The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Nine

"the war _is_ about to end, but nobody will be coming back here to rescue you. that's because, soon, there won't be anyone left to rescue you." he paused, and then chuckled.

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North and South Chapter 13: A Lead

The zoroark remarked before turning heading below decks to check on their rescue pup.

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Over in that Meadow ( chapter 1, New Friends and Lion Eyes)

She wished for someone to rescue her, rescue her from this lonely life of her's. " ahhh." she lets out a breath of frustration. "_i've been walking forever! when will this end?"_ the wiger thought to herself.

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While largely honorary in nature, they do function as a rescue squad in their day job as the very bottom of ravine is too hot for anyone to survive for longer than 10 minutes.

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Chapter 2 - Hero

It's not every day that we actually rescue someone. it seems like lately it's a lot more 'recovery' than 'rescue'." "so, now you're taking care of the 'damsel in distress.' that it?" harley chuckled. "i guess you could say that.

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Forge of Heroes - Mania

"but this seems like an awful lot of work to rescue two kids." "we're not," k'eyush replied, a large grin on his face. "we're rescuing _all_ of them." he paused. "except chach."

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Arc 1 - Ephraim - 5: The New Life

Stammering and not really sure how to answer, he was rescued as the twins swooped in and snagged him away to the front of the line. "behave you three, no trying to influence him!"

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Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can

Suddenly the idea of her having been rescued solidified into reality -- miyatsu must have notified sakaki, and his contacts had found her!

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Warm Up - 2

So a white dragon rescues a cat and becomes a town mascot?" "have you not seen him?" mason entered the town proper. "look around, or search up neroser the dragon."

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Day 44 4:23PM 1/6/2023-Chapter 15-Rescue?

rescue!?! i looked inside the truck, raf was seeing it too, i could tell from the way he was trying to sit up. i flung open the door of the chevy. "cameron", raf said, "do you see those?" "i do", i replied. "is it rescue?"

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Maiden Fair

There were a few hedge witches, but rosalind could hardly imagine needing to be rescued from a harmless old wise woman. there weren't any trolls either, or goblins.

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Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 1

Our mission was to rescue our friend vance the tiger from the crocodile's lair deep in the rain forest after he was captured trying to help us uncover the secret to finding feral force's base of operations.

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