Oh So Tragic - Part 7

Story by WhitefireZilacoTequilla on SoFurry

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#7 of Oh So Tragic

The story of a freelance thief and mercenary who slowly begins to find and weed out a strange and complicated mess of plans and tricks to kill her.

writing, characters (c) me

She frowned. Why does he think I'm friendly? Weird kid. If they send someone for a friendly talk I'll kill them and prove him wrong. I can't have people trying to find me.

The news moved on the other issues and she turned the volume down a little, picking up the wallet on the coffee table. She opened it, flipping through the cards and money for information on the fox. She pulled out his ID. His name was Aseo Ashta.

She stiffened. Ashta?

Flipping through the cards again, she found a couple of social security cards, and one of them with the name Diamn Ashta.

The kid is adopted?

She rubbed her temple, sighing. I just killed his dad... but who sent the fox anyway?

She found nothing else of importance in the wallet, so she picked up the few papers she'd found in the fox's coat and read through them. There was nothing of importance except for a quickly written sentence.

After her little bank escapade, follow and kill her.

"Someone knew I would be in the tunnel by the bank..." She sighed, setting everything back on the coffee table.

Feeling a bit unnerved, she turned up the volume on the TV and went to her room, sitting at her desk as she started putting the newly stolen money into the right drawers.

An hour later she was sprawled across her bed, half asleep in the blankets and pillows. The TV was blaring in the living-room, but she felt too lazy to get up and turn it off. Her ears flicked as the 7:00 news came on.

A man of the name Aseo Ashta was found dead today in an alley off of Shire Lane. He had been shot in the head, and the bullet found was from his own gun. With all evidence in place, it seems as though suicide has taken another life. Rumors say that Whitefire Tequilla had a part in it, but there is no evidence to prove it.

The only family of the man is his adopted son, Diamn Ashta. Since he is not of age he will be up for adoption for a short while before he turns eighteen.

Whitefire's eyes widened and she sat up on her bed. Who the hell hires a family man to be a mercenary? That _'__ s idiotic._ Her thoughts wandered back to the boy, no matter how much she wished they wouldn't. I wonder if I could _..._.. She sighed. A crazy idea was beginning to form in her mind as she sat alone in her room.

Suddenly she got off her bed and changed into some tight dark blue jeans and a black tank-top, grabbing her sunglasses and putting them on her head for the moment, even though she probably wouldn't need them later because of the rain.

She went to her desk and pulled out some fake information, putting it in her purse. Then she went to the bathroom and put some fake contacts in her eyes, which changed their color to blue instead of orange.

Grabbing her keys off the coffee table, she shook her head as she went out the door. "I'm such an idiot..."

When she got out into the alley, she walked down it a ways to her car, which was a sleek black sports car. She got in and drove out to the main road.