Friendly Fledgling (with Fungus)
It goes great blended into a soup, or fried with some meat. byeeee!" throwing open her wings, she flapped her way back into the air, briefly leaving behind a faint cloud of mushroom spores before the wind swept it away.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 23: Shocking truth! Rio’s last legs!
The fries here at "oh dragons" taste good to me." lazz said and passed his fries to lori. "lazz..." lori began, but was interrupted. "shut up! yeah i knew you were going to say that." lazz exclaimed.
Reading Nook
The scent of corn-meal encrusted pig fries frying in ham grease in an iron skillet, an earthy smell of beans bubbling in the pot greeted me before rufus clicked-clicked into the room.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Fifteen
"be sure to fry it up good," he said walking off. adlis voice was shrill with anger. "and where do you think you're off to?" kulgan patted pistols hanging from his belt. "i'm going to scout out the area.
Let Slip the Hounds of War
He picks up the knife and a frying pan. _he has a gun, what are you going to do with a frying pan?
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 41 - "The only friend I have..."
'easy, take a loaf of bread, cut a hole in the middle, heat a little butter in a frying pan and add the slice of bread. fry them until both sides are light brown and add a little butter in the hole of the slice of bread.
Innocence of Youth
I am also mentally fried and torn with the fact my boyfriend amwulf moved in and then decided i wasn't worth living with and moved out, oh and he had a new boyfriend even before he moved out, shitty right? well i will let you all be the judge really.
An Alternate Fursona (Character Sheet)
- food: pizza, chicken, fries, burgers, etc. - literature: the catcher in the rye, fahrenheit 451, the aeneid, the odyssey, and a tale of two cities. - drinks: soda, green tea, orange juice, and lemonade.
(poem) Let’s Hear It for the Fox
With pelt and shade this vulpine rescue begs more aid i'll write next of, of all the choices, of harsh ridicule of voices not ev'ry being can be so perfect as to have not one small defect perhaps a fox's passioned cries unsweetly tend the ears it fries
Joshua's Feast
Slurpin' and snackin' he's chompin' and slurpin' and snackin' he just chomps, gulps, savors the squirms \*saxophone interlude\* the military tried to shut down 'ole josh's all you can eat buffet but joshua just wolfed them down like they were a tasty fried
Wisper Dabble - Night Shift
"yeah well, friends always look out for, and take care of their fri- omph!" the toes flew right back in and swished around in his jaws. "oh, shut up. don't pull that cheesy line on me. my feet could use some soaking right about now."
SENTIENCE - Chapter Two - Contact
A light, dazzling as the star, projected out of the creature, frying the ground it hit. it illuminated the beast, revealing its features. it stood tall on four limbs, its head an unnatural shape.