Play On

I sing in a voice weakened by shouting, A voice weakened by hunger, By tears, By sickness; Hear my song; I shall sing in spite of these. I dance with feet wounded by asperity, Feet blistered by marching, By wandering, By hard...

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A Soldier's Persistance

As Tangris stepped off of the ship, his eyes glanced out at the dock. He looked around the wooden dock that despite the age of this port held up well, very few cracks or holes in the wood. The raccoon paused, his tail swaying slightly as a young corgi...

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 30- Persistence

Klaus wanted to show his persistence? lukan will answer alright. lukan returned to work, as if nothing had changed just as he always did every day of every week, of every month, of every year.

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Wildtouched Species Data

Argument persists as to whether shifting itself is their paranormal ability, or if something prevents them from developing such powers.


Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twelve

His ears twitched at the sound of a persistent beeping, until the springhare woke. nishant rolled over and blinked his eyes a few times before slowly sitting up on the cot.

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The Voice Within: Vying for Control

"_ this voice was getting stronger everyday and persisted that i was the false identity, not to mention that it would not shut the hell up.

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Journal Entry 4

The flashbacks still persist and i wish i could just get better. i know time will heal and one day i can touch another person and not panic but i can be impatient, you know that.

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Parting The Pack: Chapter One

Still, cindy slightly shuddered as her customer's glance persisted in her mind, changing into the lukewarm expression of ronald cervinal. great prince above, ronald cervinal...

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How to Make Your Boyfriend and Your Best Friend Get Along

Can i ask you a question", james said "sure", max said "why do you keep asking me to sell my island to you", james asked "because i'm very persistent when it comes to something i want.

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The Warning

It will not permit even the most holy or blessed of empires to persist. we enjoyed centuries of peace and prosperity, a golden age where most of the changes were good, not bad. and now? it is ended.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 6

It was early in the morning when lila woke up to a persistent cracking noise. she rolled over, blinking her eyes sleepily. it took her a minute to realize it was the egg; it was finally hatching!

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Be Somebody - Main Story

All of them were necessary to maintain order, a balance, to sustain this world and ensure that life persisted. _everything has a place.

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