The childhood part 3

I really did not pay attention to what he meant, but i think i missed something important that he said. oh well! it really would not be that important, would it? i just kept my focus on my fighting.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 30

, telling him that he needed to move, that there was important work to be done, that his people needed him. but what could be so important it made him feel like throwing up just thinking about it? kadai didn't like this place anymore.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 27

She had something very important to start working on. very important indeed. thiall spread out her papers and her ink, preparing for thybion's arrival. be ready, she thought. that's what thybion had told her.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12

To me these are the most important things he said all day, even more important than the fact that he would not hesitate to violate the armed slave law to defend talo-vy. i am somewhat amazed that none of my fellow aka' mentioned this in their decision.

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Leafblade - Chapter 4

"that is of no importance right now." valaren replied. "i will test you and see how well you wield the sword, and see if you need further instruction." "is there anything that is of importance right now?" tarin retorted.

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Oh So Tragic - Part 7

_ she found nothing else of importance in the wallet, so she picked up the few papers she'd found in the fox's coat and read through them. there was nothing of importance except for a quickly written sentence.

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Character Vignette -- Rainy Day Fund

That can be important in my business. i was just as glad that business was slow right now. my investment strategy was good enough to ward off much of the horrifying drop in the money markets.

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Max: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

: as long as he has to.** ** ** **does sex play an important role in their relationships, if so, how?: like ian he values a relationship more than sex and will only have it with the one he loves.** ** ** ** ** **at what age?

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Michael's Hero

When we were given this report, i though about a lot of different people that could be my hero, i finally decided on the most important hero in my life, my mom."


Will, Persistence, Patience, and Love (a poem)

For any act or path you pursue with your life it's important to remember these four when life becomes strife. will, you were born with, at the dawn of your day will, it will leave you, you cannot take it to the grave.

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The Background

I'm not important. i'm just another background character.

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Don’t Need Your Guilt

To not treat poc or black people as a monolith that's very important to realize it'd probably help in relieving a lot of the guilt what would also help is not waiting till a tragedy happens to temporarily care and empathize bipoc

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