A Bitter Sweet Farewell
This is my first work as an author and more than likely the sappiest thing I will ever write. I was inspired to write this on singles awareness day (or Valentines Day to those happy couples out there) while toiling at work. I know it is a little late but that is due to a full schedule that gives me little time to type.
Anyway the following text is not to be taken seriously or the actions are not to be duplicated for any reason. This story contains an attempt at suicide that may or may not be successful. All characters and names belong to the author and the situation described is purely fictional.
Pleasant reading.
A Bitter Sweet Farewell
Waving farewell to his parents, the teenaged wolf begins his preparations. As he paced about the house he realized that the timing couldn't be better for him. With both his parents out for the night to 'rekindle their flame' and his younger brother staying at a friends for the night, there was no chance for interruption. Tonight he would be able to end it for good.
Slowly the hours rolled by, the sky darkening as the sun vacated its place in the sky. The heavens dotted with small lights and the beauty of a full moon marked the beginning of what was going to be a peaceful night. Most people were settling down for the night but his was just beginning.
Ashamar had been on the computer all afternoon finishing up an e-mail he has just sent. It had been a grueling task but now with that out of the way he could get to the job at hand. Stretching as he stood up from his computer desk, waiting for that oh so audible pop from his shoulder blades, he casually walks over to his bed and lies down. Quickly reaching over to his nightstand he grabs a clipboard and a pen and begins to write:
_Long ago we were nothing more then friends. Then as all things do, it began to grow and flourish. We were close; we were the best of friends. There for each other in the difficult times, times of great loss and sorrow.
Time and again I watched from a distance, hiding from myself the truth. Wanting to act, but not having the right to. Was it fate or chance that got the better of me? Why must love bring such pain._
Lost in our solitude, you cast a glance my way. Is there hope or only heart ache for me. A tongue loosened from exhaustion speaks what I wouldn't dare. Have I betrayed myself? Have I just destroyed our friendship?
You take my paw in yours and pull me close. My heart skips a beat, could this be happiness. Can I make it last?
I knew our time was short, you were not truly mine. Your heart clamed another while you toyed with me. Do you care that you cause me such pain? Do you know how much I care?
Now immersed in our lives we grow apart. It pains me to know that my chance has passed. I wish for you the happiness you gave me for that brief time, and the strength to fight for what you want.
For now my time is coming to an end. I am grateful for the time we shared and I'm sorry that I will no longer be there.
Writing the final line Ashamar places the clipboard on his nightstand. Getting comfortable he reaches under his pillow and retrieves the knife he kept there. Flipping it open he runs his thumb over the blade and half-heartedly smiles knowing that his pain would finally end. He could hear banging on the front door. So someone read my final goodbye, he thought to himself. Taking the blade skillfully in hand he slices his left wrist then the right.
Closing his eyes for what could be the final time he recites to himself the last line. "If perchance I do awake, I hope to see your smiling face." As he fell into unconsciousness he could hear the voice calling for him.
Forcing open the front door a panicked tiger bounds up the stares and runs down the hall to his door. You can't be dead, you just can't. She keeps chanting this to herself as the paramedics follow her. Opening the door she collapses. The floor was soaked in blood, still trickling from the deep cuts in his wrists. As the paramedics rushed by her, she couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked. She watched as the two picked up her friend and placed him on the stretcher. One was working franticly working on stopping the bleeding and the other was working on getting them to the ambulance.
Once she was alone, she entered his bedroom. The pools of blood on the floor were huge; it was hard to believe it was his. Looking over to his computer the screen saver was on. Displayed in scrolling text were the words: I'm sorry for the pain I will cause. Holding back tears she noticed it, the clipboard. Picking it up, she read her best friends' final message. "You bastard," She screamed, "Why did you have to do this?"
"Serene are you here?" A male voice calls out.
Hearing his footsteps on the stairs she steps out of the bedroom and cries. Feeling his arms wrap around her trembling frame, she speaks out between sobs. "He's gone... I could have helped him. If only..."
-_- Obviously I need to work on my formatting... Anyway just to clarify 'The voice' Ashamar is referring to is not actually a person calling to him, it is the delusion from blood loss making him think that his true love is calling out to him in his final moments.