Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 5. (Everything becomes right that has to be right)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry


#5 of Final Fantasy

Next Chapter

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 5. (Everything becomes right that has to be right)

1 Hour later

Yamato reached the Hospital after a short walk through the City. Normally he would might had needed around 20 minutes to reach the hospital but he felt that he might needed to buy them something to apologies himself.

„Good Day. " He said to the Woman at the information desk when he entered.

„OH.... Hi Yamato. Needing something? "

„Yep! You can give me the number of..... ÄHM..... Of.... "

„The room of Natascha´s brother?" She finished, bringing him out of control.

„What the..... Yes. That´s what I need.... Please. "

„I´m sorry but I have to tell you that you had been right about his illness and right now he is laying on the Intensive station and you know who is only allowed to enter there. "

„Yeah..... Damn.... I wished that I was wrong this time.... Is Victor at his side right now? "

„I don´t know. Let me check it. "

„Take your time. "

The Nurse began to tip a few buttons on her Computer and afterwards she phoned with someone. Then, after what seemed like an Hour for Yamato, she said to him.

„You are lucky. He already awaits you in his room. Should I bring you there? "

„No thanks. I know where it is but you can do me another favor.... "

„Bringing the bag to Natascha´s brother... Sure I can do that. "

„You are..... HAHAHAHA.... I will pay you back some Day. "

„I´m looking forward to that day. " The Nurse said with a big smile and left with the bag in hand.

Yamato then walked up some steps to the 4 Th floor and there he knocked on a door with the sign „Private room of Doctor Victor Nash„.

„Come in." A Voice said from the inside and Yamato moved in.

„Hi there. " He said and was greeted by a half happy Victor.

„AHHH.... There you are. I already thought that you might had collapsed on your way here and that I have to get you. "

„Sure. And what are you dreaming at night? Being Arthur maybe?" Yamato answered with a smirk.

„God dammit!!! Can you ever take something serious? You would have died back there if you would have used your ability one more time. You are risking too much for one life and.... " Yamato cut him hardly by saying loud.

„And you know that I´m build this way and you know what awaits me in the future Knight of the round Lancelot. Or have you already become so old that you might forget things like this? "

„HOW COULD YOU....... TAAHHH..... Even if I hate to admit it.... You have done a good job. " Victor said while he stood up from his chair, that he had sit in since the talk began, and walked over to a Window that was allowing to look into the backyard of the hospital.

„So he will survive?" Yamato asked while turned around to face the exit.

„Yes he will but.... his lungs will never function right again until he evolves. "

„I see.... Do you want to tell the authorities from this? "

„You know that I have to. Why? "

„I want you to not say something. I already did what was needed to change the situation. "

„Really? "

„Do you call me a liar? "

„NO NO.... Of course not but.... "

„If one of them will ever come back to hospital with not normal injuries you can do whatever you want but till then please..... Leave it to me. "

With these words said, Yamato opened the door and moved out. The door closed itself automatically behind him so Yamato was not able to hear the rest of the conversation that went on inside.

„Am I wrong or is he changing?" Gawain said while he came into the room from a side door.

„You are right. He changes back to the person he once was but I´m asking myself why now?" Victor asked back.

„It´s because of that female, who came with the Boy. She is the reason why he changes. " Parzival said who suddenly was sitting in front of the window.

„WOAH!!!!...... YOU!!!..... Can you never use a door or can you even knock once before you appear?" Victor said is shock.

„Door? What is that? For a Ghost a door doesn´t exist. "

Yep. You read right. Parzival is a Ghost. Or better a Ghost Morph. A Gengar to be correctly.

„You will never learn or hear do you? And what do you mean with that she is the reason?" Gawain threw in.

„Why should I learn something? It would be only useless and come on.... Are you blind? Even a 2 years old morph can see that he is having some deep feelings for her. "

„Thanks for the flowers you stone cold whisper in the wind. "

„Want a fight? "

„Always. Get in on! "

Both Gawain and Parzival were ready to fight against each other when...

* 2 Fists on 2 Straw heats *

Lancelot spoke with his fists first and then with his words.

„ARE YOU 2 FOOLS??? THIS IS A HOSPITAL AND YOU WANT TO REBUILD IT INTO AN ARENA??? .... Before this happens you have to go through my death Body!!! "

„But he started it!!!" Gawain said.

„Wrong!!! You did. " Parzival said back.

„WHAT??? ... It was.... "

„BOTH OF YOU STOP OR I BRING YOU TO!!!" Lancelot screamed with one of his Hands on his Gun blade which was always staying next to his desk.

Both Gawain and Parzival did a deep gulp and finally they both cooled down and they both did it quickly because from every Knight, Lancelot was the second best of them when it was going into a swordfight. Only Yamato was better than him.

„You child's!!! If you 2 want to fight then leave this place and come back when you are done and now leave me alone... I need some rest. "

Both nodded a yes and together they moved out of the room.

A few minutes later

Victor was laying on his bed, a sleeper, and tried to sleep in when somebody knocked on the door.


„OOHHHH.... Why does nobody allows me to find some sleep today?"

Victor got up slowly and moved over to the door saying on.

„I only hope that it is important or else my blade will have a go. "

He had reached the door and opened it. First, he saw nobody but then Natascha slowly moved into the door with some red Eyes and wild fur.

„OH God. Natascha. What happened? You are looking like you have boxed 20 rounds with a Hitmonchan." He said.

„Please..... Can I.... see Yamato?" She asked back with some sops.

„Come in. " Victor said and opened the door completely to let her in.

Once open, she nearly jumped into the room because she wanted to fall around Yamato´s Neck and kiss him everywhere but once she was in, she heard Victor saying.

„I´m afraid to tell you that he has already left the hospital again. "

* SNIFF * was her only answer.

„OK.... Now please ... Sit down and tell me. Why are you crying? I mean... Your brother is save now and Yamato has managed some things at your parent's site as well. So why are you crying? "

* SNIFF, SNIFF * " H..... He..... He did something with my parents? * SNIFF * Really....? "

Victor nodded a yes and Natascha´s Eyes became watery.

„I.... I..... Sorry.... I..... I cannot..... Control myself anymore...... " She started to cry while she spoke on. " All.... Everyone...... Is so nicely to me and..... him... I..... It´s...... We both had..... Never been....."

She moved her Hand to her side and pulled something out of her side bag. Once it was out, she moved it over to Victor and he took it.

It was a card deck from the triple triad Game and a message was bound around it.

Victor removed the bounding's and began to read the message.

„Dear Brother of Natascha,

I hope that you are feeling better and that you will become healthy quickly so that your sister didn´t need to worry about you anymore.

I also hope that you like the cards I gave you. Or at last they will fit your deck very good that I had found on your table.


P.S.: Tell your sister that she looks beautiful when she worries for someone that she likes or loves. "

Once he had finished reading, Victor placed the message on the deck again and gave it back. Then he said in a calm Voice.

„So is he made of. He is always nice to everyone except the other one is a mad one. "

She didn´t said a word in respond.

„Here... "

He gave her a paper bandanna and she took it.

„Dry your tears with it before you go to Yamato. He always hates to see a tear covered face. "

She nodded a slow yes and began to dry her tears. Once she was done, Victor told her the way that she needed to go to meet Yamato before he was home.

„If you are quick enough, you can meet him there. "

Victor said while he pointed on a GPS map on her Handy.

„Thank you Doctor for your help. " Natascha said while she took her Handy and started to leave.

„There is no need to thank me. I´m only doing my job and please.... Call me Victor. I hate the doctor title. "

„OK Do..... I mean Victor. "

Right after she had said that, she left the room, ran down some stairs and left the hospital. Once outside, she looked onto her GPS ad then she ran like the devil was behind her.

After 15 minutes of running, she reached the point that Victor had showed her and luckily, she was right in time because she saw Yamato from behind, who was still walking towards his Home.

„YAMATO!!!" She shouted but he didn´t stopped.

„YAMATO WAIT PLEASE!!! " She now screamed and he finally stopped and turned his Head.

A Minute later, she reached him but she needed some Air before she could talk to him.

* Breath, Breath, Breath *

„WOW... Seems like that you ran a Marathon. Why?" Yamato said with a smile.

„I..... I ...... * Cough *"

„Slowly!!! Come. Let us sit down there. " He said while he pointed over to a bank that was standing on a little tree.

After they both were sitting on it, Natascha began to slowly talk.

„I.... want.... to..... Thank..... You..... For ...... you're.... help. "

„Thank me for what? I only did what I had to do. Nothing more. " He answered.

„Your.... wrong..... What you did..... Is all..... Please tell me what.... I can do.... For you to pay.... Your Niceness back... I will do...... everything I can do. "

„Really all? You would really do everything for me?"

„Yes... Everything. "

„Would you even go to bed with me?" This Question he asked with a deep black face and she had to gulp a few times before she answered him.

„Y.... Yes.... Even this. "

Silence for a few seconds. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, he said to her.

„Fine. I take you by word and now I want you to do 2 things for me. "

„OK. " She said and waited for his instructions for her.

„First. You will now go home and study for the math test tomorrow. I know that this is one of your worse things and if you really want to do all for me then she me that you really want to hold your word by writing a 4 or 3. Understood? "

* Deep Gulp * „O.... K.... And Second?" She said and asked in fear because she was not really sure of losing her Virginy but everything came different than she thought.

„Second is this.... "

* Hard Check Slap *

„YELP!!! "

After the impact, she looked at him with watery Eyes but didn´t cried.

„You swear me that you will never ever give your Virginy away this cheaply. You will swear me that you will give it only to the person that your heart belongs to. "

Now she looked at him in disbelief and she babbled

„B... But... "

„SWEAR IT!!!" He now said hard and loud.

*Another deep Gulp * „I swear it. "

„Good. Now go..... And thank you. " He said while he got up and prepared himself for leaving her.

„For.... What? "

„For wanting me to be your first. "

At that moment she looked into his Eyes and saw that he was happy of that thought and so she also became happy again. That was why she also got up from the bank, moved over to him and placed a quick kiss on his check, not knowing that this short kiss would change his whole world forever.

Right afterwards she turned without one more word and left but inside of her Head she said.

You are the only one that deserves my Virginy and I swear that you will have it on that Day when you are ready to take it.

Yamato on the other Hand was only smiling brightly over his whole face while he was hanging in his Mind.

She kissed me! She kissed me! She... Kissssss....... " A..... HHHAAAAHHHHH....... HATSCHI !!! Fuck! Seems like I´m getting a Cold. * SNIFF * I better make myself a hot bath once I´m home. "

To be continue