{The Conquest} - Prologue
#1 of the conquest author's note: so i decided to make a little side story to the current one. the setting is rakuen, the paradise healed by furui but scorched once more by a civil war between the bureau.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 17: The Interview - The Mage's Association
However, they both are subject to another authority. the authority of the **mage council**." "the council, huh?" vicky said, taking in this information. "i assume that is formed by a group of mages who hold the greatest authority."
Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 5. (Everything becomes right that has to be right)
The original characters and plot are the property of the author. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. no copyright infringement is intended.** **pokémon meets final fantasy 5.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 3
The authorities are gonna be here any minute- where is he?!" "calm down, pele," her twin brother told her from within the cave.
List of Characters - Pokemon Ranger Series
Childhood nemesis of scott and storm, and enjoyed getting the pair in trouble with the school and authorities. his harassment eventually caused storm to evolve into a typhlosion. · **scott rivers** : pokemon ranger.
A Bitter Sweet Farewell
This is my first work as an author and more than likely the sappiest thing i will ever write. i was inspired to write this on singles awareness day (or valentines day to those happy couples out there) while toiling at work.
Benjamin the Wolf
Scientists, authors, mathematicians, doctors, and lawyers even a broadway actor were there all to give their ancient father support at what was a very trying time.
The hack: Chapter 13 (Trent) Final
No one knows who these new mysterious hackers are and authorities hope to catch them." the fur on the news channel said as we watched knowing full well on who tsociety is and that the authorities would most likely not find us.
Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)
~ gerald squirmed down into the seat as the helmet slid into place, keeping his hand firmly pressed against the authorization pad.
Fate, Destiny or strange luck - Chapter 3 - Let the Show begin ( Reforged )
The original characters and plot are the property of the author. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. no copyright infringement is intended. the same goes for used music and those lyrics.
First meeting
Warning: this story will include blood, violence, fetish, vulgarism, crushing, +15 (age limit may vary by state), all content is only fancy, pictures are not mine, at the end of the story is written by the author of the image and link to his web .
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...
I believe the definition of an insurgent means "a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government." there was no civil authority or an established government... only chaos and anarchy, like my mother once described it...