Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#53 of MLP

Winter Bells Arc comes to a close

Selene saw her breath as she cantered around Canterlot. The irony of that phrased lost to her as she searched for little Nyx.

"Where could you go off to my little odd counterpart?" She thought aloud as she scanned the city. Even worse was the fact her head band was lost in the collapse of the stage so she was out here undisguised and she had little faith in the good will of ponies in Canterlot. The Snob captial of Equestria. She saw Dash flying through the air likely trying to cut time by looking with a bird's eye view. She hoped Dash would suceed. The bells ringing in the back gorund also didn't help with the search for it covered any noise little hooves would make. She had become desperate enough to even open her dream senses just in case Nyx fell asleep. There was a risk of Luna discovering a pony doing this but Nyx was worth the gamble.

She kept searching till her dream sense notified her that Nyx had fallen asleep. This was her chance to figure out where Nyx was so she dove in.

She immediately regreted it.

She was overcomed with sorrow and fear. "No, I'm not a bad pony! Please leave me alone! Please don't hurt me! Please don't hate me!" She said these things as she was in tune with Nyx and it took all of her will power to break the connection. She sat down panting as the experience rattled her. She had never felt like that before. Even when her Luna dived in they never experienced this. Is it something unqiue to this Equestria or that fact both me and Nyx exist here at the same time? She honestly didn't know. However she did know she couldn't try that again so it meant the old fashion way again.

It was about an hour or so later when Selene heard Rainbow.

"Hey Selene!" She looked up and saw Rainbow above her.

"What is it Dash?"

"They found Nyx." She visibly relaxed.

"Oh thank the moon, where is she?"

"She was at Spell Nexus' place and she is in route back to Twi's parent's house." She nodded and made her way back to the house. Once there she found out that the Sparkle family had a little meeting and it sounded like they chastized Shining for his actions. Turns out the collapse of the stage wasn't Nyx's fault, but instead a journalist out to reveal what happened to Nightamre Moon. Figures it be something like that and of course Shining was too dense to figure that out. Wouldn't be surprised if they started the wood fire a few days ago. She spotted Shining and with her magic took him by the ear and dragged him back into Night Light's study.

"Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!" Shining said as he was pulled in and she put a silence spell around the room so they would have privacy in what was to come.

"Well Shining, you are very lucky tonight." She began. He pulled his ears back and replied.

"I don't feel like it. My parents are dissapointed in me, Cadance and Twilight hate my guts right now. Twilight won't even trust me with Nyx right now."

"She has every right to feel that way. You broke her trust in you and getting that back is going to be a long road. But the reason you are lucky is besides from some likely emotinal scars Nyx is fine. She easily could not be. Unlike Luna she has no blast from the Elements of Harmony or a different look. For decades to come many ponies will not she her as Nyx Sparkle, daughter of Twilight Sparkle but as Nightmare Moon and everything that goes with that name. Many ponies will not be happy with how she was dealt with. Quite a few likely will want to capture her and do unspeakable things just because of who she is." She saw him staring to pale at that. "Now you are starting to get it boyo. Not only does Nyx have to deal with her sins but also those inherited by Luna. She has become the scapegoat for the worse of Luna's whether she wanted to or not and thanks to Celestia's stupidity and her own fear driving her she has denied Nyx any real chance of a normal foalhood that she could of had. Have you so little faith in your princess's and your wife's judgement? Granted Celestia is a horrible judge of charater by track record."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Shining seemed a little tick off on that one. She responded with her own anger.

"Let's look at the facts shall we. One; she ignored what was happening to her own sister till Luna felt like she had no choice but to become the original Nightmare Moon. Two; she completely ignored Cadance's behavior leading up to your wedding. Behavior I might add that Twilight picked up on despite not seeing Cadance for quite some time when Celestia saw her likely every day but certainly more often then Twilight yet the changeling queen nearly pulls it all off. Note you get a by since you were mind controled in that instance. Three; the latest addtion Spell Nexus himself. He mange forming a cult dedicated to Nightmare Moon, stage an attack on his house so that the armor fragments of Nightamre Moon could be taken, foalnapped your sister and plan a spell to make Nyx Nightmare Moon all under Celstia's notice. Now back to you. You let your fear of mind control CONTROL you. You didn't really use your brain and now we see the results. You have damaged your relationships with your sister and your wife. Good luck repair that, honestly good luck. However let me make one thing very clear. You pull something like this again and it won't matter who you are related to by blood or marriage I WILL END YOU." She did the closest thing to Fluttershy's STARE to hammer that point. Believe she got her point through and her anger vented she left the room and was feeling tired. She headed for the room the girls were sharing when another door opened.

"Selene." It was Cadance peeking her head through the door.

"Yes Cadance?" She asked in confusion.

"With Shining on the couch and Twilight's room crowded I was wondering if you'd want to sleep with me?" Her jaw dropped at trying to process that. Cadance wanted to sleep with her, a married alicorn wants to sleep with a pony she just met days ago.

"Uh Cadance, your married and I didn't think you were into mares."

"Well can't be the Alicorn of Love without loving both genders." She then eyed Selene in a predatory way that the disguised alicorn did not like.

"You are a married mare so not sharing the same bed." She used her magic to summon a sleeping bag as she strolled in and silently wondered if her Cadance was the same way. She knew her Cadance can be scary when you start getting on her bad side or get into her passion for love but this was completely new to Selene and even scarier.

"I guess you have a point. I swore to love Shining through everything." Cadance had that scary look again. "Even with this fiasco with Nyx. I guess I just have to wait till he passes away." She then looks at me again with some sadness. "Though that means you're not going to availible either. Such a pity." I started waving my forehooves in the air.

"Okay TMI has just been reach! Anymore and I'll take my chances with Twilight and the others."

"Fine", Cadance said with a sigh. "Take all the fun I was having."

"So this was all a prank?"

"Nope I was serious about what I said but your reactions made it fun." She glowered at the Love Princess.

"I thought trolling was Celestia's thing?" She asked.

"Well Aunt Tia did raise me most of my life. Some things are bound to rub off." Cadance responded slyly and She facehoofed for not figuring that out earlier.

"I'll get revenge later. I need my sleep." With that she climbed into her bag and prepared for dream realm. She did note a chuckle from Cadance as the pink mare climbed into her own bed.

'Mares.' She thought and embraced darkness.

* * * * *

Selene was leaning against a table with a cup in her magic as she observed the party going on in the castle. She noticed that relations between Shining, Twilight, and Nyx have warmed a bit. The guy must have done something last night to start that healing process. She was glad for it. Siblings shouldn't stay that mad at each other and it seemed that Shining did want to make up for his epic screw up. She did notice he wasn't making much head way with Cadance though. Cold shoulder the entire time.

"Well if it isn't the latest hang on to the Mane 6."

And there goes her good mood. Looking at the source of the voice she said.

"Hello Discord." The Spirit of Chaos look at her with eager eyes.

"What a source of potential chaos you are Selene Light. Or shall I call you Nightmare Moon?"

"This is why I have been trying to avoid you. Also it's SELENE LIGHT, like Nyx I have chosen who I want to be and Nightmare Moon is not it."

"Avoid little old me? Why I'm hurt Moonie."

"Because I respect your ability to figure stuff out. I'm already lucky that Pinkie hasn't figured it out. Fore warning I know where you live and could off something similar to Tia's cakes to you."

"That was YOU!" Discord guffawed for a full minute. "The chaos of that prank was so enjoyable. If i wasn't stoned then I would have clapped. Just for that stunt I will keep your secret for however long it lasts." She was about ask for clarification when Discord continued. "Well I'm off to check out your minime, ta-ta!" And with a flash he was gone. She was motionless for a second or two before she grumbled.

"Darn Q wanna be." She took a last sip of her drink and went to go look for eggnog. She needed comfort food right now.

After having some eggnog to cheer herself up she saw an interesting sight. After a surprsingly girlish scream from Rainbow Dash followed Discord cackling and she saw the sight of Rainbow in Pinkie's colors while Pinkie was in Rainbow's colors.

"Get back here and change us back!" Rainbow demanded.

"Now, Rainbow Dash, why would I do that? Pinkie Pie sure seems to be enjoying herself, aren't you Pinkie Pie?" Discord retorted and asked Pinkie.

"You bet! Look at my mane! It's like Rainbow Cotton Candy!" Pinkie responded. Selene stared at the scene before she burst out laughing and fell onto her back.

'WHAT A PRANK!' she manage to think through the laughter. Oh she needed that.

* * * * *

It had become night again and after that epic prank by Discord they had one more major event. The CMC tried to help heal the rift between Cadance and Shining but their planned backfired. Who knew that Cadance, the Alicorn of Love was allergic to mistletoe? There is irony in there somewhere. Then add to it it turns out Cadance was pregnant.

'Hey Flurry Heart, your early. Guess Cadance and Shining had a vigorous reunion after Nightmare Nyx.'

Cadance stayed in the hospital with Shining serving her every need which seemed to warm the mare to him again. Now everypony was in the Sparkle living room including Cadance. Pony healing magic was awesome at times. Before I digress further it's time for the presents and since this is nyx's first ever Hearts Warming she gets to go first. By luck she chose Selene's gift to the filly. Nyx tears into it like any child Selene ever saw at Christmas and Hearts Warming. It was bittersweet for her. It reminded her of the few Christmas' she had with her parents but also the Heart's Warming she has had with her friends and new family. Nyx's eyes went wide at the sight of her gift. Her gift was a life sized plush of Twilight.

"How?" Nyx asked.

"Found it in your old room in that castle and I figured it must mean something to you so I fixed it up. You like?" Nyx responded by running over to Selene and hugged the mare. It brought a smile to her lips and she heard aaahhhs. From there the presnets were all being opened. Twilight got Selene a book.

'Sigh, somethings never change.' She then picked a gift that was from Rarity and she opened it up. Inside was a crystal statue in the turquoise and purple of her current disguise and in the shape of her fake cutie mark. She put a hoof to it and relived a memory.

* * * * *

50_years ago_

"MERRY CHRISTAMS EVERYPONY!" Selene cheered as she entered the map/throne room in full Santa regalia.

"AAAAAHHH!" Rarity screamed before fainting. Selene looked deadpanned at the marshmellow mare.

"Really?" Applejack worked to wake Rarity up. Twilight meanwhile asked a good question.

"What was that Selene?"

"The traditional greeting for this time of year back home. Surprisingly both my old world and this one have holidays at roughly the same time. So I'm bring a little of my old home to my new one."

"That sounds wonderful Selene." Fluttershy said in her meek voice. So after awaking Rarity they sang sounds from both Equestria and Earth. Had a hearty meal before the presents were given around.

When it became time for Selene to open a present from Rarity she fear it was a dress. That mare and her dresses, she didn't know sometimes. However opening it up with her mane she discovered it was a statue. It was made I the form of her new body and maybe made of obsidian or just painted black and purple. The mane had little stones the twinkled in light and on the stand for the statue it said 'TOM'. She showed it to her new friends and all but Rarity suddenly burst out in laughter while Rarity tried to hide a smile. Confused she asked.

"Okay what's going on?" Suppressing her laughter Applejack was the first to answer.

"Well sugarcube, when Discord first escape he darn messed with our minds and made us the opposite of our element. So with Rarity he convinced her a large bolder was a diamond and she called it Tom." That started Applejack laughing again. Selene herself hung her jaw as she processed the story and the gift. When she could process it she looked to Rarity.

"I never suspected such a move from you Rarity. Well done."

"I couldn't resist darling but if you are unhappy with it I can take you to buy whatever you want." Selene waved that away.

"No Rares, I love it. Thank you." She then used her wing to hug the smaller mare.

* * * * *


Selene was interrupted from her memories by Rarity's voice.

"Selene, Selene darling are you all right?" Selene blinked a couple of times and put a hoof to to her face as she felt wet up there and when she brought her hoof back to see a bit of a tear. "Do you not like the gift Selene?" Rarity asked worriedly. Selene responded by using her magic to bring the mare close and put a hoof around Rarity's neck.

"It's perfect Rarity. I reminded me of a gift an old friend gave me so these are tears of happiness. Thank you Rarity."

"You're welcome darling. Tell me about this friend of yours?" Selene looked at rarity then she looked around and everypony seemed to be interested in what she said. She took a deep breath and began.

"Well she's a mare much like you Rarity, into fashion and has a gift for making anything beautiful. Though he butted heads when she wanted to make me something like a dress. And before you ask where she is she is just currently out of reach but I do hope to see her again at some point. Being with you girls help fills the hole so thank you all." With that she became the center of a hug attack and she really felt at home in the middle of it.

* * * * *

Celestia watched as Twilight and her friends boarded the train taking them back to Ponyville. Shining and Cadance left earlier and they seemed to have made up. This was good, the family has been divided enough the past thousand years and didn't need any more. She was also glad that Spell Nexus was returning to his work rather then try to break into prison again. Despite the hardships over the pass few days thing were being set right. She noticed her sister approaching her.

"Ah sister, come to see them off?"

"I could sister but something else was on my mind." She looked closer and Luna did have a concerned look on her face.

"What is it Luna?"

"When I tried to find Nyx via her dream I got sucked into her view of things."

"Yes a shame that didn't work but at least Shining did and that seemed to heal the rift between them."

"Indeed however while I was trapped I sensed another in there with me and Nyx." This got Celestia's attention.

"That does not make sense. Dreams are your domain with Nyx being a very special case."

"You would think so sister. True as much as Nyx has become her own mare she and I are still bond to each other. A condition that will likely last an eternity. She and I should be the only ones who can do this yet I did sense a third if only for an instant."

"We must search out for this third being. If it was trying to enter Nyx's dream it could have well have tried to make her Nightmare Moon again. That filly has suffered enough for both of our sins." Luna nodded her agreement and both alicorns waved at the departing train worried for the future of a young filly.