Chapter 3

In the current digital world, if a digimon does not absorb enough data it may result in stunted growth, loss of muscle mass or even ,over extended periods of time, deletion.', do you see what this means?

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The Shadow Scythe.

The big guy get stunted, whit a bad expresion he stared the boy "how do you dare?, ghost is..." "he is alive tave, he is been playing on us" groaned moe "really?" asked a voice from a chair, a rapidmon raised on feet. "ezze is alive?"

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Unwanted But Warranted Publicity

Maybe the best thing would be to just stride out into the open and act like he was a part of some popularity stunt. that idea wasn't the best, so he would do that only if he had no other option. at least no one had scene him yet, so it could work.

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I Was Broken and Lost Chapter 3

How dare you pull a stunt like that, and especially against our own son? give me a reason why i shouldn't call the police right now." caleb pulled me closer to his chest and i felt a small weight in my pocket. reaching into it, i found my cellphone.

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Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 3

"of all the stupid stunts that he has done this one really takes the cake." it was almost sun set and ever since the mornings incident chance and jake had been working hard in order to catch up on their work.

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Hazel Hill - Chapter 1

They had been about to start yiffing right in view of the entire freshman class and there wouldn't have been any repercussions doing such a stunt! then again he wondered if she could also do that uglifying thing to others.

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Helen Ch 5

Made such a big deal about performing stunts in front of the family... you'd think he would have learned after a while, but i guess he still hasn't." with that good laugh under their belts, cadi smiled. "i'm going to stay here."

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Dragon Day Submission: The Hunt for the Cosmic Lantern

You think she'll let you have any immortality after the stunt you just pulled? our nurse is old. she's too close to death to give it all up now." his skull wasn't too rubbery to get crackin' on that quest of his.

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Splintered Light, Ch 1.1: As the Sun Rises

Willem zuider, the ship's foreman was a level-headed and down-to-earth goat; both were reasons why alistair liked having him aboard but there were also times when the old foreman's limited imagination and lack of appreciation for adventure stunted the crew's

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

Just for that stunt i will keep your secret for however long it lasts." she was about ask for clarification when discord continued. "well i'm off to check out your minime, ta-ta!" and with a flash he was gone.


Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 62

"maybe a little warning next time you try a crazy stunt like that? you started apologising and we damn well forgot what we were supposed to be doing! vekka here just about fainted!" "you're one to talk!

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Rose- Being Requested

Your stunt last night was aired on public television. i imagine only a very few were watching you at the start of the night, but every one watching your battle would have seen that blast.

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