Chapter 3: Imprisonment of Mind

He felt as though they were accusing him. "do you think i'm proud?" his ears drooped, and eyes fell to the ground. "if i don't do my orders... they'll kill me." "so that's what it comes down to?"

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The Nameless Creature

"oh, what, now we start shooting accusing looks at each other? two can play that game," the nameless creature tried making his best angry face. "hey, i'm not the one who brought us to the top of a cliff with only two ways down.

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First Christmas

He was ready for it, the yelling and accusations. the punishments. he nodded. he had learned that getting it over with was better than dragging things out. he would have spoken, but he found his words caught in his throat.

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Out Of Time - Book 5: Times Up - Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

You stand before the world court accused of the mass genocide of the human race. how do you plead?" the human president spoke. damian took a small, uninterrupted, moment to stretch out his arms and maw before finally answering. "not guilty."

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Raiyev Part 24

"you're joking," he said accusingly. "i wish i was," she pleaded. "you know how we have reality shows here, right?" raiyev nodded, frowning at harper.

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Bird's Eye

Nbsp; the crow continued scowling at his lover in silence for what felt like an unbearably long time to the fox, before madge interjected with a boiling kettle and cups of coffee, of which they both accepted gladly, the fox eager for distraction from the accusing

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Day 23 - Fear

._ the dreadful black words echoed in my ears in her soft voice, an edge of accusation to her tone. _i can't lose her, i promised i wouldn't fail._ "but you did.

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There's more accusation in his voice than he intended. "i told you we'd take care of them. together. there was no need for...this." "there was _every_ need for this." he tries to remember the last time he said a word with such passion.


The Dog Hole: Chapter 5 -- Welcome To The Dog Hole

"so you're running away from a duty to your homeland," he accused in an attempt to shame her. it didn't work. "you'd better believe i am. you'd also better believe that i fear having my legs blown off in my sleep a lot more than i fear you.

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Identity: Chapter Fifty-One

"now consider what happened when my late colleague from across the political spectrum, senator johnson, was accused of being the prophet. what happened then?"

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 23

He said it like an accusation, his voice shaking. "you laughed and laughed! like it was all a joke to you! and now you sit there acting like some damsel?" the wolf twitched.

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Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter 5 - Tying Up Loose Ends

I-i'm really sorry for accusing you as blindly as that. i don't really know what i was thinking, i know ierlex wouldn't ever cheat on me, nor i on him. can we just sort of, start over?"   "of course we can!"

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