The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 15

It was beauty, beauty in the most pristine of forms. she never confused it with the allure of evil, she couldn't comprehend how something like that could change unexpectedly.

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Chapter 3 - The Hanged Man

He looked at her, she was so very beautiful, he had been in love with her since they first met but had never told her because he felt unworthy to her beauty. "i guess...."


Revenge of The Nerds - Ch2: My Kingdom for a Fraternity Home

Luck has it for both guy and reid, as the beauty queen's captain, reika, was right in the center of everyone. she was a black fox with such a curvy figure. her beautiful crimson eyes, plus her long silver hair matched her build perfectly.

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Pack Mentality

It was a place of rare beauty. here the frost fire flower bloomed and the ground was warm with their beautiful, if fake, fire. the wispy flowers blew in a cold northern wind that was the constant gift of the frozen mountains to the north.

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Oak in Grey Hollow - 4

I'm... beautiful! i'm really beautiful!" hollow sighed, taking the mirror from her hands. "of course you are, mira. i'm no charlatan! you are now officially enchanted. and enchanting... well, at least to those who are affected by such things.

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Simple plant

Because your destined.

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Love and let love(lyrics)

Love and let love love is a beautiful thing that lies in the heart of change it doesnt care who you are it doesnt care about race life is precious cause life is short live it while you can no one knows whats at the end i dont

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The Cave of Lost Lovers

Her dress was still sleek and beautiful and untouched by time and the elements, and the same was true for her body--more or less.

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Polytheism Within My Writing

**tanis** - the dove goddess of love and beauty. wife of the god of war she spends most of her time day dreaming and romanticizing about mortal relationships.

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As beautiful as snow is, it can also sometimes be an eerie omen for those who believe in that kind of thing. did i believe the snow storm was some form of omen? yeah. yeah i did.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep04

An act that will take your breath away by its elegant beauty and incredible finesse! ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes! i give to you... dancing no bara!"

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