Otsokan fighter has the pride of ten soldiers, as merchants have said through their journeys. They live at the East, in the meadows of Urbia, where their cities and villages, built with an unique style, are set next to rivers, lakes and the great sea of Mundaka. During the last centuries this land has been invaded by the lizards of the Enclave of the Dusk, destroying their main city, Urbasa. Most of the descendants live in the kingdom of Rangham freely, as slaves on their own kingdom or like mercenaries in the other kingdoms.

The kingdom of Sondo: Deep under and over the great sea of Mundaka, these marine creatures have made cities, due to the islands and reefs all over the sea. Their merchants are known because their power to detect magic essences and precious stones from rocks and solid objects, even when they are children. Also, their ports and shipyards can store and produce ships no matter the time or wealth they cost. Also, their magicians are known to control water in all his forms. A Sondian high magician can make floods or tidal waves if he purposes for it. Their leader is Honorable Turtle Dorto, a magician who has lived since the "Age of the Stone Rain" and is one of the most powerful magicians.

The kingdom of Azpi: Ruled by the rodents, these small but smart creatures master the craft of foundry and mining, which not also makes resistant weapons and armors, but also machines and doors capable to stand the worse attacks than the whole Abermath has ever seen. Symbolized by a crossed pike and hammer, the capital city of Sator Their engineers are known not also for their rock solid buildings, they also made flying machines, making them capable not only for making useful machines, but also make wingless creatures be able to fly. There was an Azpian engineer who crossed Abermath on his flying machine, called "The Moth" and crashed on the northern lands of Ohtz.

The kingdom of Adar: Mainly formed by hooved anthros, specially bulls and cows, due to their royal family. They shield of arms is a bull head over a green field. Their army, known as "The black hoof", has been known due to their berserkers, which can fight like an army of thousands of soldiers in no time. Due to their calm but impulsive personality, population is very direct and they always solve negotiations with two words: Brute force. Adarians are also known of their mastering of brewing, making their wine and beer famous around the world.

The sand country of Hondar: The rest of the anthros who didn't join the Enclave nor the Alliance of the Oath of Mulham raised themselves between the kingdom and the fields of the Enclave, as a middleman of both, in the east of the desert of Danok. They don't rule themselves but their merchants live in towns builted on Oasis. The biggest of them, Getan, is the most close to a capital city, where his market covers lots of shopping stuff, from trinkets to weapons and magical objects. Also, their people have learned to survive the scorching desert, making them excellent guides to cross the desert, mostly unexplored due to the giant sandstone snakes which attack the towns during the sandstorms.

The Empire of the Dusk: Formed by the followers of the Enclave, they planned a world invasion to retrieve the crystals which seal the powers of the gods and release from Ulma his dear leader Karr-osh. They control goes from the Dark Wasteland, a place filled with volcanoes and blacklands, crossing from the west to the center of the scorching desert of Danok. They symbol, a claw over a sunset, shows the origin on the Enclave of the Dusk. They will don't stop until each kingdom fights each other with treats and cheats, so the chaos rules and Karr-osh may control the whole world of Abermath easier. They main ruler, prince Sukh-ge, has been maintained alive thanks to the magic of his chancellor, high magician Her-en, a known alchemist and dark magician which experiments with his huge endless army of minions and made incredible researches on magic. The army of Dusk is a real prove that fear, darkness and despair exists, from vicious warriors to vicious flying machines and powerful magicians, ready for one only purpose: Die for their great king Karr-osh and being blessed by his ultimate power.

Thousands of years passed since Karr-osh has been sealed, but the Enclave has been extending spies and undercover followers through the world, to know each kingdom's weakness and retrieve the crystals of the gods, so they could return their ruler back to life and rule the whole Abermath. The kingdoms forgot the Oath of Mulham. All started 10 years ago with the fall of the kingdom of Otsoko, where our hero was born. Destiny has waited for him and many others, to save this world from doom, and his adventure, starts on...