Dragon Storm: Chapter 23: Shocking truth! Rio’s last legs!
#23 of Dragon Storm
Author's Note:
Hello again! The whole moving thing is going about very, very slowly, but surely. In the meantime, I have been playing on my PS3. I have just beat MGS4 and started to play Naruto ultimate ninja storm, which is what inspired me to name my story series after. Just the name though; not anything from the game itself... well maybe. Anyway, I have been thinking about doing a mini story/skit. It's going to be about all the Dragon Storm characters having a thanksgiving feast at one table. It's not going to be anything too long and it will have nothing to do with the story itself. It's just for comedic relief. Anyway please enjoy this chapter! XP
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Just then there was an explosion that lit up the sky. The Giga missile that Amy fired at Cross Wing earlier had crashed into a satellite dish. The dish fell over and Cross Wing was revealed behind it. She must have taken cover behind the satellite dish in order to avoid the locked-on missile. Cross Wing flew into the air and reloaded her PSG-1 sniper rifle.
"I didn't think I would have to use this! COME FORTH!!! PSEUDO-CHIMARA TEENAGER!!!!!" Cross Wing yelled and then used her beak to whistle for it.
Suddenly, an enormous shadow appeared behind her. It must have stood at least ten stories high; almost as big as the tower itself. Just then a flash of light flickered the black skies and the huge monster was revealed at last. It was the same monster Rio encountered earlier right before he was taken to Rock Lizard. Suddenly, it snaked out it's tail and grabbed Amy. Amy whimpered, as all she could do was watch.
"AMY!!!!" Rio yelled and got up.
"Rio don't! I won't be able to heal you if Cross Wing can land a head shot!" May said and grabbed Rio's arm to stop him.
"Damn it! Noo Amy!!!" Rio screamed.
There was nothing Rio or May could do as Amy's whimpers got further and further away until one loud screech from Amy was heard. After that Amy didn't make any noise, Amy didn't bark, and Amy could not be seen as she was engulfed by the darkness in the sky. The enormous monster roared as loud as he could and as he did, the black sky lit up again thanks to the lightning. Rio's eyes widened in fear as he saw Amy's guts and organs being splattered everywhere in a split second.
Sha la la I know that someday
_I will find what I'm chasing after
I pray that light will shine into your heart
and set your empty soul ablaze
My desire to see you just once more
Is so strong I cry till my heart's torn
Fireflies have flown into summer
And they will never come back again
You left me with a kiss on my lips
And told me that you had to go
And although I was sad
I just nodded my head
And then you walked away and left me
I trembled and cried with grief
Sha la la I know that someday
I will find what I'm chasing after
I pray that light will shine into your heart
and set your empty soul ablaze
Sha la la my dear beloved
I can still see your precious smile
the dazzling light shining from the moon
Illuminates tomorrow's way
Let it shine, let it shine, to brighten your way!_
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· I do not own Hotaru no Hikari. You might know this song from Naruto shippuden season 5. I am just using this purely for fun!
Dragon Storm
_ CHAPTER 23: Shocking truth! Rio's last legs! _
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Lazz felt very week and was trying to wake up. As he did he had images pop up in his head.
(Lazz Dreaming)
"Hey wait up!" Lazz shouted.
"What is it Lazz?"
"Lori! I just heard about your newest concrete! I just wanted to congratulate you!" Lazz said.
"Thanks Lazz. Say, Do you want to get a bite to eat?" Lori asked.
"Sure." Lazz said.
(At random restaurant.)
"And that's how I created Lori Lime!" Lori said.
"Amazing!" Lazz said dumbfounded.
"Are you going to eat those nasty ass fries? I don't really like them, but I'm hungry today." Lori said.
"Oh, umm no you can have them I really don't care. Also I really wouldn't say that. The fries here at "Oh Dragons" taste good to me." Lazz said and passed his fries to Lori.
"Lazz..." Lori began, but was interrupted.
"Shut up! Yeah I knew you were going to say that." Lazz exclaimed.
" I bet you didn't know what I'm about to tell you smart ass." Lori said.
"Um?" Lazz said while eating.
"They have chosen me..." Lori said and called a waitress over to ask for more ranch sauce.
"You don't mean!" Lazz said.
"Yes! The D.E.O. They are an organization of highly skilled Dragon warriors that fight for our nation. Their technology surpasses any and all here in this world. They have chosen me because of my creation Lori Lime. I will still work with our concrete company, but only part time now. Chances are you won't be seeing me around that much anymore." Lori said.
"Unbelievable... " Was all Lazz could muster.
"What's more I also recommended you Lazz. They have an open position available for someone with your talents. They would like to have an interview with you." Lori said and received the ranch sauce from the waitress.
"I've always wanted to fight for what I believe in... but I really don't know about this." Lazz said.
"Come on Lazz! Don't be a chicken shit! We are co-workers we should stick together. Also how many others do you think would get an opportunity like this?" Lori said.
"After leaving BLACKFANG I was hoping to live a peaceful and normal life. However if the D.E.O. needs me then I can't let them down. It's to soon to give an answer; I just wanted to be normal. Also I heard that within the D.E.O. they have very strict rules that MUST be followed. The consequences of disobeying a direct order are heavy." Lazz thought.
"Yes I know. Just give me some time to think about it." Lazz said.
(Griffin Stronghold: prison cell)
Lazz finally woke up in massive pain. He thought this was all a dream, but he looked around him and then to his arm and saw it was gone. It had been cut off by Wild Horn and treated so he would not bleed to death. Also it looks like he was now shirt less and striped of all his gear and equipment.
"I remember this room. I was in here before." Lazz said to himself.
(Flashback: An earlier event)
Just then Lazz finally found the Darpa chief's cell and popped open the vent on the ceiling and hoped down. He found himself looking at a rather tall black dragon. He had a small Afro growing on the top of his head and was wearing a business suit with a tie that was poke doted. Lazz then saw his cell and took a closer look. It was small and it smelled of a thousand skunks. He saw only a bed, a sink, and a toilet and that was it. Lazz returned his gaze on the Darpa chief and saw him just sitting on his bed looking back at Lazz in confusion.
" Who are you?" The Darpa chief asked.
"I'm here to save you. You're the Darpa chief, Kazuki Takahashi right?" Lazz asked.
"You're here to save me huh?! What's your outfit? " Kazuki Takahashi asked as he got up and backed away from Lazz.
" I'm the pawn they sent here to save your worthless butt." Lazz said firmly as he seated himself on the floor and started to draw his picture again.
" It's true... you don't look like one of them. In that case hurry up and get me out of here." Kazuki Takahashi demanded.
(Flash forward: Griffin stronghold-prison cells)
"They must be planning on using me for something if they left me alive, but what? Huh? Is that? It is! The body of the DARPA chief! I saw them carry his body out when he died suddenly in front of me. I guess they decided to put him back in here so it wouldn't make anyone panic. I should call HQ and report everything so far." Lazz thought and then did just that.
"This is Lazz... can you hear me?" Lazz said.
Suddenly, in the cell next to Lazz, Necro's ears twitched and he listened in on the conversation.
"How are you feeling Lazz?" Eubanks asked.
"Never better. I have lost an arm... it was cut off by Wild Horn because I was captured and tortured. Soon after that I woke up in a cell. I don't know where Rio is either." Lazz explained.
"Damn!" Quicksilver said.
"........................." Kilala remained silent.
"Lazz...We received the E-mail you sent us earlier. The government has decided not to give in to their demands. We're trying to buy some more time. Also I can't get a hold of Rio." Quicksilver said.
"Come on Quicksilver...why don't you stop playing dumb? I'm sorry about Rio, but I want the lies to end now." Lazz demanded.
"What are you talking about?" Quicksilver asked.
Kilala and Eubanks looked at each other while Quicksilver formed a fist. Meanwhile Necro paced back and forth in his cell quietly.
"Rio? The weird red Dragon from before? Could this voice belong to the friend Rio was trying to save? And if so, then why isn't Rio here now? Even if they were separated couldn't they still contact each other?" Necro thought.
"Pseudo Chimera Adult was designed to launch a new type of nuclear warhead, wasn't it?" Lazz asked.
"..................!" Quicksilver remained silent.
"You knew it all along didn't you?" Lazz asked.
"........................................................" Quicksilver remained silent.
"Why did you try to hide it?" Lazz asked.
".................I'm sorry................." Quicksilver said.
"Can't tell the grunts, huh? You've changed a lot Quicksilver. Pseudo Chimeras, secret advanced weapons nuclear research.... Does the White house know about this? How deep does it go?" Lazz asked.
"As far as I know, as of yesterday, the president had not been briefed about the "Adult project"." Quicksilver said.
"Need to know basis" is that the idea?" Lazz asked.
"These are sensitive times. Even sub-critical nuclear tests are causing quite a stir." Quicksilver said.
"Plausible deniability, huh?" Lazz said.
"Yes. And tomorrow, the president and his Russian counterpart are scheduled to sign the start 3 accord." Quicksilver explained.
" I get it. That's the reason for the deadline." Lazz said.
"That's right Lazz. And that's why we can't let this terrorist attack go public." Kilala explained.
"We still haven't even ratified start 2 or dealt with the issue of T.M.D.'s. (theater missile defense) This has to do with the president's reputation and America's place as the dominant superpower." Quicksilver explained.
" So patriotism is your excuse for circumventing the constitution!?" Lazz asked in shock.
"Please Lazz... just stop them...." Quicksilver begged.
"Why should I?" Lazz asked.
"Because you're the only one who can." Quicksilver stated.
"In that case, tell me the truth about this new type of nuclear warhead." Lazz demanded.
"I told you before, I don't know the details." Quicksilver said.
"I don't believe you!" Lazz said.
".............." Quicksilver remained silent.
"If the situation is so serious, why don't you give in to their demands? Let them have Nuker's remains." Lazz said.
"You see... "Quicksilver began to say, but was interrupted.
"Or is there some reason that you can't do that? Something that you haven't told me about..." Lazz implied.
"Publicly, the president has been very vocal in his opposition to eugenics experiments. We don't want the existence of the genome army to go public." Kilala explained.
"And that's the only reason?" Lazz asked.
"............"Quicksilver remained silent.
"Huh! The hell with you!" Lazz said.
"............." Quicksilver remained silent.
"The corpse of the DARPA chief is lying right here next to me." Lazz said.
"Poor dragon." Kilala said.
"But it's strange. He looks and smells like he's been dead for days. All his blood has been drained out too." Lazz said.
"Drained!?" Quicksilver asked.
"Maybe to slow down decomposition?" Kilala said taking a guess.
"I have no idea." Lazz said.
"But the chief only died a few hours ago, right?" Kilala asked.
"Right, but he has already started to decompose." Lazz stated.
"What could it all be about?" Kilala asked.
"Something in his blood that they wanted?" Lazz asked.
"I doubt it. Just the nanomachines and the transmitter." Kilala said.
"Wait! Oh no..." Lazz said in shock.
"Who would have thought? " Kilala added.
(Flashback: An earlier event.)
"Remember Lazz I need you to find the Darpa Chief and the president of Dragon tech. " Quicksilver stated.
" The Darpa chief was injected with the same GPS transmitting nanomachines as you." Kilala added.
"So he should appear on your radar." Eubanks said.
"I see." Lazz said.
"Also your radar can handle the weather no problem, however it's all made from currently existing technology so you won't be able to use it in a place with strong harmonic resonance, so be careful." Eubanks said.
"Ok I got it. The E-mail is done transferring now so I'm going to head out now. I'll call again if I'm feeling lonely." Lazz said and put his gear back on.
(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold-prison cells)
"The GPS transmitters." Kilala said.
"I forgot about them. They will show up on your radar, but the same rules apply for them with yours Lazz. They must have planned for it in the event the DARPA Chief would die all along. They drained his blood in order to obtain those GPS transmitters and now they will most likely upload the data off them into their computer systems and treat the whole island as their radar. Allowing them to know your exact whereabouts every living second." Eubanks stated.
"They probably already did that. Why else would they place the body back? Also we don't know the extent to their technology so we can't assume it's just one radar... it could be quite a few of them covering the whole island." Kilala said.
"That would explain why I couldn't reach Rio. He must be currently engaging the enemy. Also did the chief tell them his detonation code?" Quicksilver asked.
"I'm afraid so. It looks like they got both of the detonation codes and are nearly ready to launch." Lazz stated.
"Damn. Is there anyway to prevent it?" Quicksilver asked.
"It seems that there is some type of emergency override device that can cancel out the detonation code. It's a countermeasure that Dragon's tech installed secretly. You have to unlock it with three special card keys." Lazz stated.
"And where are those keys?" Quicksilver asked.
"I've got one of them, I don't know where the other two are. Besides I'm locked up here." Lazz said.
"We've got no choice. Forget about the keys Lazz. Your top priority now is to destroy the Pseudo chimera Adult itself. Sorry to have to lay it all in your lap like this.... But you're all I got. Bust out of there and get past the communications towers. Also... I know it's asking a lot, but..." Quicksilver said.
" Rio, right?" Lazz asked.
"Yeah." Quicksilver said.
"I'll save him." Lazz said firmly.
"Thanks." Quicksilver said.
"Alright. If they have been tracking me since the death of the DARPA chief then they must also be tracking Rio too since we all had the same GPS transmitters. It seems that this cell is made up of the same metal fibers found in Lori Lime. That means my G.O.N. won't work. However metal has a melting point and I have a fire gland. This may take awhile, but I have to save Rio and complete this mission." Lazz said out loud.
Rio's eyes had widened in fear because of what the pseudo chimera teenager just did. Rio remembered the last time he encountered this thing.
(Flashback: An earlier event)
Rio lands on soft snow and tries to get up. Amy is hurt bad at this point. If she loses any more blood she will die. Rio felt this sudden urge to protect and rage began to build in his heart. He had never been this mad before. He felt his ears get hot and could feel his blood boil inside him. Just then the giant beast lands next to Rio and screams in pain. He begins to morph. His fur turns into a light brownish color and grows black wings and his tail becomes a scorpion's tail with spikes. His eyes turn bright red and his talons turn a brownish color as well and his muscles bulge out even more so then before. He grows a blond colored main and a dark black color aura surrounds him.
"Just who do you think you are?! Huh? " Rio said then turned to Amy to see her in pain. Then proceeded to say... " SHE WAS JUST TRYING TO PROTECT ME!!!! I WON"T LET YOU HURT HER ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed at the top of his lungs.
Suddenly the giant beast tried to stomp on Rio, but missed Rio was so upset that he was blinded by rage and very alert at the moment. He quickly dodged the attack and dashed at the giant creature and jumped up to his face and scratched his face with his claws and then turned his body as to do a front flip and upon flipping downward he landed another hit with his red tail and hit the creature's face. As he began his decent Rio blasted a fireball. The beast screamed in more pain from Rio's attacks, which caused him to bleed on the face. However the beast blocked the fireball with his arm and kicked at Rio. Rio landed on the ground and jumped out of the way of the kick.
(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold- top of tower)
"YOU"LL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.
"RIO NO! I'm not done healing you yet! YOU"LL NEVER LAST!!!!!" May yelled.
Cross Wing laughed and the Pseudo chimera took a step back and raised it's brow then growled. Cross Wing began to snipe at Rio, but Rio was to fast. The chimera tried to kick Rio, but Rio jumped up.
"You can't dodge in the air Rio! Goodnight!" Cross Wing yelled while taking aim from atop of the chimera's shoulder.
Cross Wing fired the sniper rifle and suddenly, Rio pulled out his S&W 9MM semiautomatic handgun and shot the incoming bullet. The two bullets canceled each other out and sparks could be seen when they clashed. Rio reached the chimera's face and tried to scratch it, however unlike before the chimera blocked the attack. As Rio fell he saw the chimera try to punch again with that deadly attack just like before. Just before the chimera made contact with Rio, Rio used his long red tail and swung off of the giant fist, thus avoiding the attack. Suddenly, the chimera used its long scorpion tail to try and sting Rio, however Rio blasted it with a massive fireball and stopped it. The chimera then tried to kick Rio, but Rio jumped back up again. This time the chimera took flight and hurled needles from it's mouth. Rio inhaled and then quickly exhaled a small black flame that not only melted the needles, but also hit the right wing on the chimera and burned it off instantly. The giant chimera was sent hurling down to the ground and landed somewhere toward the bottom of the tower. Rio landed and jumped down the side of the tower. Rio dived head first to pick up speed. Then he used his feet to run along the side of the tower downward. Rio's speed proceeded to pick up and as he ran faster and faster. Just then Rio noticed more flying creatures that were newly summoned by Cross Wing. Rio began to fire his handgun at them one by one they got shot in the head and fell to their doom.
"It's time to put all this experience to good use!" Rio shouted.
As he continued to run down the side of the tower he pulled out his black and red sword and cut some of the creatures in half. Rio proceeded to do this for what seemed like the next three minutes and finally became engulfed by a large swarm of flying creatures. Suddenly, Rio busted out of the engulfment of mass and various slice arches and gunshots could be seen. Rio then picked his feet up and dived even faster. Rio began to spin around very quickly and fired off a whole magazine in his handgun. Rio reloaded his handgun and placed his feet back on the tower's side to run along it again, only this time, he threw his black and red sword down in front of him skewering two flying creatures and then melting them to nothing, as Rio shot a bullet at the handle of the sword and forced it's decent even faster, the sword was burning because of how fast it was moving through the air. Rio ran as fast as his legs would allow him and reached out for his sword to grab it. His hand then began to burn as well and when he finally grabbed it, his whole arm caught on fire. Rio then let go of the sword and dashed into the ground and dashed right for where the chimera had landed.
"YOU'RE MINE! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.
The chimera was just now getting up from crashing and didn't have anytime to react to Rio's next attack. Rio effortlessly performed an upper cut with his arm that was still on fire and sent the chimera into the air. Cross Wing flew off and tried to snipe, but turned and saw May taking aim at her so shot at her instead. May was shot in the arm and fell from three stories up into the snowy ground. Meanwhile Rio twisted his lower body and unwound himself to unleash a devastating soccer kick in the chimera's face.
"RIO'S CRIMSON SKY!!" Rio yelled.
This attack sent the chimera back to the ground and in massive pain. The chimera roared as loud as it could. Rio had not even landed yet when suddenly; the chimera got on one knee and landed a punch on Rio. This sent Rio's body flying into the snow, thus putting out the fire on Rio's arm and leaving a first-degree burn. Rio skidded across the snowy ground and into the side of the tower where May and his black and red sword were.
"ARGHGHGRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.
"Not again..." Rio thought.
"RIO! Uh! Ouch!" May said and kneels in front of him to begin healing him.
"It's just like before! Almost all his bones are broken! I can sense where his pain is coming from and what is causing it with my power, but I won't have enough time to heal a wound this bad. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before! One of his ribs has punctured one of his lungs! At this rate he will drown in his own blood." May thought.
The giant teenage chimera slowly walked toward May and balled up its massive fist and strikes at her. May and Rio closed their eyes and waited a few seconds. After a while they both opened them up and couldn't believe it. Standing in front of them was a black and white dragon. He was holding up his sword and had blocked the attack.
"................" May remained silent.
"Y-Y-Yun!" Rio stuttered to say.
"I still have a score to settle with him." Yun said.
(Flashback: An earlier event)
All the creatures of all kinds of shapes and sizes nimbly scurried around the place attacking Yun and the griffin soldiers. Yun quickly got back up and started to fight them off as if they were nothing. The griffin soldiers fired their guns and some of them used their talons and beaks.
"HEY!! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY YOU IDIOT!!!!!" Yun yelled as loud as he could, then got restrain by one of the griffins and tackled by a creature.
(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold courtyard)
"It's this things fault I got attacked by all those creatures! So now I will return the favor by sending it to hell!" Yun said.
To be continued.............
Author's comment:
Will Yun be able to take out the chimera?
Will Rio be ok?
Stay tune!
Thanks for reading! XD